Last weekend was the big “Winter Fare Farmer’s Market” in Greenfield. We didn’t have enough lamb to bother exhibiting and selling but we went anyway. Julia and I and 1500 others! What a huge turnout and a massive good time. I saw lots of farmer friends – including Jeanette at Chase Hill Farm, Warren of Our Family Farms Milk Coop, Kyle from Bostrom Farm, Gloria and Ervin from Coyote Hill Farm, and talked to many other farmers who I was just meeting. I bought fingerling potatoes, carrots, parsnips, green house raised lettuce and some wonderful cheese called Dutch Gold cheese. Do you have a Winter Farmer’s Market in your area? If you do, go – it’s a great time.
Here’s the scene this morning as The Farmer and No. 84 head off “to work.”

Sorry about the glare in the photo but at least the sun was out and shining and spring seems closer with every day. We got only an inch of snow during the past storm. I guess all of you down south are getting what we usually get. Good luck digging out. My advice to all of you is to do a lot of knitting!
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.
Confession time: I'm too much of a softie...I wouldn't make a good sheep farmer, but I can see that number 84 is looking good.
The sheep would be one more thing for me to forget on my way out the door in the morning. Underwear, check. Hat, check. Scarf, check. Keys, check.
ten minutes later: No. 84! Crud!
I wish he could stay by the woodstove too!!!
I can't believe how cute the lambs are. Keep those cute lambie photos coming.
Ahh, poor no.84, I could see how he'd be a little confussed. But, he'll have great stories to tell the other sheep. :-)
No. 84 is looking good!
I wish that we had a Winter Farmer's Market but love to go to our own little grocery store that has fresh local and "as local can it can be" produce since I live in WI. Knitting onward through the Olympics!
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