
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

More Cute Lamb Pics

It's not that I haven't thought about blogging during lambing season. There just hasn't been time to post photos. I have a backlog of cute lamb photos so today I will share some of them. 

I hear from many people who like to paint and draw from the lamb photos so it is important for me to keep supplying the artists with new material to continue to inspire! Once in a while, someone will send me a photo of their work and I really enjoy seeing it. 

I love that the lamb's faces look so different depending on the breed. Their body shapes are also different. This is all a result of breeding. We used four different rams last breeding season (two Dorsets, a Texel, and a Polypay) so all the lambs resemble partly their mamas and partly the rams. These lambs are different ages too. They change so quickly in looks - from bodies on spindly little legs to larger more muscular frames. It is pretty amazing how fast they grow. 

The snow from the blizzard last week is melting fast although it is only going to be 8 degrees tonight so everything will stay frozen. 

I totally forgot that Monday was the first day of Spring so here is a late message to wish you all a Happy Spring! 


  1. Cute photos of the lambs! It is interesting to learn that there are different kinds of rams which give the lambs different appearances. Happy Spring!

  2. They do have one thing in common... The "Strike-the-Pose"-GENE!

    Anyhoo, hope it doesn't get too chilly today for you all. Was in the -20F range here last night [the cold front literally *howled* through!] and earlier in the day [Wed]. But, it's supposed to warm up AGAIN over the weekend... With any luck [haha], I might just see the EDGE of my lawn!


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Have a great day,