
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I never met a green I didn’t like

At this time of year, spring brings the colors I have been craving all winter. I use IPhoto for my photo (dis)organization. All my photos go in by date and when I want to add more, my IMac magically downloads them into the library folder. I often have to search through the library for old photos for a post – something I never got to use on the blog because the opportunity to write about it never arose. Let’s just say it was pretty neutral for quite a few months – lots of cream and brown sheep, beige hay, a brown weather-beaten, manure stained Carhart jacket on The Farmer and a few photos of Julia in her colorful pink coats and mommy-designed sweaters.

If you had ever worked with me, you would know that green is my very favorite color in the world. I can babble on and on about the virtues of green - how it lush, spooky, dreamy, full, moody, cheerful, bountiful, eye-catching, silent...... How green makes the color orange pop. How incredible wild violet blooms look against their heart shaped leaves. How chartreuse is a green that will make almost any color in the world look better. (I've been known to say to many a knitter in a class or yarn store "Why don't you just add a little of this chartreuse there - it will make the whole design pop!")

As you can imagine, I am in pure nirvana here at the farm. Green is literally happening all around me. It is just amazing. Gone are the tans, the greys, the whites. Green is where it is at.

One of my favorite days of the year is when the maple trees outside the kitchen window start unfolding their beautiful pointy shaped leaves. For one single day, they are the meltingly beautiful lime green of spring. It doesn't last long - they start darkening and aging and becoming their regular leafy color. But it happened last week! Today the bugs will start hatching and the leaves will become caterpillar food. Holes will be pierced and the life cycle will continue.

But for today... thank you Spring for making my green dreams come true! As the season fades and summer and fall moves in, the shades of green will become deeper, mellower, and and then fade. I'll still love it.

P.S. The yarn in the green, green grass is of course Julia Wool/Mohair/Alpaca - available at a yarn store near you!


  1. Oh, how I wish you could send some of those delicate, vivid green spring leaves down here to Southern California. Not that it isn't beautiful here - it's just so different from the soft light and dappled greens of your north-eastern corner.
    Ever thought about zooming over this way for a weekend course or classes?

  2. I am with you on green. I always grow Lady's Mantle in my garden, as the frothy chartreuse blooms look great with all the colours in my garden and they are a flower arrangers delight!

  3. Green is my favourite as well. It's such a fresh colour.

  4. Another Chartreuse fanatic? I love it too. My entire house is carpeted in Billiards Green, although the installers called it The Putting Green House. Violet and Chartreuse are my two favorite colors together, need to wear more of it.

  5. I love early green, too, Kristin--and evidently so did Robert Frost. Treat yourself to his little poem, "Nothing gold can stay" which begins,
    "Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold..."

    I love your blog and don't think I ever posted to say so.

    Marie in the Berkshires, also mom to a Julia

  6. My mother always used to say that she loved every colour - as long as it was green!

  7. You're not alone. I love green. It's very refreshing to the eyes.


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Have a great day,