
Thursday, May 17, 2007

So you want to be an author?

For anyone with dreams of writing a book, read this from the NY Times last Sunday, May 13th. And after you read it, know that writing a knitting book will not, I repeat, will not, make you rich with a large advance.

Bubbles burst - I know. But I'm still trying despite the meager income (or lack there of).

p.s. The link will expire in 30 days from publication so read this quickly. It is extremely interesting.

p.p.s. Buying a book direct from me - autographed - will keep the fires burning here on the farm along with the animals and people fed. I'll be offering Kristin Knits to you, my loyal blog readers, along with a free something Amazon will never give you sometime closer to publication in August. If you believe in supporting the little guy, perhaps you'll support me. And by all means, buy the book from your local yarn store to support them too! It is a totally difficult way to make a living - both writing and yarn store-ing. Thanks from all of us.


  1. Kristen, count me in for a book. Please remember to charge for mailing--and how do you want the money. Money order? I know PayPal takes a percentage of your sale. I'd rather give it to you directly.

    Also at Stitches East be sure to do a book signing. If you are traveling down, you could stop at a yarnstore to do signings there. Also have the trunk show follow you. That way people can see up front all the things in the book. Ask stores to carry kits or your yarn for the special event. Maybe even have a color class...there are lots of ways to go on this. I believe that the new crop of knitters not only loves color but innovative designs.

    Patty Bolgiano

  2. Kristin,
    I'll totally be buying mine from you!! Send the details and I'll send the dollars;)


  3. Kristin, I really like the cover of the book. It is so colourful and you look thoughtful and lovely in your photograph. Wishing you luck at the "publishing casino"!

  4. Kristin, I'll take two! One for me and one for gifting. Yes, let us know how to purchase directly.

    Why don't you do a book signing on the West Coast? Julia would love a visit to California.

  5. count me in as well. i've already pre-ordered at amazon but i can always cancel that.

  6. Please count me in. My LYS is small and they carry very few books, but it is not the books I go there for, it is the service and encouragement! I will buy direct from you, please!

  7. I'll definitely order one from you directly. Can't wait to see the book! I'll probably go ahead and order the colorful stitchery book at the same time.

  8. I get a little tingly just thinking about it, I'm all in! Kristin, your color sense is so inspirational, all the knitting, stiching, even the photos of your home are creative food.! I have no doubt that writing any kind of book is hard. No rose colored glasses here.

  9. i'll buy from you too :) just let me know how much postage to australia and how you would like me to pay (paypal is fine)

    interesting article too - i had no idea that publishing was such a parlous industry.

    btw do you know if anyone imports julia yarn in australia?



  10. Yes, I ditto....I would love to buy it from you on the farm!


    Whenever we rode over in that direction we saw her out among her cattle, bareheaded and barefooted, scantily dressed in tattered clothing, always knitting as she watched her herd." MY ANTONIA BY

  11. I know -- you are going to give everyone kittens!!!! with a copy of the book!

    (just kidding -- I know this doesn't make sense logistically - and maybe otherwise, too.)

    Just the beginning of a silly Friday morning in yarn land.


  12. I will definitely get it from you. So looking forward to it! And thanks for the link to the articles, both are fascinating.

  13. Yes Yes! I need to have a full set of officially signed Kristin books - I'll work on the backlog later :)

    Do you accept Paypal - cuz my Etsy shop is pouring $$ into my PP account and I need lots of places to spend it! Congrats and I can't wait to see it!!

  14. I work in publishing (I actually write for Publishers Weekly) and all of this is true. But it's still cool to write a book. Congrats.

  15. Kristin,
    Count me in too for a book, I have all your other books.

  16. Yes, please- I would like to buy a book from you. I have long admired your designs-so please, count me in! (You do send to Canadians, right?) Let me know how much and where and when.

  17. Yes, please! I'd much rather buy the book directly than from the big box. I'll send $$ once I know the details. Thanks!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,