
Friday, June 29, 2007

Hazy, Hot, and Motionless

Oh, I really hate this weather. We are all wiped. Give me winter and a wool sweater anyday. I had to give up gardening because I thought I was going to pass out. Growing up, we had a pool and so I have been spoiled for life. Thank goodness for fans and river streams.

The cats know what they are doing though. They just lay there as still as possible knowing that the more they move, the more uncomfortable they will become.

It won't stay like this forever, that I know.


  1. I so feel your pain. However...I'm in northern Michigan and I woke up to 43F this morning. It's supposed to be 72/45% and sunny. It's heading your way. Gardening may resume.

  2. I LOVE the cold weather, too. We are here in sunny California, summer lasts till late October. I love wearing wool; foggy cold rainy weather. Wrong place to live, I guess :)

  3. I'm not a cat lover but the photos you take of them make we want one!

    Stay coooool


  4. I hear you. I am not a big fan of heat and humidity either. Cats are masters of comfort, aren't they?

  5. The cat-as-temperature-gauge is an excellent product!

  6. We are, hopefully, finished with a cool wet spell, but it rarely gets so warm that cats simply 'flop' and stop moving! Of course, living next to the ocean makes for cooler evenings and that is wonderful! You may not need a sweater during the day, but late evening is always perfect for a sweater or shawl!

  7. I, too, really hate the heat. It's seriously messing with the knitting mojo. Bring me winter weather ANY day!

    Your kitten is adorable, and certainly has the right idea.

  8. Air conditioning-
    Comfort appliance aim to provide an indoor environment that remains relatively constant in a range preferred by humans despite changes in external weather conditions.

  9. I always complain about being in the Humidity Capital of the World, but at least the weather here demands AC about half of the year. So we have a respite from the heat. Now to get a pool in my backyard so we really have a respite from the heat! I love seeing the kitten/cat pictures. They are just the cutest!

  10. Imagine walking around in that fur coat! We have just had a couple of days break in the ghastly hot, humid stuff and it is great to have the windows open again. That is what summer should be for, right?


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Have a great day,