
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What I missed...... and didn't

I missed the two big trade shows I should be concerned about this weekend. BEA (Book Expo) was in NYC at the Javits Center, and although I was not officially invited, I could have gotten in and it would have been interesting. I've always wanted to go but never have.

The second, and the one I am most familiar with, was TNNA – The National Needlework Association in Indianoplis. It was the big Fall Trade show and for almost twenty years, I went to it, set up the booth, sold the yarn, schmoozed as best I could, and broke down the booth and flew home. I thought about going this year, but decided it wasn’t really worth it financially (cost of going vs. income from being there) and besides I had a lot of stuff to do that seems more important. Going away for three days always sets me back a week.

The biggest disappointment in not going to TNNA was missing the cocktail party that Vogue Knitting was throwing for their 25th anniversary. It’s hard to believe it is 25 years since VK made its most recent appearance. (Back in the early part of the 1900's, Vogue Knitting was a very important part of the yarn industry.) When I was in the the trade, I anxiously awaited seeing the photo of our editorial project using our yarns. A good editorial could make or break your season, hard to believe now. There was always wrangling for position, wining and dining and then some whining with the editors about who got the best editorial of the season and why it wasn't our company. All the stuff, as a knitter, you would never think of. Believe me, it was, and still is, rampant. I just don’t get involved. Give me a chance to show my designing stuff on those pages and I am happy.

This said, I was really thrilled to pick up this book Vogue Knitting: 25 Years of Articles, Techniques, and Expert Advice. What I have always treasured about Vogue Knitting is the quality of the articles, the interviews with knitters I'd like to know and the writing about knitting techniques. As a designer and a past student of anthropology and history, I like to find out information from behind the scenes – what makes people tick… how old traditions began…. On an on. Just give me a good history, human interest, or technique article about knitting and I’m a happy girl. That must be why the stack of magazines persists on my book shelves – I think I have every “new” issue.

But now, I’ve got “the best of” book of techinques and articles. Thanks girls – love it. And of course, I am also glad to be included in the interview pages with lots of women (and a few men) I respect including Deborah Newton, Elizabeth Zimmerman, Norah Gaughan, the list goes on and on....

Here’s to 25 more wonderful, knitterly, stylish, Vogue-ish years.


  1. Kristin, you must be working too hard, because I believe you also missed Tuesday, the 5th. Still enjoying your blog! =:)

  2. Hello Kristin -

    I did attend BEA - and I saw your new book! - or rather the cover with a blank book - it was beautiful and I am looking forward to it publication -

    thank you for writing your blog - I love the photos - especially the sheep -


  3. One of the best things about Vogue Knitting in the nineties were the back covers with your awesome designs for Classic Elite! I especially loved the "international series". It's just not the same anymore. :)

  4. Kristin, you deserve to be included in that lexicon. Your design and color sense alone is so good. I know, though that what we think of as a 'quaint' hobby, is really a cut-throat business. I've worked in retail before, and the eyes are opened to the melee behind the scenes! Anxiously awaiting your new book, and keeping busy painting my walls grass green..cheerio!

  5. I love reading about the human back story too. This looks like a book I'll have to pick up :)

  6. i love BEA. But I only go when it's here in Chicago. A little overwhelming, actually. No way you can see even most of it in a day. Good luck with the final edits of your book!

  7. I went to TNNA. I did enjoy it and I did meet a lot of folks which was why I went. I'm not sure yet if that was the right choice. It cost money, time and energy, and that was my fourth trip out of state since mid-April. All good trips, but I'm tired and my house misses me.

    It gives me a sense of freedom to know that you made the choice you did. I almost did not go and changed my mind the last day or so. It is good to know we have choices.

    I think this is my first comment, though I have been reading many months. Thanks for the color inspiration, above all.

  8. I was at BEA, and saw some sample color pages from your forthcoming book -- very much looking forward to seeing the real thing! I was amused to see that there was a panel on the popularity of knitting books -- proof that the rest of the world is catching up, or at least taking notice =)


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,