Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Too Much Cuteness

I've been holding out on you all. Here's something to make you smile today. Gretchen, Mr. Sophie, and Thomasina.



Anonymous said...

Is Gretchen the tabby? I hope so-- she looks my type. Couldn't adopt her into my house though, or one of us would have to pick a new name.


Michele in Maine said...

So adorable! Looks like my crew before they grew up!

Kathleen C. said...

Must. Resist. Cuteness. Must. Resist...

Awwwwwww.... so sweet! so cute! Kittens are the best! Resistence *is* futile.

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! And I LOVE the name- Mr. Sophie!

Maymomvt said...

Are you looking for homes for any of them? I'd be very interested!

Liz said...


I love it when they're at the puffy poofy fluffy kitten stage.

Not that I don't love full grown cats, but they're so soft and fluffy!

Anonymous said...

What darling kittens!

Anonymous said...

all cute but Gretchen to die for!

Anonymous said...

I wish we lived nearby instead of in CA or I would whisk that Gretchen away. I guess that's a good thing, as my husband recently said, after our 20 yr old cat died, "it's a cat or me. Take your pick."
Tempting, however...

Willow said...

unfortunately no cats for me, the proessor says no more cats.
But oh, I can just hug and pet them through the computer screen!

Anonymous said...

Squeeeee! I could just die from the cuteness!

Shari said...

I have Mr Sophie's twin. Except my kitten has a bit of black on his nose. He is about 12 weeks old and also named Sophie. When we first had him to the vet we were told he was a she. Last week they informed us of their mistake but we are used to Sophie now so Sophie it stays.

Gretchen said...

I had to laugh that another Gretchen commented on Gretchen the Kitty. I'm a Gretchen too! The kittens are just toooooo cute--I can't stand it!!!!!

Gretchen in GA

Back2Basics said...

So darling! I'm allergic to cats so I have to do my admiring from a distance. Thanks for the smile today!

Nik said...


I wish that I had all of them.

penny said...

please may i take them home with me? thank you. they are very adorable...

Anonymous said...

Awww I think they could all fit in my purse...

SNOWBIRD said...

Postcard perfect are those three little boo's! They are just too cute for words!

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