I am so excited about this book. The Farmer thinks it is my best one yet. He never says much about my books - probably because he has to live through so much of the back story and birthing of the projects, photography, etc. He is just happy when they get out there and start selling. But it is sweet, never the less, that he likes it so much.
If you have been waiting to order a signed copy of Color By Kristin from me, I think I can safely say, now is the time. Click here for my webstore. I really appreciate every order I get from all of you. Writing books is an unbelievable amount of work, as any author will tell you. The small percentage I make from the sales of each book is minuscule. But when I sell them to you, signed, my percentage goes up and it really helps keep this old farm going. Enough begging for today..... If you want the book signed to you, or to a friend, make sure you fill in the special instructions section on the order form. Otherwise, I will sign generically!
By all means, if your local bookstore or yarnstore is selling my book, buy it from them. Those retailers work so hard to stock yarn and books and the competition from the big box retailers and on-line vendors is fierce. Small town America would be nowhere without its retailers, lining Main Street with things for all of us to buy and a person behind the register. I can't stress this enough... Support your local merchants if there is one near you. I know that many blog readers have lost their local bookstores and yarnstores and so I can give you another option by ordering my books, signed, from my website.
If you have ordered a book from me, you will see it before the expected date of November 2nd. I will let you know when the books arrive at our home and when I get them to the post office to be winging their way to you.
I'm going to share a few of the photos we didn't use for the book on my blog over the next couple weeks. There were so many good images but alas, there is only room for one for each project. That way you will also get a bit of a preview. All of the location photos were taken by my friend and talented photographer (and all around very nice guy) John Gruen and I thank him for supplying me with the lo-res images to share with you.

Here's your first preview. This is a shawl I call the Over The Top Shawl. We didn't use this photo because it was more of a mood shot showing the vista and valley below. We did all of the location photography for this book either in our house, in the yard or on our road. This view is shot at the top of the hill on one of our neighbors' hayfields. From there you can see all the way down to Springfield and Connecticut beyond.
The shawl is knit in my Julia Yarn (50% Wool, 25% Alpaca, 25% Mohair) as are all the projects in this book. It is knit in the round and steeked, then cut and you make the fringe out of the steek yarn. I know this sounds confusing but it isn't and makes sense once you sit down to do it. It's a technique I have been using for years and introduced in my last book Kristin Knits is the Coleus Scarf shown below. You can still purchase signed copies of Kristin Knits on my website. (Photo by Kevin Kennefick.)

I just bought a book on the site. I did not see a place to ask for a signed copy. I am assuming you will send all of the new books out signed. I hope you don't run out of ink.
Francis Berryhill
Wow I love that shawl! I think I'll need to make it. I have only published 1 book, but I know that feeling of....IT'S IN THE COUNTRY AND ALMOST HERE!!! Congratulations.
I agree with "farmer".
The book is beautiful. It was nice to see you at Fiber Twist on Saturday.
huge congrats!! i was showing my MIL your last book just this past sunday. I need to go order this new one. luv the shawl!
I want a signed copy and you better come on my podcast ;-)
Who do I contact for a copy?
Marly: Contact me directly and I will put you in touch w/ the press person at Soho or you can order on my website directly for a signed copy. I would love to be on the podcast. My email is
Kristin! Both our books came out the same week!
Congrats-- it looks fabulous. But I would not expect anything less!
Read aobut your book on Twist Collective blog - just the front page made me want it! Ordered it from your site, hope it doesn't takt to long before it gets here (to Norway:-), can't wait to see it.
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