
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kristin's New Shop

For over a year now, I have been wanting to have a "Shop Page" built for my website. When my website was first planned, I never expected to sell anything on it. My website was just a publicity tool to inform (mostly) knitters of what I did, the books I wrote and the art I was making. That was before the advent of Paypal, down-loadable patterns, this blog, and so much more. Keeping a website fresh is tough to do when you're a one woman show - mine sorely needed an overhaul. It's one of those things there is never time for - or at least I never make time for it.

I'm really happy to say that my birthday made some of it happen. I finally got it together to organize a bunch of new products I've been thinking about for months. I painted the opening icon for my opening page of my website. I wanted something fun and bright which would fit into the total look of my opening page. Here's what I came up with - a virtual shop door with sunflowers planted in front of it.

My fabulous webmaster Lori took all the info I gave her and nicely organized it into an easy to order from page. She added all the "buy it now" buttons and voila - Kristin's Shop. Over the next few weeks, I'll be introducing some new products that are for sale on it. I hope to add more down-loadable patterns as the year progresses.

Here's the link for the new shop! For those of you who prefer to mail a check, I've still got an order form available that you can send to me at my local post office box.

I guess turning 50 makes some funny things happen. Has a birthday ever made you do something?


  1. Oooh! Can you offer us prints or postcards of the first picture in last Thursday's post-- the sunflowers against the cloudy sky? Not that your current selection isn't fine, but that one is my favorite. . .

  2. My 30th birthday I bought my first house. I didn't want an apartment or to have room mates. Just a little something to call home. That home propelled me into the country home I have now.

  3. Oh wow. There is going to be a major falling down. I want all of those post cards! Ack! :)

  4. On my 25th birthday I cut all of my hair off and have been sporting a shorter 'do ever since. On my 30th birthday, I added more holes to my ears. And I'm debating my 35th birthday, contribution to myself. Seriously considering a nose piercing..... birthday is long gone.....

  5. Congratulations on your store! It is lovely!!!

  6. Incredible, what an amazing way to express your opinion…very cool I must say …I think you are right when you say this. Hats off man, what a superlative knowledge you have on this subject…hope to see more work of yours.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,