That November, our sheep were grazing up near her farm. Her brown ram was quite rambunctious and overburdened with all his ramly attributes. He jumped her electric fence and then our electronet fence. Needless to say he was pretty happy with what he found on the other side of our fence (100 plus ewes), considering he was only penned in with a handful of Shetland sheep.

This little ewe is the result of his adventures. Five months after his adventure, we had a few lambs born that were half Shetland, half Romney cross. They are hardy smallish sheep - a bit wild - but they seem to survive through anything. They can jump any fence and they are almost impossible to catch.
The other day in the storm, this girl was pleased as punch to be enjoying the elements. She was covered with snow and ice. I took these photos and later I was surprised by the lovely expressions in her face.

that is the cutest happiest little sheep I've ever seen hahaha
She is destined for stardom. Posing for her pictures.
She's smiling! How cute.
You know, its not just the photos, it's the stories you tell around these photos that make it worthwhile for me to stop by with coffee in hand.
Lovely. she is actually smiling!
Mmm...with that wry smile, I'd say she's a daddy's girl! A real party animal. She's adorable. I'd love to see what her fleece is like for spinning. There would be a story behind that sweater!
She's darling! Such an animated little face that you've captured so well. I love her story. Forbidden love...
Oh my gosh, I just want to squeeze her til she squeaks! I wonder what she's "saying" in those photos, huh? Kristen, your photos never fail to lift me up. I think you need to go to and put them in a book! For real! Have a super day, even though it's pret-ty cold up there.
She looks quite happy...the last picture she's even smiling!
I think I love her!
she is adorable! It looks like she's just hanging out enjoying life, the storm and singing to her hearts content!
She is something else!! Thank you for braving the elements to show us.
Now we know the source of the word rambunctious, too!
she is a cutie, KN.
Holy cow, what a cutie!
The face expressions! Priceless. I love the story behind her.
Frosted shredded wheat....adorable!!!
She does look pleased, doesn't she? Perhaps her coat is so thick and heavy that she doesn't feel the cold?
paintball gear paintballs paintballs
That sheep has me cracking up! How cute, and hilarious!
Hi Kristin! Thank you for your comments on my blog. It's funny that you should do so because I had checked out your blog earlier today and was going to leave a comment, but didn't have time. Anyway, I LOVE the expression on this sweet sheep! I just love sheep...they are so comical!! - Michelle
Kristin, thank you for your extraordinarily beatiful blog and sharing a piece of your life with us.
Oh yes! She's VERY pleased with herself!
She *does* look happy, doesn't she!
i just found your blog and can't wait to learn and see more. thanks for sharing! what beautiful animals you have. pamela
These cute photos would make
great post cards!
Love your photos~
So, what is she really doing? Do sheep chew cud like cows? I love reading your blog. Thank you for sharing with us all over the world!
Oh my, they look so cold but her smile tells the real story...its just another adventure! As always, thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful "accident". She IS smiling. I just want to pat her! She seems so happy.
Ho! I can see that I'm not the only one to get "neighbour visiting"... last year, I got 4 crossed lambs like that, but not as fine as romney X shetland! by the way, I love romney!
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