
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Early Morning Pleasantness

I've never been much of a morning person. When I was a kid, I stayed in bed until the last possible moment, hitting the snooze button on the alarm multiple times until it was absolutely necessary to hit the ground running in a fit of panic to get out the door. Times haven't changed much here. At least I discovered french roast coffee.

Once in a while though, I get it in my head to get up really early and see the morning come to life. It almost always has to do with a dash to an early plane or a doctor's appointment in Boston for Julia. And then there's that beautiful early morning light that makes taking photos an incredible pleasure and surprise.

Yesterday morn, I was trying in earnest (for the second early day, mind you) to get some nice photos of my metal chairs with The Blues handpainted fabric under that favorite tree of mine. As with most experiences, there are always some pleasant surprises that I don't expect. Here are mine and I hope you enjoy them on this perfect autumn day in late September.

The dew on the grass in the sheep pasture. You can tell the growing season is almost over by the autumn tones on the blades of grass.

This Moulin Rouge sunflower will be open in a couple days but it sure looked gorgeous in the morning light.

As the sunflowers develop, the blooms become rounder as the seed heads begin to mature. This spider was making his morning rounds and was almost invisible on th dark red flower.

We have kept the two mamas and their twins in the pasture near our house, hoping to keep them safe from the coyotes. The little flock was wondering what I was doing wandering around. They look so bright and white in the morning light.


  1. Your sleeping habits, when young and now, sound much like my own; and yet I do love the delights that morning alone holds. Your pictures are lovely. :-)

  2. You always take the most amazing pictures!

    And by the way, I loved the fabric.


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Have a great day,