Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene Visits Western Massachusetts and Vermont

We are fine here at the farm. Didn't lose power but we got lots and lots of rain. Luckily we live on a hill. I honestly feel rather safe and secure in our home. It was built in 1751. I figure it has withstood so much that we can't even imagine. Many of the hilltowns - especially Shelburne Falls and Brattleboro - around us did not fare as well. Here are some amazing links to some videos.

I am worried about Rachel at Knit Or Dye - her business is just up from the flooding shown here on this video. There will be a very long recovery period. Route 91 is still closed three days later.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Christmas In August? Kristin's Brand-New Creative Christmas Stocking Pattern Available by PDF Download

I know it is hard to even think about because we are in the dog days of August but before you know it, the holidays will be rolling around. I've been a busy little bee here and have I got a really fabulous new pattern for you all (if I do say so myself).

I've had the urge to do this Christmas Stocking Pattern for my website for years but just could never quite get to it. This handknitting pattern has been in development for a very long time beginning last December with the knitting of a Kitty Cat Christmas Stocking for Julia. Here's the border of that stocking.

Then I kept knitting and knitting through the month of January. It was cold. I fired up the woodstove, cozied up under an afghan, and watched movie after movie. Knitting, knitting, knitting, while hoping for a really big snowstorm. I had an image in my mind of hanging the stockings in the woods where their colors would look bright and colorful against new fallen snow. Finally, the weatherman ordered up a giant snowstorm and it actually happened! I was ready, thank goodness. Snow fell and I captured the images I wanted.

This image on our woodpile shows the 6 stockings before I embroidered them.

Here are a couple close-ups of the two of the other stockings. One with a Floral Border and Diamond Leg.....

One with a tree border and Circles on the legs.

Not all of the stockings are Fair Isle. There are easier versions for those of you who don't enjoy working with two colors. The Yikes Stripes, Diamonds + Crosses, and Polka Dot Stockings all are made knitting with one color in a round. Embroidery is added later on the two stockings on the right. Note the cute elf toe on the middle stocking.

There are a total of 6 stockings featured in Kristin's Creative Christmas Stocking Pattern and each design can be made in one of four different sizes. The stockings are knit in my Julia Yarn which is a worsted weight smooth yarn composed of wool, mohair and alpaca. Each separate stocking design page in the pattern shows the stocking before and after the embroidery is added. I've packed the pattern with a How-to Knit Fair Isle page and included hints on how you can design your very own Christmas Stocking. I've also included 24 extra charts to help you begin designiing.

If you have been fearful of adding embroidery to your knits, Kristin's Creative Christmas Stocking may be the perfect place to begin. (You can watch my videos too - see my sidebar. They are all available on YouTube also.) For you non-embroiderers, the Yikes Stripes stocking has no embroidery.

Kristin's Creative Christmas Stocking Handknitting Pattern comes only as a PDF Download payabe by Paypal. You will be able to print out as many pages as you want or need. The pattern also looks great on any digital device. Hop on over to my website to find out more about the pattern. (Make sure you hit the refresh button because it has been recently updated.) The pattern is available via my Shop Page here.

If you do not do Paypal, you can still order the pattern via the post office. Use the Printable Order Form on the Shop Page, send me a check, and then I will e-mail you the pattern. Note: You must have a current e-mail address to receive the pattern.

Through Labor Day (September 5th), the pattern is available for $8.00. (School clothes to buy, you know!) After Labor Day, it will be priced at $10.00. Whenever you purchase it, my tech-editor Lori thinks that it is bound to become a classic. Boy, was that nice to hear! I hope you like! And thank you always for your support.

Yarn Shop Owners: Would you like to base a class on this pattern? Contact me and I will be glad to set this up for you.

Friday, August 19, 2011


On Saturday, our niece Aimee gets married under the big tent at the top of the hill on her parent's Sunbrite Farm. The black and white cows will be watching.

Where did the years go?

Added later.... Here they are.... Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cairney. Lovely day, gorgeous weather, fabulous family and friends dancing the night away. Good luck you two! XO

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pickling Season

The other day, Julia and I went over to our friend Kay's kitchen to watch the local Queen of Pickles work her magic. Kay is an amazing cook, baker, gardener and preserver. Unfortunately it was so dark that day that I didn't get any good photos. We're going to try again soon when I have more cukes coming out of the garden and hopefully it will be a sunny day. That day we made a cucumber relish because it is Julia's favorite thing to put on a hamburg. Here's a shot from my iPhone which did turn out okay. I love all the greens! The relish has to sit for two weeks and it is all I can do to not open a jar!

A couple months ago, I did a photo shoot for a local company's website. Real Pickles is owned by our friends Addie Rose Holland and Dan Rosenberg. They produce lacto-fermented pickles, sauerkraut, ginger carrots, Asian style cabbabage,  beets, and many more healthy products which are available throughout the Northeast in food coops and grocery stores (including the mammoth Whole Foods). All of the raw foods are grown on organic farms here in the Pioneer Valley. The photos I did for them can be found on the Recipe Page on their website here

This is my favorite shot of the day - The Peanut Noodle shot featuring their tangy Ginger Carrots. I love how the colors came together - the Ginger Carrots, the turquoise stoneware bowl, the ikat tablecloth, and the faded out chair in the background. 

Here's a close-up showing the Ginger Carrots which add such a great touch to Peanut Noodles. You can find this recipe here on the Real Pickles website. Looks good for dinner tonight! I love peanut noodles, don't you?

If you want to find out more about lacto-fermented foods, read about it on the Real Pickles website. I have also found a vinegar-free lacto-fermented dill pickle recipe I may try if my cucumber harvest goes nutty.  It is from The Affairs of Living blog. Lots of really great recipes. There are amazing health benefits to this kind of food which are such a plus considering they are super tasty too!

Thank you to all of you who nominated my blog for the Country Living Blogger Awards. I'll keep you posted if I hear back from them.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

THIRTEEN! + The Country Living Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards

Summer is ripping along. Things are busy, busy, busy here - as I assume things are at each of your homes. Why is summer so short? One thing is for sure, the fleeting of the season makes me appreciate every beautiful warm and sunny day. It won't be long til the woodstove will be going and we will be making all kinds of efforts to keep warm. 

Julia is done with summer school and we are trying to pack in all our summer activities into one month. Because of her hydrocephalus and the complications that have come with it, she is fortunate to continue working with the many fine educators in our school system through part of the summer. (If you want to learn more about "Julia's Story" you can read this post.) This year she will be moving up to the middle school. She's going from a very small public elementary school (only 55 children) to a regional school of over 500 students. Should be an interesting transition year for all of us.

A couple weeks ago, Julia turned thirteen. It's hard to believe that so many years have passed in such a flash. As each of her birthdays rolls around in July, I can't help but think back to the rocky start we all had. We feel so fortunate that she is doing so well. Julia's birth issues forced me to re-assess the path of my professional life. 

When people ask me for advice on designing knitwear, writing books, starting a small business, going out on their own, I always tell them just to go for it. Some career moves aren't planned, they just happen. Sometimes they work out for the best, sometimes they don't. I never know where each day will lead, nor each project. I think the most important thing in to try to stay somewhat focused with an end goal in mind. If the end goal morphs into something else, that's okay. Life is an organic experience and I try to remain open to its quirks, changes and opportunities. 

My veggie and flower garden is starting to overflow with late summer produce and color. It's a bountiful time of year with so much to tend to in the garden. I get torn between leaving my garden when the harvest is just about to be crazy and visiting relatives and friends in August. Because of Julia's shortened summer schedule, we try to pack as much into four weeks as we can. I hope I have many more summers to be around for the harvest. I know I do not have many more summers to spend hours with Julia. Time with her wins out over making sure the garden is plucked free of fruits and veggies.

Lastly, Country Living Magazine is sponsoring a "Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards" Contest. If you like what you read here and want to nominate "Getting Stitched on the Farm" to be looked at by the panel of judges, go to this link. Deadline for nominations is August 15th. As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my words, look at my photos, taking time out from your busy days. Good weekend everyone! We'll be at the Amherst Farmer's Market on Saturday and I hope to see some of you there.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Summer Lunch

Do you know the girls at The Canal House? Christopher Hirsheimer and Melissa Hamilton are photographers, stylists, cook book authors and generally very talented women. (NYT article here - that's how I found them.) And they have an inspiring blog called "Canal House Cooks Lunch." I get a daily feed by email (sign up on their blog). It's food eye candy for sure but sometimes gives me dinner inspiration as I tend to eat leftover dinner for lunch or something lurking in the fridge that is easy. 

The other day, when I had my camera set up on a tripod for something else, I warmed up some leftover newly dug potatoes and mixed in some of the Mint Pesto (the recipe I featured the other day on our Lamb Chops). I feasted on little orange and purple tomatoes The Farmer brought me from his friends at the Tuesday Noho Market and potatoes and couldn't have been happier or more satisfied. Super simple and really yummy!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Selling Lamb Chops and a Summer Mint Pesto Recipe

Besides my knitting retreats, summer is keeping us plenty busy here at the farm. Gotta make hay and have fun when the sun shines and it's warm in New England. So much to do! I haven't been able to attend as many Farmers Markets as I was in the beginning of the season because of all the cleaning up that needed to be done around our farmhouse. Now that the July weekend is over, I can get back to attending and selling our lamb.

Selling direct to the customer at the Farmers Markets has been really interesting. We get asked all kinds of questions (almost as many as when I teach knitting). Our customers want to know everything about the meat they are buying (how the animals are raised, what they eat, how they are killed). We are happy to share the information because we know that we are raising our animals with care and that even though many of them are going to become meat, that they have lived happy and healthy lives in the outdoors eating grass and moving around freely. 

I think it is great that consumers are interested in the source of their meat and what happens to it. So many people just eat a burger and don't think about the animal who died to become their meat, nor the supply chain that brought the meat to the grocery refrigerator section all neatly wrapped in plastic. To say that whole process is complicated, regulated (as it should be), and mammoth would be an understatement. There are a lot of people living in the U.S. (not to mention the entire world) who just want to eat a burger and not think about it. It is not until recently with the publication of many books (listed below) that regular eaters have started to think about the source of their meat and food.

Books on food and meat I recommend:
Omnivore's Dilemna by Michael Pollan
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
Meat: A Kitchen Education by James Peterson
River Cottage Meat Book by Hugh Fearnley-Whittenstall
Good Meat by Deborah Krasner

The largest obstacle to selling our farm raised lamb is that many, many customers have never cooked nor eaten lamb. They honestly don't know what to do with it. I have realized (after a few years) that developing recipes is the key to easier sales. If a customer walks off with a recipe in their hands, they have the confidence to feel like they haven't wasted their money and that they will be able to properly cook our lamb. Some cuts are easier to sell than others. Like lamb chops. Most people are used to looking at beef steaks on a piece of styrofoam at the store so showing them the lamb chops translates easily in their brain. They can visualize a lamb chop on a plate.

Our lamb chops are tiny - much tinier than a beef steak - and tinier than western raised lamb chops which come from larger meat breeds of sheep. We slaughter our animals at around 100 lbs. From that 100 pound animal, we receive back around 30 pounds of meat. Isn't that astounding? A live lamb doesn't equate into a lot of product, does it? Each lamb gives us 14 rib chops and 14 loin chops. The chops are the most tender section of the lamb. They run along upper back of the animal. It makes sense that this cut of meat would be the most tender - it doesn't do as much work as the shoulders (the part of the animal that pulls the animal up the hills - hence is has the most connective tissue and is tougher), nor the legs. French meat poster available here.

There is a difference in both taste and appearance to the two different chops we sell. Rib chops (also known as "rack of lamb" when served in an entire piece, usually frenched with little poufy things on the ends of the bones) are from the front backbone section of the animal. They have more fat on them which adds to the flavor of the meat. They are longer in length and usually weigh more. The loin chops are from the section of the back of the animal which is closer to the leg - where the animal becomes smaller if you are thinking about your dog or cat. Many of our customers prefer loin chops because they are leaner.

At our house, we like both cuts of chops - loin and rib. Truth is we don't eat too many of them because we need to sell them because they generate the most revenue per pound of meat (just like the cobbler and his kid's shoes). 

How I Cook a Lamb Chop
My preferred method of cooking (when we decide to really treat ourselves) is to grill them simply on the barbeque over very hot heat. It only takes about 2 to 3 minutes per side to obtain a rare to medium rare chop. You have to be very careful or the chops can be overcooked in seconds. We process our chops to be 1 1/4" thick. Obviously, if you buy 2 to 3" chops you will need to cook them longer. You need to use a lot of commonsense when cooking meat - something I find lacking in today's cooks. But I am here to help them get over their fears of cooking lamb, aren't I?

Most of the time, I just spice the chops with salt and pepper. But since I'm now developing recipes to add extra value to our meat, I recently worked up a recipe for Lamb Chops with Mint Pesto that I will share with you here today.

Mint has always been a classic combo with lamb - mostly as mint jelly.  We here at Leyden Glen Farm have a diabetic daughter so sweet things don't usually hit the dinner table. Mint runs rampant in our garden though and I love it as a "spice" to be added to lamb. This recipe is very easy and even if you aren't going to use it on lamb, I have found many ways to use "Mint Pesto" on veggies and in summer salads and in yogurt as a summer spirited dip.

Mint Pesto for Lamb Chops (or whatever!)
1/2 cup mint leaves, freshly plucked from a garden
1/2 cup flat parsley leaves
juice of 1 lemon
1/3 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt

Pluck the mint leaves from the stalks and wash. Spin in a salad spinner to remove all water. Do the same with the parsley. Place the herbs in a food processor (they will fit in a mini one). Chop until fine. Add the juice of the lemon and the salt and whir. Slowly add the olive oil and mix through until the mixture looks saucy. Stick your finger in and taste. Do you want a little more of an oily texture? Add a couple more tablespoons oil and whir. A garlic clove can be added but I prefer mine simpler. I save the garlic for the basil because I think it overwhelms the mint.

That's it. Place it in a lidded jar. It will keep for about a week or you can freeze it for winter. Pull it out and add it to potatoes, pasta to make a quick weeknight salad, add it to yogurt to make a quick dip. Yummy, yummy and really quick! And of course, you can put a dollop on some lamb chops like shown in the photo my photo! To cook the lamb chops, follow the instructions above.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Day Two of July "Getting Stitched on the Farm" Knitting Retreat

When we arrived back from the hayride, we were greeted by a table full of appetizers including a cheese board featuring local western Massachusetts cheeses.

Summer bounty is so colorful and appealing to all the senses.

Here is the table on the porch set for dinner. For dinner we had a grilled boneless leg of lamb marinated in red wine, garlic and balsamic vinegar, freshly dug new potatoes, corn off the cob, and a green salad. For dessert, sinful brownies and five different choices of Bart's Ice Cream (our local fave).

After dinner, everyone left for their respective B&B's and then arrived back early Sunday morning. It was time to cut the steeks on the Sunflower Fair Isle Pillow tops everyone brought with them. Some of the students had done this before, some hadn't. It's always fun to see the fear subside as each knitters cuts their own steek. Here's Ellen sewing hers on my sewing machine.

I used my Iphone to take a quick impromptu video of Ellen cutting her steek! It's fun to listen to everyone's chatter and it is just a little over a minute long. Go Ellen! She had never knit or cut a steek before. She survived!

On Sunday, the students work at their own pace. I leave the topics open and let the students make their own choice as to what they want to learn - edgings, colorwork, learning about color, or just working on their pillow. They knit and knit, laughed and stitched and knit some more. Tracy got so into the embroidery that she worked chain stitch on her shoes!

Here are the 8 x 8" swatches at the end of the weekend. Ann even added a mitered border to hers and is going to sew it into a pillow.

For lunch on Sunday I whipped up a veggie frittata with eggs from my chickens. I love frittatas - so easy to make and delicious.

Here's the class photo less one camera shy student. I love how they are looking down on their work, amazed at what they made.

The next morning, Julia and I met up with everyone at The House on the Hill to deliver some lamb and say "goodbye." Evidently I didn't tire them out enough. They even knit the Sunday night following the retreat. More progress on their pillows. Gorgeous!

What a great group! My family and I loved sharing our farm with them. Here's hoping they return again.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Day One July 30/31 2011 "Get Stitched on the Farm" Class Wrap-Up

 My family and I are recuperating from the dynamic group of six knitters (customers, shopowner, and teacher from Black Sheep Yarns in Cockeysville, Maryland) who spent the weekend here at our farm for the first "Getting Stitched at the Farm" Knitting Retreat of 2011. Whew! What a great bunch of women! Enthusiasm coming out the wazoo, laughter, talent and the ability to give anything a try!

 This group of knitters had pre-arranged with me a year and a half ago to take the entire July 30/31 class. They have been really looking forward to coming to the farm as a special knitting trip along with it being a "knitting and textile vacation." They arrived 2 days early to see the "Valley" including stops at Webs, The Bridge of Flowers, and Historic Deerfield. (You can find all our local sites linked on my class website.) 

After a tour of our home with lots of chatter about decorative painting, color, antiques, pottery, we headed down to the studio to start working. 

Although I have a "schedule" for the weekend, I leave it completely open for the students to shape what I teach. The great thing about having the class here at the farm is that I can pull out all kinds of examples to show and share with everyone. We began with embroidery on knit swatches that everyone brought with them. These women really "got it" and got into it. Here's what they looked like part way through Saturday. 

I couldn't stop them although I did get them to break for a wonderful lunch prepared by my neighbor Debbie. The girls were so into decorating the plain stockinette fabric. I love watching knitters bloom into "embroiderers" - developing confidence to just go crazy with the different very easy stitches I share with them.

This group got so into the embroidery, we spent the entire day learning stitches and decorating their knitted fabric. By the end of the day, they were pooped as was I. There was talk of naps before the hayride. I really don't mind if someone needs a nap and have a cozy nook that is available! But they rallied themselves, we moved to the porch, and waited for the haywagon to arrive. 

The Farmer drove up and we piled onto the haybales. Climbing onto a haywagon isn't the easiest thing to do but we got everyone on and off we went. Julia too!

Up to the top of the hill.....

For the obligatory photo....

Our Border Collies Phoebe and Ness came along...

And did a little impromptu herding of the adult ewes.....


Down the hill over the bouncy road...... (Hipstamatic app via my iphone)

Past a hayfield.....

Down along Glen Road.... (spooky quality via the Hipstamatic App)

More spookiness via the iphone Hipstamatic app. Amazing what a bouncing haywagon can produce on that thing....


Over to "East Hill" to see Mt. Monadnock in the distance and then we headed towards home.... Back to the hayfield....

Past some roadside Queen Anne's Lace

Down the hill towards our farmhouse...

 What a great day!

I'll be back with more from the weekend tomorrow. There's still 4 spots available in the September 9/10 retreat. Come and join the fun. Here's the link for more information about the retreat and how to register here. NOTE: Accommodations are not included but there are all kinds of great B&B's in the area. Find more about them here.

Kristin Is Now Writing Over on Substack

Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...