
Saturday, January 26, 2013

This is Cute

.... although when there are four now running around the kitchen, they stop being quite so cute. 

There are over 100 lambs now. With that number, stuff happens. The Farmer is doing the best he can but let's say, things are more complicated and stressful during lambing season. I had to do a Farmers Market today so I was no help. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully it will warm up soon.


  1. Fear not, the mercury is on the rise! Was 10F here in Ottawa - a big change from the -35 of the other night! You guys should be getting the warmer stuff by tomorrow I'd expect... Fingers crossed!

    oh, and *cute* Future-Toque too!

  2. I remember lambing season on our farm. No sleep, cold, sick lambs, sick ewes, etc., etc. Good luck and just remember how cute they are!!

  3. Clean knees if not clean kitchen floor. Gimme the knees!

  4. So many cute lambs, but yeah, the guy in the house is a super picture. What a face! What on earth do the cats think of the invasion? Run and hide, or Ohh, love the smell of wool?

  5. can NOT beat that for cute! Oh, for a snuzzle!



    The Goat Borrower
    (who may have to try Lamb Borrowing)

  6. Can you put them in a collapsible lamb pen to keep them in one room? I would have them in my lap all day!!

  7. such cuteness on HIS day!!! no wonder Jesus picked the lamb to be his chosen animal!! precious! so enjoy following your lambing posts! have a great SONday!
    ^)^ linda

  8. Oh, I could just squeeze that little one! Precious is a great word for that picture!

  9. Wish I was close enough to lamb-sit. Boy, this one is tiny but

  10. Hang in there! Lord knows you are doing the very best you can. Hopefully warmer temperatures will help a little.

    this little lamb is just the cutest yet.

  11. This lamb is just adorable. What a sweet picture. Best of luck, with 100 lambs now are you close to the end?

    Pam H


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Have a great day,