
Monday, September 01, 2008

Garden Shed - Part Three

My sprucing up the garden shed project continues. I showed you here how I printed the fabric with kids foam. I've finally gotten to sewing a couple quick seams on each piece of canvas. I didn't do any fancy sewing - I just sewed each side seam, stuffed in the foam and tucked it in all around. I know how to make fitted cushions but because these won't last that long outside, the less labor the better.

I'm basically happy how the fabric came out and looks on the cushions. For a first try, I will even say it was a success. The sunflowers we grow were the inspiration.

The scale of our landscape here is pretty vast and our little shed always looks lost sitting in front of the big hill. Aesthetically, a huge old red barn would look better to my eye. I've become realistic though and know that probably won't happen anyday soon. So we tinker around with the little shed, stuffing it full of gardening tools, hoses, stakes, wagons, outdoor furniture - it's pretty much full to the brim - a disorganized mess and catch-all. But you've got to have a place like that, don't you?

The last thing I want to do is paint the trim on the little window but honestly folks, I don't know when I will ever get to that! The days are getting shorter and shorter and I've got sunflowers to harvest.


  1. That is a great pic! I think the painted window framing would finish it off just right!!! Such a cute little shed =)

  2. Cute! Thanks for the tutorial on how to print the fabric. I'm hoping to use your idea before the end of summer.

  3. I love the way the cushions turned out! Very nice!

  4. looks great, makes me want to paint it. I think a little of your orangey door paint would look great next to the greenish window mullions-I think that's the right word for the window edges?

  5. It is lovely. The color gives your little structure a bigger presence. I've painted fabric before, had forgotten what stamps can do in a hurry.

    I have an out-of-proportion upper window with no trim (a "modern" addition on this old house with otherwise huge wood window frames) and the trim on all the other (wood) windows is lavender.

    I have decided to find lavender fabric and make a curtain to give it more visual clout since the trim is missing, entirely.

    There is a tree in front of it all summer but in the wintertime it seems so out of place! The window is in the attic so its visible only from outside, or I might be tempted to stamp the fabric for my own joy.

    Thanks for the continuing color inspiration.


  6. Great shed - love the colors!! I would say - maybe next year for the window. Those sunflowers won't wait.

  7. One more ~ "I love it" ~ you can never get too many compliments!! That is the sweetest little shed ~ it says 'come sit a while'. Love the article in the magazine too!

  8. What a delightful piece of eye candy that must be from a distance :)

  9. I like it just as it is - all of the colors look great together. It is an adorable shed.


  10. Your shed looks awesome! If you can't be bothered painting the window-frame, or if time is short, why not paint a border around the outside of the whole window - just a broad stripe of colour. Perfect as it is, though!


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Have a great day,