
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Knock, Knock, Knock

Not many people come to my door. When they do, they are either 1) expected; 2) delivering a package and really wondering if they will find the place; or 3) lost. With my guinea hen alarm system and no doorbell in sight, a loud shout and bang on the door will usually get me to answer. It’s like that around here – that’s why most folks call before coming to our door to find not a soul at home.

Yesterday, I found our young neighbor Tom at my door. He told me he had something for me, something I have been thinking about getting but hadn't gotten to purchasing yet.

Tom works at the local livestock auction and he has been watching out for me but this year, for some reason, piglets have been in short supply. He jumped on the chance Tuesday to grab these (literally) for me. He sure is quick at reaching in, grabbing a leg and depositing a cute little piglet into our pig palace.

This morning they escaped and I still haven't gotten them in. It seems that one woman and two dogs can't gather three piglets. I'll have to call in reinforcements tonight and hope we can contain them.

We haven't named them yet. Right now they are 65, 66, and 67 and they are all females. Any ideas? And yes, they will be someone's dinner.


  1. "And yes, they will be someone's dinner."

    then may i suggest Bacon, Ham, and Sausage? ;)

  2. Rashers, Links and Chops? Or is that too cynical? Maybe it should be Olivia, Petunia and Babe after famous fictional pigs.

  3. Linda hahahaaha Great idea... but i think keeping it with 65,66 and 67 appropriate... or ennie minee and Mo?

  4. How about Anne, Charlotte and Emily after the Bronte sisters. I remember chasing piglets in a mini skirt and go-go boots when I was about 11 or 12. Rather funny looking with little success.

  5. How about Winken, Blinken and Nod?
    - Tina B

  6. The dogs are thinking they are funny looking sheep! Are pigs more stubborn or lower on the intelligence scale than sheep?

  7. peg-woolinmysoup:more stubborn, way higher on intelligence-LOL
    And chasing/gathering pigs is not an easy task...
    Names: Miss Piggy!

  8. ok, Poppy, Zinnia, and Daisy? flower names are piggish. ? ha

  9. Patricia (Patty for short, as in Pork Patty), Petunia (Petty for short), and Porcelain (Porce with a hard c for short).

  10. First Little Pig
    Second Little Pig
    Third Little Pig
    Is there a Big Bad Wolf?

  11. Oh, dear, poor dogs! Borders trying to herd pigs. I'd be afraid the dogs would have nervous breakdowns. :D

  12. we had some just like them. We named ours Piggy , Iggy and Squiggy.
    they too made great ham dinners. MMMM
    a farmgal in MA

  13. oh my goodness, they are cute. My first thought was Eva, Zsa Zsa, and Magda. Why I think of naming pigs after the Gabor sisters, I know not!

  14. How about Bobbie, Cathy and Ruthie?
    He he he! Just kidding.
    Rose Pink, Pearl Pink and Petal Pink. These are good girl pip names.

  15. Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod :)

  16. Whatever you end up calling them, they are the Cutest Pigs Ever. You really are a bad influence on me. First, you had me considering chicks with pompadours, now it's pigs. My husband has come to fear your blog. :-)

  17. they are so cute! and piglet has to be one of the cutest words in the english language...

    i haven't checked your blog for a while- it's nice to see your farm photos, as usual!


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