Thursday, January 31, 2013

Popping In with Lambs and Knitting

Some more lamb photos. Big surprise. Yes, it sure is about the lambs. We are up to 141 lambs now.

The lambs are beginning to run and jump and play!

Love the perky ears

Number 19 Twins growing fast

Number 176 and her twins

I don't know about you but I've been doing a lot of knitting this winter. Most of it is for upcoming Fall 2013 projects so it is hush hush. I know this coming weekend is a big knitting weekend for many of us. Just wanted to take this opportunity to give you a few ideas for PDF instant download patterns which are perfect for Superbowl Knitting and the upcoming Valentine's Day Holiday. All the patterns shown work for my Color By Kristin Wool/Mohair/Alpaca yarn available at many fine knitting stores.

Matt, Bridget and Julia in their Quarters Caps
First up is my popular Quarters Cap. Have you knit it yet? I've knit at least 20 of them. Marlene, one of my customers called knitting the Quarters Cap like eating potato chips - she couldn't knit just one. After the first garter stitch quarter of the cap, the pattern becomes automatic. The pattern is sized for from babies to adults and you'll need a worsted weight yarn. You can order it on my shop page or via Ravelry here for $4.50. Below is my niece Celia wearing one adorned with a pin from my Sunflowers and Zinnias to Knit and Felt Pattern.

Do you have a special Valentine to knit for? How about trying my Heart to Heart Mitten Pattern? The pattern features 2 versions - the single heart version shown below which is sized for from babies to adults. 

The second version is the multi-heart version shown below. Both designs are included on the PDF Instant Download pattern.  It's a bit more intricate and loaded with all kinds of embroidery. Available on my shop page here or via Ravelry here for $6.00.

Hope you all are having a good week. As always, I thank you for reading.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Yesterday's Photos

Today it was too disgusting, muddy, mucky, rainy to bring a camera. Weird weather - warming up but a solid sheet of ice under it all. School was delayed for 2 hours but still the school bus still got stuck. Julia thought it was funny. Not a good day for lambing because the rain is worse than cold for little lambs. Here are some photos from yesterday's events when things were rosy and snowy. Don't you love all the different faces?

Bright perky ears

Comfy on the straw


A stoic, solid gentleman

Mama in waiting


Two big twins - growing into teenagers

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Black Lambs

We've had a run of black lambs being born the past couple days. They are so sweet, not that the white ones aren't - they just look a little different and stand out from the crowd. Most of the black lambs are from black mamas. When we first started our flock 30 years ago, I was into spinning wool and wanted some black fiber. We picked up a little black ram lamb at the livestock auction and named him Sebastian. Then a few years back, we had a black Dorper Ram. That is where the black genes come in. 

We had a snowy day Monday and it is supposed to be messy Tuesday too. Yuck. At least when it is really cold, the ground stays frozen and we don't have to wade around in mud. The Farmer calls it "poor man's cement" and it is so true. I prefer frozen and cold to muddy muck. By the end of the week, it is supposed to be 50 so we will be back to the mud. Best I get photos of lambs before that happens. At least with the black lambs, the mud doesn't show.

I can't believe how fast the lambs grow. After about 3 days, their newborn looks start to change. After 2 weeks, their tails have fallen off.  They start filling out and looking like sheep. They become very athletic.

Someone asked the other day how many lambs we expect. We have about 210 ewes so we are hoping for over 300 lambs. We're at 123 right now so we have a ways to go. There are 5 bottle lambs which means extra work mixing milk, bottle-feeding them. I hope we don't have too many more. 

It's getting a bit crazy at the barns with all the little babies. And the lamb races have started. Maybe I can get a video of it for you all. They are such enthusiastic little animals - running, jumping, flying through the air.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sweet Face

Busy weekend. We are up to 118 lambs. Here's one of a very cute set of twins that look to be part Shetland. Love that fluffy little face.

Good week everyone!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

This is Cute

.... although when there are four now running around the kitchen, they stop being quite so cute. 

There are over 100 lambs now. With that number, stuff happens. The Farmer is doing the best he can but let's say, things are more complicated and stressful during lambing season. I had to do a Farmers Market today so I was no help. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully it will warm up soon.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Inspiration and a New Recipe

I just received the most beautiful book - Mark Hearld: Workbook - about the work of British artist Mark Hearld. I first heard about him via my favorte magazine the British World of Interiors. I think his house may have been featured at one point. 

Lately, I have been hearing a lot about him as he has been designing fabric for St. Jude's in the UK. 

When I saw Mark had a book coming out, I was hoping it would be available in the US. Miraculously it is and I didn't have to pay a zillion dollars for postage. 

Mark's work is a combination of printmaking, collage, lino cutting, lettering and painting. The book details his inspiration and includes photos of work by artists who inspire him. It is a gorgeous book and I can't wait to spend hours and hours with the book. I've been savoring every page. 

You can watch a short film about Mark Hearld here. He illustrated a stunning book for children called Outside Your Window: A First Book of Nature which I gifted to a little friend of ours for Christmas. (It was all I could do but not keep it.)

I am about to embark on a rather huge project of my own which will take up the better part of this year. I am in need of inspiration and this book is helping to inspire me.

I've found some other inspiration in the form of some new podcasts. I can listen to podcasts and when I'm doing mindless knitting, they make good company. This week I have been listening to Good Life Project which I found via Artist Lisa Congdon's blog. Although these are video interviews, there is a feature you can listen if you don't do streaming video (that would be me!). Last week I listened to audio interviews on Smart, Creative Women with Monica Lee. These are really good too! If you like to listen, are interested in art and making and building a business, check them out.

I developed a new recipe for my lamb customers and I thought I would share it here too. It is called Indian Spiced Meatballs with Yogurt Sauce. Very easy and very tasty! If we were going to a Superbowl Party I would take it. We aren't - we are taking care of new lambs! Find the recipe here.

I'll pop in over the weekend with a lamb photo or two. Stop back for your cuteness fix!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sheep at Dusk

Every evening The Farmer and Nessie put the sheep into their respective barns for the evening. 


Closing in the ewes keeps everyone warmer and helps with lamb survival. The ewes aren't able to lamb in a snowbank if they are closed in. This is Nessie's one official duty of the day. During the winter, the dogs aren't able to "work" the sheep. The mamas get all crazy stamping their feet and charging the dogs to protect their babies. 

Just a few weeks ago, our friend Dave Laprade installed lights in both the greenhouse and pole barn. This was a bit of a splurge as it cost $1500! It is nice to have lights but it has set us back financially at a time of year when we have barely anything coming in and so much money going out. It is nice to be able to see everyone because with a flashlight, it is easier to miss something.

The lambs and mamas snuggle towards the back of the barn
We've been farming at these barns for over 20 years and it is pay as we go. The Farmer likes to make one improvement a year. Last year it was a new door on the greenhouse barn and hay feeders. A few years ago, we had a water line put in. That really helped - no more hauling of water! Baby steps. It's the only way to farm unless you have very deep pockets.

I'll leave you all with a nice video on how Creativebug began. (Creativebug is the on-line art and craft teaching website I filmed how-to videos for in November.) It tells the story behind this small start-up company. It introduces you to many of the staffers and some of the artists they are featuring to teach projects on their website. Don't forget the special PROMO CODE for my readers - STITCHED.  It's good for $10 off any subscription package and expires 2/16/12. (Not eligible for individual purchases). You can read more about it here.

Good day everyone. I'll leave you with a photo of a pile of 3 lambs snuggling together.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


A sampling of the cuteness going on down at the barns the past few days. Go ahead - say aaaawwwww!

Mama pillow

Mama launching pad

Snuggled up along the fenceline

Twins - so cute with the getting dirty knees!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 21st, 2013

Let's start with the sweetest little lamb photo! More tomorrow, I'm sure. We are close to 70 lambs now.

Julia has been off school sick with the flu and a cold since January 10th. On Friday she started feeling better. So nice to hear her voice again and her chatter. Yesterday was the Presidential Inauguration and happily it fell on a day off for school kids. What a great chance to watch history being made. 

Early in the morning we made Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins from Nigella Lawson here. Julia loves to bake and I'm trying to let go and just let her make a giant mess. It's fun to watch her make mistakes and ask questions even if there is flour, sugar, butter, and batter flying all over the place. On Saturday while I was at the barn, she tried to make frosting for a cake we made from the new MS Living Magazine. It was a lesson in proportion and fractions. We were cutting the recipe into 1/4 the size. I wrote down the amounts but she didn't quite pay attention. She used 4 times the amount of butter as was needed. It was pretty funny - I was at the barn helping band, mark and record the sheep and she kept texting questions. At the end she wrote "There is something wrong. It tastes funny." When I got home, we started from scratch again. Expensive frosting. Good lesson.

(The plate with the knitted relief was a Christmas gift from my friend Cathy. She found it at Target before Christmas. Do you know Alyssa Ettinger's work here? She is the first potter I saw doing a line of "knitted ceramics.") 

Luckily she is finally feeling better and is off to school at 7 a.m. I can start getting some of my work deadlines attended to besides helping with lambing. I'm hoping at least. I am so thankful she is over the flu and feeling better.

Oh, if you are local, Debbie Stoller is coming to Rowe Camp in February. Check it out here. And Betsy - the Owner of Classic Elite Yarns - is coming to Webs on Thursday evening to sign copies of their new book Shawls, Wraps, and Scarves 20 Ideas 3 Ways published by Sixth and Spring Books. If you aren't local, you can listen to the Ready, Set Knit podcast here.

I just heard from a reader who has taken up Creativebug on their $10 off Promo Code for my readers. Here's what Carol wrote: Hi Kristin, I have joined Creativebug and couldn't wait to watch your lesson on the Fair Isle hat. You make it look easy! I can't wait to try to follow along but would love to have some of your yarn. I happened onto your blog and will find information there to order. In the meantime, I will practice the method that you show and will look forward to more lessons. (Can't believe I'm actually having lessons from you)! Have a great evening and stay warm!

You can read more about my classes on Creativebug here. I've posted some videos too. Good day everyone! It's very cold here.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Big Weeked News! Kristin's Classes On-Line on Creativebug + a PROMO CODE for my readers!

Here it is - the weekend of VKLive in NYC and here I sit at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, writing to you all and generally getting ready for the day. What's my day going to be like? First, I have to bring in two giant loads of firewood for the furnace. It is supposed to be very cold for the next few days. We heat our farmhouse primarily with wood and it takes two loads for each day. It is much cheaper but there is a lot of time and hauling involved. After the wood is done, I'm heading down to the barns to see who entered the world overnight. Most of the heavy farmchores will be done as The Farmer has a head start. Fine with me. We'll tail-band, paint, and record each new lamb. Maybe feed some hay and water. It is cold - I will be dressed for it! Wool sweater, wool coat, gloves, hat and scarf handknit in in my Color By Kristin! After chores, Julia (who is feeling much better - thanks for your concerns) and I will go to the local library. There is no Saturday Amherst Farmers Market today so I have a DAY OFF from that. YIPPEE!

I know there's all kinds of fun things going on at the Marriott in NYC. I'm okay with missing it. Been there. But the very cool thing is I can still teach on the weekend to anyone, anywhere! Yes, two of the classes I taped with Creativebug in November are now available on-line! And the really big news is the folks at Creativebug have changed their pricing model. So here goes.... let me introduce you all to Creativebug.

Read til the end because I have a SPECIAL PROMO CODE for all the readers of Getting Stitched on the Farm!

Creativebug is an artist and project based learning website. The folks at CB have collected a stellar roster of teachers from many, many artistic and craft disciplines. You can learn about each artist via their filmed "artist trailer." Basically what an artist trailer is is a 2 to 4 minute video intro to how the artist became involved in their art or craft, what inspires them. They are very nicely produced. Check them out on this page.

Here is my "artist trailer" CB taped here at the farm in November. It is somewhat odd (for me) seeing our place on film since I live the life everyday.  I love how they included all the animals on the farm in the video. You can view it on Vimeo here in HD. Don't miss Winston at :30. It is pretty priceless.

Kristin Nicholas on Creativebug from Creativebug on Vimeo.

I taped for 4 days and we did work for 5 classes which will launch over the next couple months.

Here's how Creativebug works. This is my short version - you can read all about it on their website. There are 3 different ways to watch and learn from a class.
1. Pay by the month for $24.95. You get unlimited access to every class on the website! That's it - EVERY CLASS! I think that is a great deal considering the content and quality given.
2. Pay by 3 months ($59.97) or 6 month ($101.94) intervals. Full unlimited access to every class on the website.
3. And now, beginning with my classes, SELECT classes are available BY THE SINGLE CLASS. Classes begin at $9.99 and go up, depending on the depth and length of the class.

If you want to try out CB before purchase, watch any of the free content here

All of the Creativebug classes are really well done - very clearly instructed. Only snag is you must have the ability to watch streaming video on your computer or your mobile device. Yes, there is an app for mobiles.  (I unfortunately cannot watch my videos! I have to go to the Town Hall to do that! Maybe one day.....)

Two of my classes are now live. The first is my COLOR CLASS. What I wanted to do in this class was to introduce working with color - not technically with yarn and stitches - but introduce you to how I work with color and how you too can become proficient by watching, observing, and giving it a go. Here is the preview for it or you can view it on Vimeo in HD here. Although in the preview it is listed as color for knitters, this color class will benefit sewers, painters, crocheters - anyone who is fearful of color! This is not strictly a technique class but a more "artsy colorful how-to" class.
The single cost for this class is $11.99! 

Understanding Colorwork in Knitting from Creativebug on Vimeo.

The second class is a FAIR ISLE KNIT HAT. This is a project based class meaning that you will get entire instruction from beginning to end to make the Fair Isle Hat shown. It's for all of you who say they are afraid to knit with two colors. You can watch me do it and then follow along. Included in the class is also a PDF for the hat. 
The single price for the Fair Isle Knit Hat Class is $15.99 which includes the pattern which is a $6.00 value. 
Here is the Intro to the Fair Isle Hat Class or watch the Intro to the Fair Isle Hat Class on the CB site here

Here's the really big news! Creativebug has given me a special Promo Code for all the readers of my blog "Getting Stitched on the Farm." 
The promo code for you to use is STITCHED.  It's good for $10 off any subscription package and expires 2/16/12. (Not eligible for individual purchases). 

Once you buy an individual class, you can watch it (and the individual chapters) as many times as you want! They are streamed - not downloaded.
I am really happy to be included in the Creativebug teaching roster which includes names such as Debbie Stoller, Anna Maria Horner, Maggie Pace, Melanie Falick, Cal Patch, Natalie Chanin, and many, many others. I hope you may take the time to check out the videos that Creativebug offers. Thanks Creativebug for asking me to teach and share and including me in this great new internet based learning project.

See - for all of you who thought you were missing VKLive - you still can take some colorful classes in the comfort of your own home. I thank you for all your support and look forward to hearing what you think of my video on-line classes!

Added later in the evening: A comment came in from Reader Darlene: I do have a question: When I purchase a single class, i.e. the Fair Isle Hat class, am I able to store the class on my computer and watch it any time and as many times as I like (until I "get it down")
Kristin's answer: The classes are on the CB website and they are streamed. You do not download them to your computer - they would be too large. CB is kind of like HULU for crafters. You can watch the single class you pay for AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT OR NEED TO - UNLIMITED VIEWING. If you sign up for the monthly or 3 or 6 month service, you can watch ALL the videos until your membership expires. 

This is how I understand it. If you have questions, contact CB through their website.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dorper Twins

First off - Design Sponge is featuring a series on beginning knitting. WOW! New knitters will be born!

A few years ago, we had a Dorper ram. He was gorgeous - in a shepherd's kind of way. He didn't have good wool but his conformation was admirable. His babies were beautiful. Many "holstein" looking lambs and many twins. Nice legs. Fast growth. Only problem was the Dorper crosses couldn't handle our soil which is rather wet and full of clay. Dorpers come from South Africa where the soil is different. We culled (that means got rid of) most of his babies and him too. We still have a few Dorper-cross ewes. They are great moms. They milk great, twin often. Milking great means quick growth for the lambs. Too bad they have some foot problems. The few Dorper crosses we have left look like "holstein cows." Their wool is awful even if it is polka dotted and looks cool on the ewe. This morning one of them had this set of twins - one much bigger than the other.

We decided to pen them for the first day or two. To do this, you pick up the lambs and wait for the mama to follow.

 She did. It was snowing outside so all the ewes were in the barn.

We use wire hog panels which are nice and flexible. We can easily make temporary pens for mamas and babies.

Here they are in a nice fresh bed of straw. Happy and ready to nurse.

Such a cute little face.

Lamb Count: 40

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today at the Barn

The snow had melted. It had turned into a melting muddy mess. Last night it got colder and today we woke up to 4" of snow. Much better than mud. School was cancelled. Nice since Julia is still sick with the flu. Yes, for the record, she had a flu shot. Guess it didn't solve the problem.


We're waiting for Cora to deliver. She is usually one of the first. Not this year. 

This is our Border Leicester ram - papa to many of the new babies.

This is our Polypay ram - one of the other fathers to this new year of lambs.

Here's a new set of twins. Good Mama.

I was lucky to be at the barns doing chores when this one was born. And I happened to have my camera. Not always!

This is one of the No. 9 twins. It has a cute little smudge on its nose and mouth.

The snow has stopped. It won't look quite so white and clean tomorrow. We had 9 lambs today. Things are ramping up. 29 total. Still keeping records. We'll see how long that lasts.

Kristin Is Now Writing Over on Substack

Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...