Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Come See the Sunflowers

Our sunflowers have just begun to bloom. It's been a difficult year to say the least with all the rain, rotting seeds, replanting. We honestly didn't know if we would have any to pick. With any luck, our little self-serve stand should be up and running by Friday afternoon, the 29th of August.

If you saw the article in Country Home and would like to visit and perhaps purchase a few sunflowers, here's the address for you to plug into Mapquest or your GPS system:

562 Leyden Road, Greenfield, MA 01301

We don't live at the field but we're often there harvesting so make sure to say hi if you come from afar.


ellen said...

Oh, do I wish I could. I just love the rich color of that sunflower.

countrychicken said...

Beautiful sunflower. Maybe I can talk my husband into a road trip this weekend - Ohio to Maine to buy sunflowers - Hmmm! I finally got a copy of Country Home - great article - you and your family should be very proud.

Sojourner Design said...

Gorgeous flower, masterful photo!

I grew one sunflower, my first, this summer. I purchased the started plant at the River Valley Market here in Northampton MA. It's been such a treat, and late Tuesday afternoon my husband and I watched as a downy woodpecker hung upside down only yards away, feasting. A bonus!


mascanlon said...

Oh what a fabulous color! I don't think I can talk my husband into a road trip form California but I would if I could for a bunch of those.

Anonymous said...

OOOH I do love sunflowers... I'm front central MA and visit out there to my alma mater x 2 (Umass Amherst). I'll have to keep this in mind...

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Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...