
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Columbus was Hot!

I am back from TNNA in Columbus. What a whirlwind. I set up my little booth all day on Friday and got it looking ship-shape. Here's what it looked like before it started getting picked apart by sales presentations.

It was fun to be back on the trade show floor. I didn't get to leave my booth and look around for fear that I would miss a possible contact or customer except for two really quick lunches. On Saturday, I taped a t.v. segment for Knitting Daily which will air in the upcoming year. It was very nice to see many of the good friends I have made from around the world during the 24 years I've been in this business.

The two days I spent in my little booth were very gratifying. I met so many shopowners that loved my new book Kristin Knits. They had all done very well with it and were contemplating ordering or did order my Julia yarn from Nashua. Hearing this from yarn storeowners made the show and trip very worthwhile for me. Toiling away in my little basement studio without a lot of human contact makes me a bit odd.....

It was also really great fun to see so many faces that are attached to the internet world. Here are just a few new and old friends I got to share some words and laughs with: Robyn, Drew, Drew, Maggie, Amy, Jillian, Carol, Franklin, Marly, Kim, and Annie. I only wish I met more since I know they were there.

But honestly, the best part of the few days was meeting all the owners and employees of the local yarn shops throughout the USA and Canada who ventured to the market. Owners of Local Yarn Shops are the hardest working people in this industry. They have to do it all - from hiring and firing, receiving yarn, paying bills, emptying the trash, cleaning the bathroom, organizing class schedules, teaching classes, making bank deposits..... The list goes on and on for these totally unsung heroes of the yarn world. TNNA trade shows are the perfect opportunity for these women (and a few men) to make friends with fellow LYS-owners throughout the continent, swap ideas, learn about what is new. They are such undervalued individuals that it makes my heart hurt.

Next time you go into your LYS, thank them for being there. They don't have to be, you know. And boy, wouldn't you miss them?


  1. I love my LYS!! The four owners are the nicest gals and work very hard to serve their customers. I teach at the shop, too. When my classes and help nights are done, they always take time thank me as I leave. It's amazing to see the shop blossom since the beginning three years ago.
    The owners attend TNNA not just to see what's new, but to take classes to improve their skills and their business. Thank you Cheryl, Carol, Paula, and Roxanne!

  2. What a beautiful booth you had!...the colors just pop out and smile at you. My LYS is about 45 miles away so I can't fathom how devalued they are, all I know is if it were closer I would be there everyday!..they would have to kick me out! lol

  3. Wish I could've made it TNNA this year. I miss seeing everyone. I was in St. Louis teaching over 40 teachers how to knit as an aspect of The Red Thread Project. Not quite the same, but related. I had some of your yarn with me as well as the bag I knit of it. Let's just say that a few more folks will be visiting their LYS to purchase your dreamy yarn! :-) Great shots of your booth!

  4. Meeting you was a highlight of my trip! Your work has always been a favorite of mine and to think that I actually go to "hang out" with you is a true delight!

    Can't wait to chat with you more on the podcast!



Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,