
Friday, June 13, 2008

That was quick!

When I left for Columbus, my peonies were still in buds. Now, less than a week later – they are sadly almost over. And I missed them. The horribly hot and humid weather must have put them in super fast motion – from buds to faded blooms all in a matter of 6 days. I trimmed back the spent buds and I’m hoping I get a bit longer show.

Oh how I love the frilly, ruffled blooms full of the sweetest fragrance. Until next year. How sad to see you go……


  1. They are the "girls" of the flower world, delicate and blushing. Can you get me a yarn mixed in that color?

  2. I know how you feel. Our peonies did the exact same thing - here one minute, gone the next. We have a few flowers left and a handful of buds. Here's hoping they last longer!

  3. The same thing is happening to me here in Colorado! I just love these flowers! It makes me so sad when they are gone :-(.



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