
Friday, August 29, 2008

My First Zinnias of Summer

Sad to say but I'm just picking my first zinnia bouquet. I've been running around enjoying the end of summer so much that I have barely had a chance to look at the garden and what's growing and blooming. This year, they are thriving with all the water we have had. I love their happy sunny colors.

Have a great Labor Day everyone!


  1. Love the new painted chair cushions in the background. They look perfect behind that happy bouquet.

  2. I love them next to your new garden shed chair cushions! Gorgeous!

  3. So pretty. These are the colors we need in the depth of winter.

  4. beautiful! ifi had a greenhouse i would grow them year around. Our summer has been so strange i do not even remember seing the zinnias yet this year?? sigh, where did summer go?

  5. The zinnia's are beautiful and remind me of MI. Such vibrant colors. Catching up with reading your blog this AM. Saw your mittens in Vogue. What a great issue! Will have to get the issue of Country Home and take a look see at the beautiful sunflowers. I'm with you on school before Labor Day. The kids don't get to enjoy the official last holiday of summer before starting school.

  6. I love zinnias! They are so cheerful and bloom so well on my patio with enough sun. This year I've noticed they attract hummingbirds. (Maybe they always did.)

    -- Grace in MA

  7. Kristin,

    I have always adored zinnias! I try a few every year, but for whatever reason, they go all powdery and die. I guess they are not meant for hot Texas summers! I love your shed.



Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,