
Thursday, August 28, 2008

52 Weeks in a Year

We all know this. It’s no mystery. Most times the weeks fly by – I don’t know what I did which day, nor what I ate for a meal, nor if it was cloudy or sunny. But the past couple weeks were different. I tried not to turn my computer on. I tried to spend as much time with Julia as I could doing things we both would find some bit of pleasure in. I didn’t return phone calls. I fell out of the loop…..

Today, I reluctantly will rejoin the loop….

We had a short summer – a quick four weeks without school and appointments. Just what summer should be like for a kid. It was fun if a bit short and without any official vacation away from our farm. The mail and e-mail has piled up. I wonder how I can ever weed through it all.

I often wonder how my mother made it through summer with five little girls – how she stayed sane and herself. Everyday I marvel at the happy life she made for us while sacrificing almost every bit of herself. Her love and the time and encouragement that she gave me has made me the person I am now. And for that I am so thankful and blessed, I know. Thanks Mom.

Julia went back to school today. Before Labor Day. What a horrible thing for a school system to do to a child and a family. I know they have their reasons. I’ve resisted this early school before Labor Day official first day for years – we usually are away. But this year, we didn’t have a good excuse and so there she sits in school.

The lazy hazy days of summer are over and (regrettably) life begins again. Butterflies and knots in the stomach for all of us.


  1. In the UK we go back on Tuesday, we didn't break up until the end of July, it's no wonder that by the end of October staff and kids are desperate for the weeks break we get then!

  2. Isn't she just sweet? What a cutie. Mine are headed back on Weds. and I can't wait. They love school and miss it terribly when it's out!

  3. Good for you, hang on to that summer feeling as long as you can. My grandkids have been back to school for 2 weeks - seems like vacation gets shorter every year. Julia is to cute and so much older looking - they do grow up so fast.

  4. Well, at least the leaves are turning so it LOOKS like it's fall! I agree with you and am glad my girls don't return until Tuesday. What a great back to school photo.

  5. My kids have been back for 2 1/2 weeks already! And fall sports practices started the week before that! Yes, our summer was way too short, too. Love the quiet house to myself, but I would love it even more if we had a full summer without school obligations!
    I take similar pictures every year of the kids on the first day of school....

  6. Good heavens, Kristin, Julia's backpack appears to weigh more she does. When did education get so heavy?

  7. I am glad that you were able to share some special time with your daughter. I currently have one of my grandsons here for the week. School starts next week for him. In the meantime we are staying up late, eating grandmas special popcorn and playing a lot of Xbox games together. This is our favorite thing to do. What a blast. Everything else is on hold this week.

    Take care.

  8. Our kids went back before labor day too. I enjoyed the peace and quiet for the first day or two but now I miss them and our simpler, lazier summer routine. Hope Julia's school year goes well.

  9. I'm so glad to see Julia splashed with color wearing her PINK Crocs! My all time favorite color and shoe! My first born is heading off to Germany for 7 months...her first time flying solo. She'll turn 24 as she flies over Europe. Oh how fast they grow.


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Have a great day,