
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Adventures in CandiLand

No, I didn't spell it wrong. Although I spent many hours playing Hasbro's Candyland in my youth, lately I have been involved in a CandiLand of a completely different kind. And it's not at all candy related - it's a world about yarn and knitting and crochet

If you've been reading this blog, you know I was in Detroit a few months back taping two seasons of
Knit and Crochet Today for PBS which will begin airing next fall. This was a great experience for me. I have never been very comfortable with t.v. appearances but after that much time in front of the camera, I've got the fear out of my system. I feel much more at ease.

I'm sure you're wondering how I got involved in the whole t.v. thing. What the heck is a farmgirl doing knitting on PBS? I have my good friend Candi Jensen to thank for it. I met Candi 24 years ago at my first TNNA show in Chicago. I was on my first day on the job at CEY and Candi was the Creative Director at Crystal Palace Yarns. We were both working similar gigs at small yarn companies. She was friendly with Pat Chew and so Candi and I became friends. Through the years, as our careers have changed and morphed, we've remained "yarn and design sisters." She has been so encouraging and supportive of my choices over the years and for that, I am eternally grateful. I am honored to be her friend.

It is through Candi that I became involved in PBS t.v. Candi is the Producer of Knit and Crochet Today and I've been along for the ride. And quite a ride it has been. There's been a lot of trial by fire and acting upon impulse but I appreciate being included.

Here's Candi with Brett Bara (the fabulous new host of K&CT) at The Emmy Awards in Detroit last weekend. The show didn't win their "How-To" category but boy - what an honor to be nominated. They were beat out by ABC News' breast cancer how-to show. What tough competition! Here's a photo of the upcoming cast of Knit and Crochet Today taken at our party at TNNA this past weekend. From left to right, that's Candi Jensen, Brett Bara (Host), Drew Emborsky, Maggie Pace, Robyn Chachula, and me.

Thanks so much Candi, for taking me on my adventure to CandiLand! XO

There's a great interview with Candi over at Yarn Market News. If you like to know the back-story in the yarn world, you'll find her background fascinating. What a talented, fun, and fabulous personality she is.


  1. What a good-looking group!! ;)

  2. There's always laughter and fun in Candiland! I loved getting to spend some time with you this weekend. Hope the yarn sold well, the booth looked amazing!

  3. I just stumbled across your blog this week. My, what an exciting life you life for a farm girl! ;-)

  4. Oh, so exciting...just to be nominated is fantastic. What fun and how wonderful for knitting in general.

    I have to get some of your Julia yarn to use for my book. I think I have the perfect project in mind. I will contact Susan to get my hands on that:) It's been so busy I keep forgetting to get on that.

    Your booth looked so fun, it sounds like you had a successful trip. Yay!
    Take care,

  5. I'm glad you had such a good time. It did sound like a lot of fun. Your picture with the group turned out really nicely. It's really cool that you have such a creative job. :)

  6. Hi,

    Sorry I missed seeing you at TNNA - I came by the Emmy Nomination Celebration with Loring. Candi told me "we lost" and I said "No, you just didn't win - getting nominated is a Big thing!"

    How far we have all come!



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Have a great day,