
Friday, September 26, 2008

Sit 'N Knit Class and Trunk Show

Sunday I will be at Sit 'N Knit in Bloomfield CT for an all day workshop. There are a few spaces remaining so if you are in the local area and want to take a class, call the wonderful staff at 860-232-9276 and sign yourself up. It looks to be a rainy weekend - wouldn't you rather knit with other knitters than knit inside by yourself?

I'm so pleased to announce that there is a Kristin Knits Trunk Show traveling the USA and Canada for the next year. Right now, the garments are at Sit 'N Knit in Bloomfield until October 13th. Next up is Needlework Unlimited in Minneapolis from October 16 to 27.

Next week, I'll post the complete listing on my sidebar so you can check to see if the garments are coming to a store near you. If you are a store that is expecting the show, the contact for the entire trunk show is Amy Greeman at Storey Publishing. Her telephone number is 413-346-2113 or email amyDOTgreemanATstoreyDOTcom.

I have nothing to do with the intimate workings of the Trunk Show nor does Westminster Fibers (the distributors of Julia Yarn). Please contact Amy at Storey if you need help.

Special thanks to the wonderful Susan Anderson of "Itty Bitty" fame and Jamie, her publicist, at Workman. They both suggested this traveling show and helped Amy with all the organizational guidelines. Thanks to the kind folks at Westminster Fibers and their reps for getting the word out so the stores could sign up!

It's fun to think that all those projects from Kristin Knits will be seen by so many knitters throughout the continent.

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