
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What You Have Been Waiting For!

And so it begins again. Lambing. 

For all of you who have followed our farm for years, yes, they are later than normal. It was planned. We put the rams in with the ewes about a month later than normal to avoid the cold. Of course now it is very cold but not below zero. Today we are expecting snow but it doesn't sound like too much. Hopefully. 

We have 19 lambs so far. Way more to come. It's going to be busy at the barns. 

Thanks to all who entered the Kaffe Fassett Coloring Book Contest. I've alerted the winner Pam H. Seems like there is a whole bunch of interest in this trend. Wish I could have procured books for you all. Have a good week everyone. 


  1. Wow, 19 lambs!!!! You are definitely going to be very busy. Love those pictures. They all look so sweet and cute!!!

  2. My dd is taking AG Science this year. They have sheep and they have started lambing. They lost one the other day, there was something wrong with it, and my daughter nearly cried. They are so sweet!

  3. They are such precious little lambs! I love the pictures!

  4. So. Is it something in the FEED, or have all of your SHEEP just been GENETICALLY BRED to be CAMERA-READY so that THEY're *NATURALLY* able to "STRIKE-THE-POSE" only moments after BIRTH..??!

    Anyhoo, today's my B-Day... I think I'd rather see those guys on my front lawn instead of Flamingos! However, it's colder up here this week and the snow is still way too high for "babies"... In which case, I suppose I'll just have to make do and "fake"-it with dressing up the local SQUIRRELS in little woolly jumpers!

    Whatever, GOOD LUCK with it ALL! Hope you *don't* end up getting MY "age"-worth today or you'll be SWAMPED!!


  5. Oh what happy times, glad things are going well so far, love the pictures.

  6. Love the lambs pictures.....more farm stories


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Have a great day,