
Friday, September 26, 2008

Time, Time, where does it go?

This blog thing sure does eat the time away. Not in a bad way, but it does give me extra pressure to post something on a regular basis so the traffic doesn't die away. Some days, it is the last thing I have time for nor should I be doing. On the other hand, the blog has made me accomplish some things I never would have gotten to while giving me something to write about.

Having a blog has also made me think about doing creative things that I normally wouldn't make time to get done. Since most of the crafty stuff I do comes out at a later date and is not discussable until it is in print, I've had to find other ways to entertain my readers. This summer's garden shed project is one of them. Thank you blogland for making me actually start and finish something!

The colors of our shed were inspired by our sunflower field including the orange door and the printed fabric I talked about here. In July, when I began work on the shed project, I planted a mixed batch of sunflower seeds on the sunny side of the shed. I was just hoping that they would bloom before frost. Well, they did and here they are.

The other thing about the blog is that I've had to learn to be a better photographer. Photography is not something that comes easy to me. I'm still trying to figure out how to work with the light and the subject matter to get a respectable photo. Sometimes I take a whole mess of images and think I have something beautiful. I upload it to my computer and there is nothing but a mess. Then other days, I get lucky and there is a whole batch of bloggable photos.

I've also had to better my eye for styling and framing objects. The really funny thing about the photos on this blog is that in taking the photos, I zero in on a lovely scene and all around me is mass confusion and disarray. But the camera doesn't show you that. You probably think that we live in beautiful scenes all day long. I'm so sorry to let you down but around here it is mass chaos and disaster. That wouldn't be any fun to show on my blog.

So I'll continue with my smoke and mirrors and hopefully keep being able to find time to squeeze this thing in. Having our little animal menagerie around surely does help with the photos too. Thank you Mr. Zoe Sophia for popping into the picture.


  1. Well, you must be doing something right with the pictures. I started reading your blog because I love your knitted designs, but I keep reading it because you talk about so many other things. Your pictures always seem to capture something interesting or educational (I love all the sheep stuff) or beautiful (the recent sunflowers) or peaceful, like your shed in the early morning. Thanks!

  2. Kristin, your blog inspires me to beautify things around my own house and yard. Because of you, I'm planning my own little field of sunflowers next year! My daughter (ten) thought we should plant them in a maze to confuse the deer! Last weekend I painted my front porch, and I still hope to paint my front door a better color, inspired by your shed door!

  3. What a wonderful shot of kitty receiving warmth and quiet joy from that beautiful sunflower. It looks like a mutual admiration society here. Thank you for all the lovely photos you share here. It is always a pleasure for me when I can visit.

  4. Live to the photo with the cat and sunflowers. Her face is priceless. :o)

  5. I think you're an absolutely wonderful photographer! Your artist's eye really shines thru. I read your blog just to be amazed by your photos.

  6. I *always* enjoy your blog and love your pictures. (The last is my favorite for today, naturally!) I've enjoyed seeing your summer projects, the shed and especially the fabric painting and cushions. And we ALL have messes that don't show up in photos!

  7. Thats what I like about picture taking for a blog, you don't see that mess over there or that weed patch there. One part of my life that looks like its uncluttered and perfect - LOL. I hope that trunk show is coming to a shop near me. I love your knitted things.

  8. What is that flower saying to Mr. Zoe Sophia?

  9. I am with you on the chaos outside the photos and the inability to get to personal creative projects. There is always a professional deadline in the way... a high class problem, but the personal projects wait... and wait.

    Love the kitty photo. And your printed fabrics. I once taught stencilling and printing on fabric and walls for JoAnn stores. I must try it again.


  10. I love your photos, and especially the last one. It makes me think we should all spend a bit more time "listening" to nature and the other beautiful things around us.

    Your blog is one of my very favorites. I like the realness of your life. It shines through what you may think of as the smoke and mirrors, Kristin.

    I enjoy taking photos for my blog, and appreciate the way that it has made me take a few moments to really see what is beautiful in my life, despite the worries of these last couple of years, when family members have been very ill and other such things. A visit to your farm does that for me too. Thank you.

    Oh, and in answer to your question about cross-crafting in the blog post above. I do. I make a few dolls now and then. I enjoy making old fashioned holiday things. I recently started trying to work with paper, and I enjoy old fashioned homemaking crafts, like rolling beeswax candles, ect. I can't knit. I tried crocheting, but didn't do very well. I embroider some, and recently tried needle felting with wool. I would like to one day try rug hooking, and perhaps a little bit of needle-punch.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,