
Monday, January 28, 2013

Sweet Face

Busy weekend. We are up to 118 lambs. Here's one of a very cute set of twins that look to be part Shetland. Love that fluffy little face.

Good week everyone!


  1. very cute! We will be having some lambs in April. My girls can't wait. They love your lamb pictures. Lots of oohs and ahhhs. Who doesn't love lambs?

  2. What an adorable face! And 118 lambs??? That's a lot of adorable faces! What's your prediction for the final count?

  3. Every day I think each one is just the cutest yet! Is there ever an ugly lamb? I don't think it's possible. They all look so happy too! Nice work!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,