Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Giveaway and Mothering Magazine Cover

First off, I'm holding a Giveaway every week before Christmas - this is my way of thanking all of you for reading my blog over the past couple of years. Make sure to stop back every week and sign up for the Giveaway. I'll try to have the contest posted by each Tuesday. You'll have to read through this post to hear about this week's Giveaway.

I was at the newsstand the other day and saw something that looked quite familiar. On second glance, I discovered that yes, it was indeed, mightily familiar. Here on the cover of Mothering magazine was a sweater of mine. A quick look inside on the Table of Contents and I found that the photographer had been credited but there was no mention anywhere of the book Knitting For Baby where the image came from. I co-authored KFB with Melanie Falick way back when in 2002. Ross Whitaker was the photographer and a great one he was and is.

The sweater shown on this magazine’s cover was one of my favorite projects from that book! I love Aran cable sweaters for kids or adults. This one had a lovely combination of cables that is easy to knit – even for beginning Aran knitters. The button closing works great for little kids because you don’t have to snug down a tight neck over a screaming little one’s head.

I called Melanie to check on the legality of the whole thing and she said that the rights had expired and that the photographer had sold the image to the magazine. I guess they can do that. I was a bit miffed – it would be nice to see our names and the book’s name in print, once again. But oh well, that is how these things go.

Over the years, I have heard from so many knitters about how they have made this or that project from Knitting For Baby. When Melanie and I worked on KFB, we both had just been through the baby raising time with my Julia and her Ben. We were so clear on what projects a mom would want and also what kind of knits would work well for a little one. We also planned the book so that it would be a progression from beginning knitter to advanced knitter. I think it worked rather successfully. Knitting For Baby came out in paperback last spring. If you’ve got a friend or relative who is expecting, KFB may be the perfect gift. You can order a signed copy from my website here.

This week's giveaway is:
1. One brand new signed copy of Knitting For Baby
2. Enough Julia Yarn to knit the easy garter stitch baby booties shown in this photo from KFB

Here's the rules - only USA and Canadian addresses. You must sign in the comments section here on my blog by NOON EST on Friday the 5th. I'll announce the winner shortly after noon each Friday before Christmas. Please make sure I can get a contact you through your "Blogger" account. If not, I'll give the present to a different winner the next day. (If this doesn't work this week, I'll have to change the rules.) Good luck and as always, thanks for reading! There will be two more Giveaways coming this month. Stop back to visit!


Kate said...

Great contest! And your book would come in handy - there's a baby boom going on among my friends right now!

caednkat said...

Oh I have so many babies in my life to knit for. I would love to win this book!!

Anonymous said...

I just love the original colorways you use for all your patterns; bet the baby ones are great! I have the book "Kristin Knits" but not this one.

Debbi said...

I am currently looking for new ideas - have a neice on the way and have never knit baby things. This looks like just the ticket.

Tana said...

Oh, that's so sad that they didn't give you credit for the design. It would have gone so well with the theme of the issue. That said, I would love to win the book and yarn you're giving away - it would be put to very good use.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. Have been knitting for years and stopped a few years ago but am getting back into it.


Sherry L. said...

Thanks for running a great contest!! This book is on my Christmas Wish List and I LOVE Julia yarn! Happy Holidays!

Robin said...

I would love to win this book!

Iron Needles said...

I would love to have a copy of your book! And the Julia yarn, too! Even if I don't win, I will continue to read. I love your stories about Julia, kitties, and sheep. Oh, and color and knitting, too!

Diane said...

What a generous giveaway Kristin. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Leah said...

Wonderful! So generous.

Anonymous said...

INice givewaway. My granduaghter my 1st grandchild) was 3 weeks old yesterday). I crocheted a blanket before whe got here & now plan to make a lot of stuff ofr her.

Pungo River Rambling said...

I have enjoyed my copy of this book for years. I think my daughter would enjoy since she has recently revived her interest in knitting.

anniejs said...

always on the lookout for good kids patterns! I've got two little ones myself who both like handknits

Terri Sasanow said...

I would love a copy of this book and the booties are really cute!

Bridget said...

A new neice or nephew is on the way and I'd love the book to make some great handknits for him/her. Amanda Soule from soulemama wrote about how much she loves Knitting for Baby, in fact, that might be where I first heard about you!

kmd said...

I would love to knit these for a new niece of mine!!

Unknown said...

Fun, fun! So nice to have a giveaway in these trying times. And the odds are better than winning Megabucks:)

Marie said...


This copy of Mothering has been sitting on the bedside table in our soon-to-be-adopted baby's room. As soon as I got it in the mail I immediately went to look at the credits for that incredibly beautiful sweater. How amazing that it is one of yours!

We are on the waiting list to adopt a newborn infant and he or she could be here at any time from any one of the 50 states. Talk about nervous energy! I'm knitting non-stop and I'd LOVE a copy of the book. Because this wee one will be wrapped in hand-knits as much as possible.

Thanks for the give-away opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love knitting baby stuff! I just wish I had a grandchild to knit for. However, I know lots of little people so, for now, that'll have to do.

Sure would love this book! :)

Anonymous said...

What a shame that you weren't mentioned or given credit regarding the sweater. Seems like the rights should have lasted longer.

I don't have a Blogger account but can be reached through my blog at http://5216char.wordpress.com

beth said...

Oh, Kristin. How generous. Thank you. I'd love a copy of this book because I hope to be a grandmother before too long!

Too bad you were not given credit in the Mothering issue but we all appreciate you!

Julie said...

I was so excited to see this sweater on the cover, but I am bummed that you and Melanie didn't get credit! But, yay for hand-knits visibility!

I own a hard-cover copy of this book...it was one of my first, and I've knit several gifts from it. I would love an autographed copy to pass along to one of my many friends who are having babies and grandbabies!

Lora said...

I love knitting for babies and actually have a new nephew due in about a month...this would be kismet!

Bonnie said...

You are very generous!


Anonymous said...

I love the sweater and the booties!

ccr in MA said...

Well, of course you were disappointed, and of course they wanted to use the picture, it's fantastic! Just too, too cute, both baby and sweater.

Anonymous said...

wow!! I have a new grandbaby coming, #6!! You are so generous!

Two Beans said...

I would love to receive your book. Love your style !

Misstea said...

I would love to win your book - I have a new niece, as of this morning, and I expect I'll spend lots of time knitting for her (and her sister, and her cousins).

I read your blog because you are a "city" girl that moved to the farm. I'm a farm girl that couldn't move to the city fast enough, and do not regret it all. But sometimes... I miss the space.

Kelle said...

I would love to win your book. I love knitting for babies.

Marilyn said...

What a great book. I would love to own a signed copy.

Turtle said...

Wow...as i read i was thinking WAY back in 2002...it wasn't that far ago! i am suprised but a nice compliment to you anyways!

Love the look of the book! I have many preggers friends and clients and have actually started knitting baby items and puttingthem away for someday, when i have a grandchild...not too soon, lol!

LaurieG said...

Yay! Baby knits. I have a good friend who's expecting so winning the book would be great!

Christine Thresh said...

I think a baby knitting book would be just the thing to get me going again. Thanks for the contest.

About the cover sweater -- you, as the designer, never lose your copyright. The photographer may have had a time limit, but no one can take away your design copyright. Check it out further. Good luck.

Wendy said...

Oh what a great giveaway....I would so love to have one of your books, and the yarn to make a project from it....being a new knitted the book would be so wonderful something that would allow me to grow in my skills...
That is such a shame about the rights of the sweater pic...yoy realy should have been mentioned or at least the book...

Sera said...

What a great prize! Baby-sized projects are so sweet and cute!

Sara said...

What a great looking sweater! It's a real compliment to you that they featured it on their cover... even if they didn't properly credit you.

I'd love to win your autographed book!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Kristin! And count me in...

Anonymous said...

I'm going to get over my delurking-just-to-enter-a-contest guilt because I have always loved this book!

SYLVIE said...

My first grandchild is on the way, due in early March '09 and this book would come in just in time.

antique quilter said...

Thanks I would love to own this book and yes the yarn to make the little booties is perfect! My DD's and I make baby hats for the ICU , having a pattern to make booties would be a great addition to our little tiny hats.
Kathie in NJ

Leslie said...

Well, that's one way to get your comment numbers up! (giggles)

Who wouldn't want another great knitting book? And the nice thing about baby stuff is it doesn't take forever! Throw my hat in the ring.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I love contests almost as much as I love knitting baby things. Debi

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so charming. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy when I read your entries. I would love to be able to knit for a special baby in my life with your book. Please enter me and keep on blogging and sharing your wonderful stories.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin,

I would love to be the winner of this wonderful contest! I'm so sorry about not getting credit where credit is due. You are very inspiring and a super nice person!!!!
Bonnie, Greenfield, MA

countrychicken said...

I would love to enter your contest. Great way to end the year.

Anonymous said...

I am always so inspired by your blog. And, I am excited about this book! It looks beautiful! I hope I am lucky enough to win!

Dianne MacDonald said...

Love this book. Mine is worn, well used and much loved. I have a new grandbaby coming in January and would love to knit something from it and gift the mother with a new copy of the book.

Kristina said...

Sorry that you didn't credit for the great sweater in the photo. I'd love to win this book or the Julia yarn. (I love Julia yarn!)

Have a great day. Looking forward to more contests.

Diane said...

Hi Kristin,

First knit with Julia yarn last week - absolutely love it! My Mom is going to love the socks - hope they are done for Christmas. I would love to win the book - more great ideas for Julia - yeah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kristen, I just wanted to tell you that I am working my way through a granny square afghan, inspired by the one you made out of Julia leftover colors. It is lovely and I can't wait to sew it together.....only 6 more squares to go. Playing with all of the colors certainly did give me lots of ideas for the future. Thanks.
-Catherine, Brooklyn, NY.

old lady said...

Great giveaway! I'm in!

barb :0) said...

I love this book !!!! My copy sits on the coffe table, where I can grab it quickly to knit a wonderful baby gift. It truly is one of my favorites !!!!! And Julia yarn is the best !!! Thank you for a great giveaway !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would be miffed too if I saw my work and was given absolutely no credit. I know this book is a great one!

Anonymous said...

This is a great contest!

Regina said...

I love this book and I have made those booties! Please include me in the drawing. :)

Anonymous said...

I mentioned your giveaway this morning on my blog, Kristin. I love reading your posts, and it was so cool to see your farm in the Nashua Handknits magazine.


Anonymous said...

What a generous contest! And the prize a book I have been coveting. I love your blog - it is one of my daily reads. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great book.

evie said...

I sure wish publishers cared enough to give credit to all involved even if rights had expired. And I would also think that the folks at Mothering might want to give their readers the chance to learn more about the beautiful sweater that they could knit for their own babies.

I love the idea of your contest, knitting patterns and Julia yarn, what's not to love!

Count me in! I've got a baby grand niece who needs lovely knitted gifts.

Jolene said...

Lovely book. Lovely sweater. Lovely baby.

Pick me. Please?

dragonxser said...

what a fabulous sweater pattern to find on a mag cover :) I check your blog weekly and always enjoy your "farmer" posts!

HaveFaith said...

As a grandmother and a knitter for Dulaan, it would really be nice to have more patterns for warm woolies.

Anonymous said...

I want to sign up for your giveaway, but I don't have a blogger account. I hope this works instead! hhenna73@yahoo.com

Sue said...

I'm always looking for new baby patterns. The one on the cover of "Mothering" is beautiful. I would give this book a good home :)

k said...

yay! baby book giveaway. count me in please. and please keep posting photos of your sheepies. i continously use those photos as desktop backgrounds and just dream about having my own flock. thanks, vera

Lollie said...

I so enjoyed your recent class at Webs, and would love to have a copy of your book!

thecrazysheeplady said...

How fun - count me in :-D

Anonymous said...

Love the sweater, and would love the book! I'm not a blogger and don't have a blogger account.... don't even know how to get one or what it is! If I win, I'll be happy to send my e-mail address to you. Thanks!

Barbara M.

Anonymous said...

A terrific book by a fantastic design team is now in a fabulous contest. Sign me up. Knitting for Baby has really stood the test of time.

Jessica said...

Oh gosh! I want to win! My co-worker just finished her first scarf and her first child is due at the end of December. This would be *perfect* for her!!

Hilary said...

Oh my goodness!

Knitting For Baby was the FIRST book I purchased when I learned to knit - in fact, I would say this book actually taught me to knit much more than the (2) classes I attended. I have made countless pairs of those booties for my babies and every baby I've known in the last 2 years. In fact, I just finished another pair for my sister's 3 month old for Christmas.

My 3 year old has loved my copy of this book literally to pieces - she loves looking at the pictures of the babies and bears and mamas. I've had to tape more pages back in than I can count.

Of course I would love to have a new copy of the book but I know whoever wins it will love it as much as I have. Sorry to write a novel but I SO love this book. :-)


Janelle said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Somehow I missed your book when I was knitting for my own babies (I think I was tooooo much of a beginner, and then I caught the sock craze). I still knit for babies, though, and the patterns I see here are adorable. I'm crossing my fingers!

Lindseyrose said...

How wonderful! My friends are expecting in February and I've been knitting wonderful things for them!!

margie said...

Delurking because I'm a sucker for a contest and an even bigger sucker for a baby knits book! This is a great book and I'd love to own one of my own!


barbara said...

It's a gorgeous sweater and it's a shame you and Melanie did't get the proper credit! I'd love to have a copy (signed too!)of Knitting for Baby, as I have some knitting projects in the wings for some new babies due to be born in the Spring.

Marcia said...

I've been lurking for a long time. Don't have any babies in my immediate future, but always like to have a little gift or two at the ready. Looks like a lovely book.

Pam said...

Since I am a new grandmother of 4 months, this book would be great.
Thanks for putting your thoughts into a blog, I have enjoyed reading it.

Mama Urchin said...

I love that book, so much. And that sweater on the cover is my favorite. I made it for my son for his first birthday.

Anonymous said...

I love your addiction to color and texture. I want to try knitting an aran sweater. Baby size is perfect.
crickethunter AT dejazzd DOT com

Jennifer K said...

How wonderful of you to share with all of us! Thanks for the chance.

Francie said...

i have a brand new nephew. i just made him a cute little hat for winter, making it up as i went along. i would love to have a book of patterns so i could make him so much more.

mascanlon said...

I have a new grand daughter who I have made the simplest of little hats for, almost ready to tackle something else so this would be perfect!

Suzanne said...

That sweater is very cute.

Lisa R-R said...

I haven't heard of Knitting for Baby before, but it looks terrific.
Thanks for sharing a copy with your readers.
Lisa in Toronto

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin,

I read your blog every day and love looking at the photos of your farm, sheep, donkey and family!
I already own your "Knitting for Baby" book but would love getting some Julia yarn to make the booties again! Thanks for some great patterns!


Heather L. said...

How exciting! Thanks for creating some Christmas fun. :)

Francie said...

I've been wanting that book and I love contests.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin: My new grandson would just love to wear your sweaters from this book! Susan H. (Marsha's sister & Will's Aunt)


Candied Fabrics said...

Count me in too! Can't wait to see what your new book looks like!

Debbie said...

I would LOVE to win a signed copy! I love all your books but I don't have one signed..

Knitlee said...

What a very generous give a way!
Wish you had recieved the credit you deserve! Happy Knitting.

WandaWoman said...

Signing up for the free giveaway!

Laura Timmerman said...

Hi Kristin,
You go girl.

In case you miss the newsletter, we are meeting at Peg's on the 12th at 6:30 to knit. Come join us to gab and knit if you can.

JFibers said...

Great blog, great give away.... I really enjoy seeing all the sheepy sheep. I live in the city but long to be a country gal.
Thanks for the chance to win your book. I'm newly engaged and have already started on several baby sweaters. Hee hee. The fiancee doesn't know that yet.

Sharon said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I love your Julia yarn, have used it on some colorwork mittens with great success.

Robin said...

I am a frequent reader of your blog and am a big fan! Please enter me into your drawing.

P.S. So far I've made 2 very warm hats (Elizabeth Zimmerman's pattern) using Julia yarn for presents. I gave the one to my hubby early and he wears it every day and loves it. It's so soft and the colors are so nice.

knittinglane said...

Ooooh! Pick me, pick me! :o)
Seriously, though...good luck to everyone who wants to win this cute book!!

SnohoTina said...

Great giveaway, I hope I win.

Anonymous said...

That's a book of your i don't have but would love to! i know just the baby to give the booties to! thanks for holiday cheer!

Anonymous said...

I saw that cover and picked up the magazine thinking the pattern would be there. Upon closer look, I thought I recognized the pattern! It is definitely too bad it wasn't credited.

-Tracy3xl(Ravelry ID, no blogger)

stringplay said...

I'm still a little scared of SWEATERS. Maybe a small, baby one would be the place to start.

They could have at least mentioned the book. Maybe lots of readers will contact them to ask.

Maria said...

I love knitting baby sweaters. It's instant gratification!

redmittens said...

How funny--I just saw your book for the first time yesterday at Borders!I leafed through, but had to put it back (Christmas presents currently control my pocketbook), but I thought it was lovely!(Oh, I hope I win).
Incidentally, this is my first time on your blog. I clicked the link on Alicia Paulsen's blog--I'm glad I found you.

Laura said...

I knew that picture looked familar!
I've checked out you and Melanie's book so many times from the library.I would love to win it.

Thanks for the contest and your inspiring blog.

emcknits said...

Great prize! I would like to enter.

Anonymous said...

With 5 grandsons and a very young staff at my school who are just beginning their families this book would be a blessing. I agree that you should have gotten credit for your work from the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great contest!!!

Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your blog. You have such a calming tone! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just cast on the Aran baby sweater last night and am already enjoying it a lot! I also have made the little pink sweater, which was a huge hit. KFB is one of my favorite books. Thanks!

Kristin Is Now Writing Over on Substack

Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...