
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Holiday Good Wishes 2017.....

.... from our farmhouse to yours. Here's to the important things - spending time with family and friends, enjoying a good meal, and cookies and sweets. May you be warm and cosy and safe. 

I wish you the best and thank you all for your support, friendship, encouragement, and kind words. May the coming year bring you creativity, health and happiness. 



  1. Thank you, Kristin. All the best to you and yours, as well. Slid our way (slippery highway) down to son's house in CT yesterday for his first time hosting the family Christmas party. Two new babies in the mix as well as 4 and 9 year old grandsons and nephew's two kids. They effectively trashed the house! Was fun to watch from the perspective of "the elder grandmother"! I had knitted and crocheted hats, ear warmers, and neck warmers for the daughters in law which the sons promptly modeled and made fun of! Let's see who gets the last laugh when it's minus 20 degrees out! Finished a baby blanket for one of the babes too! Now on to enjoying some quiet crafting this winter! Peace and love to you! Cheryl

  2. All is calm all is bright........Enjoy these wonderful moments!

  3. Your picture is lovely...just like a Christmas card. Merry Christmas to you and yours

  4. XO to you and yours and hope you have SNOW!

  5. Happy Christmas to you all, Kristin - with love from Winchester, UK - Adaliza & the collies Belle & Misty xxx

  6. Merry Christmas to you all, and here's to the best New Year!

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thank you for sharing your life in your blog - all the pictures, stories of family life and gardening/farming, sheep raising, recipes, crafting, embroidery, pottery making and painting, and knitting! Fun to read about and know and truly inspiring as well. May 2018 be a blessed year for you. :)


  8. Enjoy the rest of the holidays! Stay warm and cosy and enjoy those sweet things!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,