Quite a few years ago, there was a color trend that was popular in knitting stores - doing customer's colors and selecting the season that they should wear. I can't remember what it was called - maybe someone else does. People were crazy over it - they wouldn't knit anything unless it was one of their colors. I was an "autumn" which was no surprise to me. Brown hair with reddish highlights, freckles, fair skin, and an October birthday. Although I didn't totally buy into this thing, these are the colors I naturally turn to to when I'm not wearing some dark, dreary, black or khaki shade (can't help that either - easy and doesn't show dirt considering my lifestyle).

Tomorrow I'll be posting a Duplicate Stitch Tutorial so that you can see how easy it is to transform plain Fair Isle into something more special.
I think the system might have been called "Color Me Beautiful"? At least there was a seasonally named color system called that in the 80's.
And there are still versions of it around, but now they're subdividing the categories to fit all the variations within each larger category.
But thanks for thinking of us Winters!
As another Winter, I really appreciate the retina-burning bright colors in some of your designs. It seems all the colorways in clothes and yarns for the past couple of years have been muddy earth tones. It's no accident that my kitchen is painted bright green and the bathroom is turquoise.
please -- no pastels ever!
i'm a "winter" who finds herself jumping into the autumn colors every once in a while. i'm currently obsessed with orange.
i love your bright deep color choices.
It's truly a beautiful desing.
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