Julia and her friends have finished up their class at Cherscapes Studio. I snapped this photo on the last day of the three girls and Cheryl, their wonderful teacher. Don't they all look so happy with their beautiful textiles?
Here's a close-up of Julia's stitching. The kids drew the stitching lines through a template and then used floss for stitching.
I could not believe how good she did. She printed or painted the fabrics and then applied the fabrics to muslin with fusible web and then did all the hand-stitching and machine stitching with Cheryl's guidance. I'm hoping I can get her to do a little bit on her own this summer.
If you want some ideas for stitching with some of your little friends this summer, look for my book Kids' Embroidery. Sadly, the publisher has taken it out of print but I have copies for sale in my shop.
Beautiful work by Julia. I remember doing crafts with my kids when they were younger. Now my daughter has far surpassed me and is my knitting guru and my son knits (if we can talk him into it!), paints miniatures and draws. I love to see this type of creativity blossom.
She did a great job! Definitely better than I could do. :)
Beautiful work by Julia. I remember doing crafts with my kids when they were younger. Now my daughter has far surpassed me and is my knitting guru and my son knits (if we can talk him into it!), paints miniatures and draws. I love to see this type of creativity blossom.
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