Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Last Sunflowers, Fall Veggies, and October Giveaway #3

October is such a busy month in New England. The roads are full of license plates from other states, restaurants are busy, and all the locals are getting ready for the upcoming cold. There are so many gardeners and farmers in this area. Porches are groaning with pumpkins and cornstalks, scarecrows are popping up all over. My kitchen table is full of veggies that I picked up at the last of the Northfield and Bernardston Farmers Markets along with the end of the garden crop. I'll save them and keep dipping into my stash as the winter progresses. I can't wait to eat some of those ugly Gilfeather turnips grown by Coyote Hill Farm. There is nothing like them. I hope I can save a couple for Thanksgiving!

I have one little bouquet of sunflowers from the Sunflower Field that is lingering on the kitchen table. The field has been frosted a few times and the rain and wind has pretty much knocked all the plants down.

It's about time to retire my flower clippers. There are still some stray blossoms around and as long as they are blooming, I'll keep cutting.

I've had these clippers for years - a gift from my mom. They work beautifully - the thin piece of metal attached at the top of the blade holds the flower in the clippers so they don't fall all over into the dirt. You can carry a basket on one arm and drop the flowers into it all at the same time. I haven't seen scissors like this in a long time. I wonder if they make them anymore. I'm all about production cutting when I am out there so anything that makes it easier......

Did you know there is a new knitting magazine? It is called Knitting Today and it is available at newstands now. Check out their website here. There is a lovely feature article about my "Get Stitched on the Farm" Classes written by Diane Broncaccio, a local writer who attended my August Flower Class.

And now to the Giveaway. You're going to love this one.

One winner will receive:
1. A copy of the new Ohio Knitting Mills Book, written by Stephen Tatar, courtesy of Artisan Books. This book is full of vintage inspired knits. You can read a good book review on it over at Susan B. Anderson's blog.
2. The premier issue of Knitting Today.
3. A copy of Knitting Green, courtesy of Interweave Knits. This is a beautiful book written by Ann Budd. It has many, many amazing projects in it and several essays, including one I wrote about raising sheep.
4. Three incredible skeins of yarn from my friend Gail Callahan, The Kangaroo Dyer. Each skein has almost 400 yards of yarn. The darker blue is 100% merino and the other two skeins are silk/wool blends. These are so beautifully dyed.

Do you know Gail's new book Hand Dyeing Yarn and Fleece? It is great and getting rave reviews including on Clara Parkes' Knitters Review! I wrote about it here on the blog. You can order it on Gail's website directly from her. (She'll make more money that way! I'm always out to help a fellow author!)

As usual, there's a question you need to answer in the comments section. Also, please leave an easy way to get a hold of you. U.S. Addresses only. Thanks.

Question: As fall rolls around, most knitters and crocheters start making plans for holiday gifting. My question is: Do you knit or crochet gifts for the holidays and if you do, what are you planning to make this year? Who will be the lucky recipient?

CONTEST ENDS AT NOON ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd. I'll pick a winner and notify you by e-mail. Good luck everyone!


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Katie said...

I was just in upstate NY and love the autumn feel of the place. YES I am doing holiday knitting. Hats. I am all about the hats this year. I am at email: katie(dot)benedict(at)gmail(dot)com.

Katie said...

(oh, and the recepients will be anyone and everyone who crosses my path - I have a LOT of spare stash single skeins to use).

Unknown said...

This year marks only my second Christmas as a knitter. Last year I made a garter stitch striped scarf for my sister--finishing it on Christmas Eve! This year, I'm working on a huge cabled blanket as a wedding present for my sister-in-law, with expected delivery at Christmas...hopefully it'll work out! smallest(dot)tiger(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I only knit for a few, very special people..... My kids used to paraphrase that old country music song that says "Only 2 things that money can't buy, one's true love, one's home-grown tomatoes!" into "One's true love, one's hand knit socks!"

This Christmas I am knitting socks for a very special friend in Arizona. She chose Opal sock yarn, traced her foot for me, and I am knitting, with love and friendship knit into every stitch!

Barbara M. (bfmeyers(at) metrocast(dot)net

caednkat said...

I do knit and crochet most gifts for my side of the family. They all love and appreciate hand made gifts and request them over store bought. The husband's side of the family get's small store bought gifts. I'm just not willing to pour hours of my time and love into something someone will not appreciate.
On my list? Hats, a shawl, a hooded scarf, stuffed monsters, and a triangle man-scarf. :)

Anonymous said...


Yes holiday knitting has been a big part of my life for many years now. I knit for my children, grandchildren, mother, sisters, brothers, nieces, newphews, my boyfriend and his newphew, niece and great newphew. Scarves, hats & mittens are alway a favorite, but for the little ones sweaters.

Beth said...

I knit Christmas presents each year, this year I am making 3 Hill Country Hats (Clara Parkes pattern) for my nephews out of Aracunia Bulky (and all done as of last week), 3 Rainbow Cowls for the nieces (from one of the Interweave mags) out of Solana (2.5 already finished), 1 Catepiller Cardi for my granddaughter (from Yarn Forward)out of Rowen Chunky (half done). I am also finishing a second February Lady vest for my mother (she got one last year for Christmas, this one is just because). I might do some other things if the time and inclination is there (hope to spin some yarn to make some things for my mother.)

I can be reached at braymond1957 at comcast dot net

mkg said...

Socks--but only for a few people who I know will appreciate them, and this year perhaps some mitts.

Molly said...

I'm more of a sewer but I recently learned how to make granny squares and I'm addicted! I was thinking of making some granny square garlands to hang in the doorways for the holidays. My sisters would LOVE them!

Unknown said...

Holiday knitting for me starts in January! I guess I don't knit very quickly, so I start early. This year, a scarf for my mother-in-law, socks for my friend Joann, a Harry Potter scarf for my son and felted slippers for my niece. Did you get to Rhinebeck?? It was beautiful! TheNJBaldwins@gmail.com

jordi said...

I am a process kind of knitter, I knit all year long, generally scarves, shawls, mitts etc with patterns that interest me. Then when Christmas rolls around I tend to package them up and give them away, generally more interested in doing the knitting than wearing the end result. My chairs all wear shawls when I finish them. So I don't knit specifically for holidays, I just KNIT!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to make some things, and when polled, my boring family would prefer BLACK or BROWN hats and scarves. Woe is me.

BlackCat said...

I only knit for those who will appreciate it. I made those felted clogs last year for my Dad and the rest of the family coveted them. So, I've got a bunch of them to do. Socks for DH. Scarves for friends. Hope it won't get too crazy.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely knit for the holidays. This year it will be just my niece and nephew. Each will get a sweater - The Three Bears Pullover from The Knitter's Book of Wool. Thankfully, they're 4 and 5, so knits are relatively quick. I won't be starting until sometime in November, after I've finished a baby sweater for a gift and a pair of much needed new slippers for me.

Leslie said...

I started my Christmas knitting in August. I'm basically doing a sweater for a little guy, a hat for a friend's husband, a hat for a friend of mine and some mittens for a couple of people because the ones I made for them 3 years ago have "plumb wore out!" The new mittens will be a strand or two of sock yarn with a strand of worsted and I bet you know what famous knitter gave me the inspiration for that one -- initials are KN!

That sure does look like a nice present to win...


Michelle said...

I tend to do a little bit of both knitting and crochet. But more knitting. There were requests last year for some fingerless mittens and one for a hat. I tend to like to make them quick, single-skein projects so I can get more made for more friends and family.

Anonymous said...

Last year, I sewed more than a dozen patchwork Market Bags (from the pattern on the blog Posie Gets Cosy). I seriously depleted my fabric stash and had a great time mixing prints and pieces of vintage embroidery, lace, and trims. These were gifts for a group of friends that has shared "Girl's Christmas" together for over 30 years. There is always a lot of laughter, yummy food, and wine! This year, we're simplifying and everyone brings one special gift, beautifully wrapped of course, that goes into a pile for each of us to pick one gift from. It was hard to think what might appeal to wonderful women who range in age from 8 to 78, but I finally settled on a silk-merino lace scarf I am knitting in a gorgeous aqua color. I have never knit anything so intricate and fine, and it is both a challenge and a pleasure -- a true gift from the heart. Claudia Horner, claudiahorner@yahoo.com

Erin said...

I knit a lot of gifts. I also make pure silver jewerly. This year, my children are getting a whole bunch of knitted play food, as well as a knitted frog for both. Frog for niece and nephew, too. Knit slippers for hubby and brother-in-law, and grandma necklaces for my mom and mother-in-law :)

PumpkinFreckles said...

Yes, I've been knitting things this whole year for the holidays. I've knit mostly hats for my children and have plans to knit some wristwarmers for the girls in the family. Another pair of socks for the hubster and maybe a scarf for Mom.

S said...
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S said...

I don't knit fast enough to make gifts for the holidays...Either that or my family is too large :) (Not that I'm complaining, we are truly blessed to be so many.)


MicheleinMaine said...

I think I'm going to make a pink cashmere Ishbel shawl for my four year old niece. It seems extravagant, I know, but I made a purple one for her mother, and she's always trying to wear it! She loves pink, and will take care of it, I know.

Kim in Apex said...

I love to give handmade gifts. this year I'm knitting a vest for my Mother-in-law. She's also a knitter. I'm also knitting a scarf for my best friend from high school and a pair of socks for my sister. They are all very special people and deserve extra special gifts.

judi said...

i always knit christmas presents. this year i am making mittens for EVERYONE!!!!! and i am having so much fun choosing patterns and yarns.

Anonymous said...

I knit all year and then at Christmas find things to give people--this year I'm going to spend Christmas with my daughter and her inlaws, so the mother-in-law and sister-in-law will get shawlettes. My daughter will likely get socks (as usual), and I have some friends who will get scarves or socks as well. Sarah

Jolene said...

I don't knit much for the holidays anymore -- prefer my knitting deadline free, the best way to avoid a stress-induced case of the bah humbugs!


KnittingTrim said...

I'm looking forward to knitting Kate Oates' Dixie Lace Sweater for my Mom for Christmas. I've never actually knit anything personal for just her before, and in southern California this will be a perfect winter-ish top :-)

Siew said...

I don't do Christmas knitting - too much pressure all at once. My gift knitting is around birthdays - better to spread it out throughout the year. Although I do knit mini sweaters to decorate packages and was thinking of crocheting snowflakes this year. So much for spreading things out!

Deborah said...

I'm making socks for DH and DS, and I'm planning knitted ornaments for my knitting friends.

Susan B. said...

I have been knitting since mid-June on my Christmas presents. I decided to try to knit something for everyone in my immediate family this year: mittens for my sister, hat and scarf for Dad, cowl for Mom, stole for step-mom, shawl for sister-in-law, and socks for husband. I'm about two thirds of the way done! Hope I finish by December! Please enter me in the contest. I can be reached at susanabarfield(at)gmail(dot)com.

Dee said...

I do knit for the holidays and this year, I'm going to knit my brother a sweater. He OK'ed the yarn and pattern, so I'm good to go!

Chppie said...

I don't want any stressful knitting so I usually do wash clothes, dish towels or other household item combined with an appropriate gift. We usually give homemade food for gifts so a household knitted item works out well. Occasionally I'll knit a scarf if it's something that I can knit fairly quickly and I'm sure the person will like.

Joan and Kevin said...

I knit and I am going to make socks. My Aunt Verna loves my socks and I make her a pair every year.

Anonymous said...

I love to knit my holiday gifts, it makes everything oh so much more personal! Last year I attempted to make each of my friends a hat, using different patterns that suited each person best. I ended up not starting early enough and still having 3 hats left to knit by the holidays. I have yet to give them the hats out of sheer embarassment. This year, I'm going to take the hats and embellish them, then give them as this years gifts.

Asides from hats, I'm planning on knitting my sister an owl - she loves those silly things =)

Melanie Gardner said...

The last 2 years I've made gifts for my mom, sister and nephew of gloves one year and scarves the next. This year only the ladies are getting gifts. Felted purses! Gotta go start them...


Ms. Knitsalot said...

My mom and I are working on a collaborative gift for my sister who is having a girl. We are making crocheted squares to turn into a baby blanket. I also knit and have been working on mittens, hats and scarves. Washcloths with yummy handmade bars of soap are always great gifts too. You name it, if I have the time, I will knit or crochet a gift!!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Wendy E said...

I'm definitely knitting gifts this holiday, as cash is tight and the stash is plentiful. Hats, socks, felted slippers and bags, maybe a scarf. No pressure, just small projects - so hopefully I won't be pulling my hair out in December!

bittenbyknittin said...

It has become my custom the past few years to knit the primary members of my family socks for xmas. Right now that translates to four pairs, soon to be five - my first grandchild is due any day now!

Debbie said...
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Anonymous said...

I try to knit something every year for my sister in England as we don't get to see each other very often. Usually a shawl. Also hats for charity this year. Lots of them!

Debbie said...

I can knit and crochet, however, this year I am planning on knitting a few cowls for gifts and possibly a pair of mittens or gloves. I can be reached at just2debbie2000 at yahoo dot com. Thank you for another great giveaway!

Diane H K in Greenfield said...

I will knit some socks and perhaps a sweater and scarf for Lorelei this year. Gee, I'd better get started!

I think I saw you and Julia drive by my house about a half hour ago when Lorelei and I were getting out of the car after picking her up at school!

dianehk01 at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

I usually don't make any holiday gifts - too much pressure. However, this year I am planning to make 2 hats. One for my niece and one for my nephew. I make an exception to my no hand-made gift rule every few years, but only for one or two gift recipients -- never a long list. Jackie, jzlpbc@aol.com

beth said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Yes, I do knit for the holidays. Last year it was a sweater for my daughter. This year... a couple of scarves for friends, maybe another sweater, this time for my sister, and if I get my act together, a hat or two for my boys!

molly said...

I'm in school this year so I'll be in the maelstrom of finals as the holidays near. No gifts for anyone. Unless the husband decides at the last minute someone needs something just to make my life more difficult :)

Molly / mollyb5(at)comcast(dot)net

Turtle said...

Always, and it's knitting. I tend to make a few hats, cowls, fingerless mitts, i make up a few basket gifts and include homemade jams, teas and maybe a knit mug cozy or two....at least one blanket gets given away and maybe a few knit ornaments. As well as soap. My daughter has 7 suite mates at college, i was thinking of knitting up small sweaters in their "school colors" on wire hangers for their tree at home. Not made mini sweaters but looks fun! Slippers are fun to knit and felt as well.... lol, everyone gets homemade from us!

Sallie said...

I don't knit for the holidays. I find it too stressful. I just do my usual things and give presents all year round.

Sallie tsalib@aol.com

Sally said...

I have hats, scarves, and some very cute cabled slippers in mind for gifts, but still waiting on brother to give me the correct shoe size of his wife!

Anonymous said...

I do knit for the holidays. My mom has asked for a headband or hat. My older niece will be spending a semester in Copenhagen come January so I will have to knit something for her, my younger nephews need socks and the rest I haven't decided yet. : )

SnohoTina said...

I usually have grand plans to knit something for all my close family members but am usually lucky if I accomplish it for one or two. I love going though my stash, patterns and ravelry to get inspiration. This giveaway would most definetely inspire me further. snohotina@gmail.com

auntiemichal said...

Hi, Kristin! Fall indeed has me knitting more, partly because there are new shows on the idiot box! My holiday knitting list includes a dismaying number of items: 9 or 10 hats, 4 pair of mittens, 1 pair of socks, and a vest or shawl (pattern picking is in progress). I'm getting smarter about picking yarn for gift hats: chunky (or doubled worsted) rocks!

Martha said...

Yes, I'm knitting holiday gifts--and even started already. I will be making scarves and hats and maybe washcloths (wrapped in handmade soaps). The lucky recipients are a secret--they might be reading your blog. :-)

Cathy said...

Holiday knitting is something I always do. And always a sweater for my granddaughter. One year I made prayer shawls for my Bible study friends...that took some time!

I'm getting some good ideas from the other commenters.

Aren't the leaves gorgeous this year?

AnaB said...

I don't specifically knit for the holidays, though sometimes something I've knit at some point in the year gets gifted then. It just adds too much stress to an already crazy season... If I do knit for others, it is usually for the children in the family.
- Cositas, in Ravelry

I'm gonna tell Mom! said...

I am trying to make as many Christmas gifts as I can this year. Socks for Grandpa, a scarf for Grandma, hats and mittens/fingerless mitts or Marksman's gloves for my nephews- Ishbel for a Florida friend, and maybe several pairs of socks for my mom. I need to get organized!( And maybe more sweaters for my sister's Chickens!


Connie said...

Oh, I wish I had to to knit for family for the holiday's...it won't happen this year!

Just Another Blonde said...

i will be knitting hats or scarfs for my Mom, daughter and two grandkids. I just started last week on one.....a scarf for Mom.

Sarah said...

I am knitting my brother a scarf even though he lost the last one I gave him. My niece wants a hat, as long as it has a pom pom on top and I think my sister needs somestriped socks. I also usually make some mini sweater ornaments to have on hand as last minute gifts,

Meredith said...

I live in Florida so it is still 84 degrees out, but with less humidity, so it is lovely. I usually knit a ton for Christmas but this year I can't as my Mother is in rehab, my Dad not doin well with her not at home. I am working part time and taking care of my family. I will be sad on Christmas day not giving knitted gifts. It is so much fun to do. Hope eeryone else has lots of time to get it all done.

Diane said...

I don't usually knit or crochet Christmas gifts - I do exchanges with special friends all year around when I finish something - kind of like having Christmas all of the time.

noallatin said...

I don't plan to knit holiday gifts unless I finish the socks I was making for my sister-in-law. They were never intended as a Christmas gift so if I finish them, so much the better.

Vicki Maguinness said...

This year I actually have already finshed one of my knitting projects. A group of friends get together every December for a Christmas gathering. We each bring a wrapped gift and take turns picking one. Almost everyone brings something small as gift for each of the girls. I haven't been able to attend in the last couple of years, but a goody bag always comes my way. This year I made a dozen fingerless mittens to take as my way of saying "I love you guys too!"

Annie said...

I plan on knitting a pair of fingerless mitts for my Godmother (she loved the pair I knit her last year and asked if I would knit her a black pair). I also plan on knitting a fair-isle Christmas stocking for my mother. She doesn't have one and I know that she will cherish it. I'll be lucky to get those two projects done, so those are the only holiday gifts I have planned for this year. If I am especially productive, I might knit my best friend a shawlette.

Anonymous said...

I knit. And I am making gifts for everyone in the fam. From hats and mittens to golf club covers and cowls. Obviously, I have already started.
I hope I win!!!! :))

Jessica said...

I usually do, but this year I'm scaling it back. If I knit anything, it will be a scarf for my somewhat-estranged father, who nearly cried at the fingerless gloves I knit him two years ago. At some point I'd like to knit some Lithuanian-inspired socks for my father-in-law, who is obsessed with his Lithuanian heritage.

jessica dot rudmin at gmail dot com!

Kathleen C. said...

I do make gifts... knit as I am only just re-learning long forgotten crochet skills.
Usually it's a mix of scarves (two, maybe three, as they take so long), fingerless mitts (for a quickie project to balance the scarves) and a felted sock-slipper or two. Rarely a hat... they're harder to judge the giftee's taste.

Janelle said...

I can't resist knitting a few Christmas gifts. I plan ahead for some and then succomb to some last-minute items, as well (last year I knit your tree ornaments at the last minute!).

This year my mom gets a pair of socks (already made and blocked) and hopefully my sweetie gets a pair (not yet made, but yarn has been acquired and wound, and pattern is printed).

Anonymous said...

Of course I'm knitting for the holidays. I just made my husband an ear flap hat with 4 different colors. I just love it and he will look so handsome.
My sister Sally Field (no she's not the famouse one, will be getting a knitted blanket for her couch in her favorite color purple.
My other sister Joann will probably get a shawlette out of my hand dyed home spun yarn. I just don't know which pattern or which skein yet.

Anonymous said...

Will definitely do some knitted gifts. Mittens this year, I think (three pair?). I think some of my recipients may need a break to keep the anticipation fresh...

I love love love your pictures and hope to join you for a class. In the meantime, thank you for sharing!

busgirl at ravelry or yosoyal at aol

Suzanne said...

I've been doing some holiday knititng. A few shawlettes are done or almost done. I am on the first of 3 pairs of leg warmers. The first pair is my sample pair that goes to a co-workers daughter. The other two pair are for my hairdresser's daughters. The co-workers little girl is right between their ages so I make something for her, then adjust to fit the other 2 girls. I think that will be it this year.

Lisa Viviano said...

I'm knitting scarves this year as

Christmas gifts for my sister and sister-in-law. Mom is getting lace socks (already finished).

Susan said...

I'm so jealous of your black-eyed Susans! I live in WV, and mine died weeks ago...

I am planning to make a pair of felted slippers for a friend. I might also churn out some quick and easy fingerless mittens and cup cozies. You can reach me at SusanNMarshall(at)gmail(dot)com.

Anonymous said...

My holiday crafting started in August...for a change. Usually I wait way too late and have to knit/crochet until February to get done.

My mom is getting a pair of gloves out of the Selbuvotter book(Annemor #11). I've knit them in wine and charcoal colors. She'll also be getting a travelling roses scarf to match made out of a deep wine silk/alpaca blend.

My niece will be getting a Fair Isle Tam (by Patons) made with Cascade 220, I think.

My sister will be getting a shawl but I haven't decided on the pattern. I have a beautiful silver lace weight alpaca/silk/wool.

My SIL is getting socks in the raised Chevron pattern by Charlene Schurch.

My best girl friend is getting a pair of socks also but I don't know which pattern I will use.

The boys will probably get gift cards- they don't particularly care about the knitting. If I have time Dad wants a vest (I like Humphrey), brother might like socks, nephew might get a new hat(maybe something like "Ryan's hat" by Pam Allen).

I'm hoping to also crochet pot scrubbers and hanging towels for all the families.

It's quite a nutty list but hopefully I can accomplish it. I'm available at kristinkinman(at)hotmail.com


Cate said...
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Cate said...

I've just traded Christmas List names in my family so I can knit a lace shawl(Tibetan Clouds from Knitter's Book of Wool) for my brother's fiancee. Luckily I just have to start it as the wedding isn't until September. I'm also knitting "Cobblestones" for one of my sons (the other knit the body and sleeves of the pattern for himself last year and I finished it for him). Throw in a couple of neckwarmers (Knitspot patterns, probably) and mittens for the mitten tree at church. Sounds like enough to keep someone who works full-time busy between now and December 25! ctashton(at)colby(dot)edu

Bonnita said...

I love fall here in the PNW! This year I'm all about the shrug, and yes they are for all the gals in my family, and one for my favorite medical assistant, so that's 5! Can't wait to give them out!
I've been hearing the ducks and geese flying south, so that means it's also time to start feeding my winter birdies, I love the fall!

christine said...

This year I am knitting a shawl for the silent auction my spinner's and weavers guild is having to raise funds for our guild. It will help pay for programs for the next year. I usually manage to gift a friend or family member with a pair of socks or mittens as well. suburbaknit AT yahoo DOT com

Southern Gal said...

i love the IDEA of knitting christmas gifts - but have four sisters, three binlaws, three nephews and a mom.

for the last few years i have thought about doing socks - maybe this is the year ... i need small portable projects .... we'll see.

Carla said...

I am making coffee cozies- for my co-workers about 16 ( they take about an hour and you can make them with worsted yarn scraps) also a few other gifts.

Nancy said...

I have always have big plans, but never come close. This year, I'm aiming low and will be happy with a hat and a pair of mitts!

k said...

no holiday knitting for me this year. i used to do it, mostly for my in-laws and sister. now that i have a 16mo, if i ever get to knit, i'd concentrate on items for her, her father and me! (and oh dear goodness, would i love to get that ohio knitting mills book!)

emeselle said...

I may knit my knitting sister a pair of slippers or some gloves. Otherwise, no plans for knitted gifts at Christmas. I do better knitting gifts without a deadline. If I win (pickmepickmepickme!) you can reach me at mslabruyere(at)yahoo(dot)com.

melinda said...

I just began knitting 3 weeks ago...I'm heading towards empty nestville and wanted to save something that I REALLY look forward to learning for this BitterSweet time in my life. I've always been "Jill Of All Crafts, Mistress Of None" and with crochet hook in hand I will be making sets of fingerless gloves and scarves for my daughters and nieces...maybe a chunky scarf for my only nephew. I am in love with every knitting pattern I see right now but I'd better wait until at least Valentine's Day to knit any presents or else I'll be headed for a world of frustration. I'm loving the soft clickity clack of the needles as I'm learning.

Anonymous said...

I always have big plans for things to knit for Christmas, but have a hard time actually getting them done or even started in time. I did knit matching hats for my mom and sister one year. This year I'm hoping to knit some toys for my kids. I'm annarga on ravelry.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to get my husband's slipper knitted and felted and the toy horse my daughter has wanted for a couple years done. I wish I could knit faster. :)
I'm susanknits@earthlink.net.

fracksmom said...

I made all of my gifts last year, dish rags, this year i am making my mom a snuggle sweater, a friend will be receiving crocheted srubbies, and i will be making scarves for my cold weather friends.

Mimi said...

I love making accessories as gifts! Hats, gloves, bags, moebiuses are all on the Christmas-gift-making list, as well as some of the adorable slipper socks from Color by Kristin.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am knitting and crocheting holiday gifts for family. Some mittens, scarves, and a few stuffed toys. :)

Betty said...

I will make homemade gifts for my friends this year- crocheted handwarmers with flower and button embellishments.

Meliabella said...

Hi Kristin, I drove by the sunflowers last Wednesday and was so sad to the the flowers had already passed for the year!

This holiday season I will be knitting for my best friend (a knitter), my husband, my mother and my son's teachers.

Kathy said...

Oh yes, I knit and crochet for the holidays for sure. I just made 25 crocheted pumpkins to give to all my students and fellow teachers where I work. They're from orange red,green and variegated autumn yarns with little green stems. So fun to make and stuff with navy beans. Every Christmas I make something for all the women on my in-law's side of the family. Last year I made lacy cowls for them all (here are seven of them) and this year I'm making them cotton face clothes wrapped around a bar of soap with a little knitted apple ornament on top. Oh, I DO love so to make stuff!
I'm Kathy at webksiemsen@lisco.com. - just in case I'm lucky enough to win your fantastic October Giveaway #3.

Cortney said...

I do plan on crocheting gifts for some of my family members this year. I have a set of play food and amigurami toys I plan on making for my 2 kids (20m and 4y) and I granny square afghan for my mom. I have a few friends who are expecting babies in the spring and they are going to get hat and bootie sets for their beans :)


Judi A. said...

This year I have grandiose plans of a Christmas washcloth for each female guest at our Christmas Dessert Open House(about 20), the Raggi vest for a friend and a sweater for her son, fingerless mitts and hat for a friend, and a decorative scarf for my daughter. Whew,I'd better get knitting! :-)


Unknown said...

I do usually "holiday knit" but try to keep it minimal so I don't get overwhelmed by deadline knitting which to me is not fun. I will be making the "Petal" shawlette in a supersoft Lorna's laces variegated for my daughter-in-law.

Strickbombe said...

I'm relatively new to the 'holiday knitting' scene. On the needles already for this year are a pair of flip-top mitts (glomitts) for my husband, an 'OM' eye pillow for my yoga girlfriend and a pair of socks for another girlfriend. All smallish projects this year. I have learned from my mistake: last Christmas, I gifted my little sister 10 balls of wool which STILL haven't turned into a cardigan! (P.S. If I win, I do have a US address)

onescrappychick said...

My holiday knitting is dependent on a few things, but mostly who I pick in the gift swap. This year I am knitting a few scarves for coworkers, a couple stuffed toys for various nieces and some fingerless gloves per my teenage son's request. I picked my SIL's name this year, and plan to knit her something fabulous, I just don't know what it is yet.

JackieLemon said...

I make a little something for each of my 10 grandkids. One year it was slippers, a washcloth, last year they all received hand knit hats. This year its going to be mittens, even though that means 20 items.

Andrea said...

This year, I'm making socks for my nieces. Every year, it's something different. Last year was hats. Nothing too complicated, just lots and lots of wool!

Unknown said...

charity knitting is always appreciated at this time of the year. Hats and mitts to help fill out baskets ffor the needy.

Ronnie said...

I'm knitting socks, socks and more socks. Last year I made hats and fingerless gloves/mitts. Last weekend at the Wool and Sheep Festival I stocked up on sock yarn. You can read about that in this blog post: blog:http://www.econesting.com/2010/10/17/unraveled-and-moving-forward/

Pyewacket said...

I usually make some hats for a few family members and for charity.

Charlene said...

This year I started early because I'm doing requests! A hat for my son crochet, hat for my daughter (not done yet), and a hat for my husband (knit). They all asked for something different so it's been fun keeping up. Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance. ma2vt@comcast.net

Barbara Dykes said...

I knit kitchen towels and scrubbies for all of my co-workers. You see, I work with 16 women and I make them each something each year. I am the youngest and I'm almost 50 so they appreciate home made gifts.

Tracie said...

The cooler weather has me a little panicked since there are so many projects I want to knit for so many people. I have already started an entrelac scarf - my first entrelac project and definitely not my last. I have 2 new nephews who will be getting the neatest project: a stroller blanket. It is like a poncho because the baby's head goes through a hole and that way the blanket stays over their shoulders - it is a Debbie Bliss pattern. Then there will be fingerless gloves - of course -- my first pair was from your book and I still wear mine and see the ones I have knitted for friends. Whew, I better get knitting!
tracienix [at] gmail [dot] com.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is a time for giving, but I feel everyday should be Christmas. I give from the heart. I do not own many of my own knit Items because when some one says they like it...I give it away. I do make items for my family and friends as gifts or surprises just because everyday should be a special day....like Christmas. I am working on 3 baby gifts for 3 showers I have coming up right before Christmas....I do have some malabrigo put a side for a shawl for me and I have to say...I hope now one likes it because this one I wont part with...LOL. What a great giveaway gift...thank you for inspiring us all with your gift of colorways~

Bonnie Lemme
43 Munson st.
Greenfield, MA 01301

Anonymous said...

For my two older granddaughters, I'll knit cowls and for my one-year old granddaughter I'm knitting a Christmas sock. It's a tradition for me to knit Christmas socks for my nieces and nephews plus my grandchildren.

Valerie Rice said...

I'm making a felted bag for one good friend (the pattern by Ishi on Rav) and the just enough ruffles scarf (also on Rav) for the same friend, who has a birthday right before Christmas. But perhaps most importantly :) I'm making 4 pairs of your fab colorful flower-embroidered fingerless mitts, all for different friends...thanks! They're fast and fab and look 100 times harder than they are!

chris said...

Hi, Lovely Blog.
So...Do I knit or crochet gifts for the holidays,...Plans for this year.
Yes, I do/have knit and crocheted gifts for family, mostly, a few friends, in the past...slippers, wash cloths, scarves. My experiences have been that often the things I anticipated them liking and so loved making for them were not things they were tickled to receive. Daughter has been the exception, and she'll continue to find a handmade item in her Christmas packages each year. My plans for this year is to finish up gifts for family that were already OTN (a cable vest for MIL, a vest for DH, a pair of mittens for DD, socks for Sis) and that will be the last things I knit for gifts unless something is specifically requested. I'd prefer to make things for orphanages, homeless shelters and hospitals, where the time spent is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Would love to be picked for your generous offer.Each year I try to make something knitted as gifts. This year I've finished a baby sweater and am hoping to make mitts for everyone.The key word here is hoping!


India said...

I always knit for my sister for Christmas, birthdays, etc. I'm thinking about (another) pair of fingerless gloves for her, this time maybe the Mermaid Gloves or Nereid Gloves based on the Pomatomus socks. I'm also very taken with linen stitch scarves and small triangular scarves and I'm considering who on my list of recipients might like one of these.

Karen said...

I started making all my holiday gifts a couple of years ago. I try to begin in January and knit all year long, usually I can be done by Sept. or Oct. This year I am knitting 7 pair of socks, 4 hats, and 3 scarves (at least I think that's everything...). I often weave gifts as well as knit but I moved this fall and my weaving tools are buried in a storage unit so this year's gifts will be all knits. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to receive such a generous gift!

Karen said...

oops, forgot to tell you that I can be reached at Spinster1780@yahoo.com! Thanks again for the opportunity! :)

keke621 said...

I am knitting the "family of slipper socks" from Colors by Kristin. I made a pair last week and was so pleased with the outcome. Some days I get a cup of coffee and just sit and pore over the pictures in your book. Email address is keke621@bellsouth.net

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristin,

that's why I live in Florida. Cut flowers all year long! I always aim to give only Handmade gifts. Don't always hit the mark but I try. This year is a knit shawl for my sister, several handwoven scarves for other sisters, some Inkle woven bookmarks for everyone's stocking and hopefully some handknit socks. whew. I didn't start early enough this year. 2011 is another year!!!

Cyndy Landers

Anonymous said...

I have to prioritize my gift knitting - I usually handknit something for my kids teachers first. Mittens, hats, dishcloths, tiny mitten ornaments or a tiny mitten garland, the colorful slippers from your book, cowls, etc. all given in a hand sewn gift bag! Anne Paulson paulsons4@arvig.net

mhw1104 said...

I have knitted three University of Florida scarves for my son and two grandsons, and one University of Tenneessee scarf for my other son. Plus, holiday dishcloths and "rug mugs"!

Elizabeth D said...

I rarely knit for Christmas anymore -- too much pressure. That being said, this year I've decided to knit a sweater for my husband. It's impossible to think of gifts for him, and I know he'd really love one. I'm also stacking up hats for a group called Hats for the Homeless, where a soup kitchen in NYC gives them to their patrons the weekend before Christmas, so I guess those count.

Yellowbug said...

I like to knit and crochet a few gifts for special people. I will do some scarves, gloves, and hats. Really would like to win this contest. Thanks.

Caralyn said...

I do knit for my husband and my kids, but we do not celebrate Christmas and my gift knitting is mercifully deadline and (mostly) stress free. A good thing, too. I have 4 kids--all of whom want warm socks this year-- and if I were to try to knit stuff for all of them at once, I would never get anything else done.

d said...

I'm planning to make one small gift for each of my children (including their spouses/significant others!) ... and I'm almost a quarter of the way there (scarf, hat, mittens, wristwarmers....)

Kathleen said...

I always try to knit/crochet/embroider some of the Christmas gifts, though not as many as I hope. I always make socks for my grandma (93 and still going strong!)and usually a pair or two for a couple other family members. I am also gifting a crocheted afghan, and at least one scarf. I usually give my husband a half-finished sweater, which he will receive in the New Year.

you can reach me at busywoman(at)lycos(dot)com

Joyce said...

I've been making the cute fingerless mittens for my sisters and Mom and daughters and was hoping to do mittens for all the grandkids this year (9 sets), but now we are expecting 2 new little grandbabies (twins) and so all other knitting is taking a back seat to little baby sweaters, hats, and booties for these sweet little twins. We pray they will wait to arrive until right before Christmas! I would love to win this wonderful give-a-way! I love Gail's book and find it makes the whole dyeing process a lot more approachable and accessible. It's been fun to read what everyone else is knitting for the holidays.

MaryjoO said...

I usually make something for a family member -- this year I need to finish a scarf and a pair of long mitts! (and thanks for the giveaway!)

Amy said...

The people who live with me see everything I knit, so it's hard to surprise them with gifts (though I do fill the many requests for hats, scarves and mittens). But I have smaller nieces and nephews--two of each--and they're getting a couple of sweaters and one huge time-suck of a baby blanket that I finally finished after starting it in August.
The giveaway looks gorgeous! I did read the article about your classes and it's a pretty great advertisement for them. Someday!

Sharon said...

I'm knitting for everyone this year, a tunic length vest for my daughter, a shawl for my Mother, mother and daughter matching sweaters for my daughterinlaw and grandaughter. Friends are getting scarves from sock yarn. Knit, knit, knit, I've been working on Christmas since early summer.

Sharon slien@q.com

Alison said...

A few years ago I gave my daughter the offer of a knitted sweater for Christmas, but it took a long time for her to find a pattern she really liked so she's finally going to get it this year in time for the cold weather in Chicago where she just moved to start law school. I love color in my knitting but she's all about texture so it's heavily cabled and will undoubtedly keep her warm as she huddles over those law books.


Robin C said...

what wonderful exciting prizes to give to someone.

I am a slow knitter but like to have a few things homemade to gift. I'll do simple things like scarves, hats, dishcloths to go with homemade (not mine) soaps, etc. I wish that I was more accomplished and faster but that's just the way it is. I love your stuff and have your book on color. Colors just take me away to a magical place. thanks for the inspiration!

Jo Anne W-M said...

For gifts I am knitting two items started for Christmas 2009 for my next door neighbors : Glittens for her and a scarf for him. I also have a Multnomah shawl in progress that will probably go to my sister-in-law if I complete it. In my dreams I also have mitts and socks for a few other relatives and the Tangled yoke cardigan (in progress) for my daughter.


710 East Myrtle Avenue said...

Last year I crocheted and felted baskets as Christmas gifts. This year I'm really into knitting triangle scarves. The scarves will go to my mom and daughter. I'm also working on a knitted blanket for my son and a headband for my sister.

Anonymous said...

I never knit or crochet Christmas gifts or birthday presents, because so many people are so unable to appreciate them! My by-hand productions only go to friends who admire them, and only with the recipients' input on style, material, color, etc, and with many consultations and fittings (for clothing) as the project evolves. I don't promise a delivery date-- but I'll wrap the final product prettily for a nice presentation!
-- Gretchen

Maureen said...

Sisters,(there are 4 of them) will get lace scarves, lace is about all I knit these days I am addicted!

Love the blog and Gails dyeing work, own several alpaca lace skeins.


lisa said...

I will be knitting hats and hot water bottle covers :)


Unknown said...

I often have plans to knit people stuff for the holidays but I never finish or get to it. I give them stuff at other times.

Amy Timberlake said...

Some years I do and some years I don't. I'm a SLOW knitter. And I usually knit things a couple of times before I get it right. BUT I usually do make my husband a pair of what I call "big woolly" socks (Elizabeth Zimmerman's workman socks) every year. He loves them, and you know how hard it is to knit for a guy? Anyway, this year I'm not because I got back a pair I knitted for my dad (passed away two years ago) and Phil is really touched to have those. So that's the news. (You can reach me thru "contact me" on my website below -- I get a lot of spam, so I'm nervous about leaving it on your comments.

Beautiful blog by the way! A real inspiration!

JoanneS said...

As fall rolls in I start knitting holiday gifts for friends and family. The women all seem to love my fingerless mitts and slippers and the men want hats and scarves. I LOVE this time of year!


Marcy said...

Holiday knitting is the most fun! I always knit something for my three little granddaughters, ages 3,6 and 9. This year they are getting hats. Last year they got knitted monkeys, all with clothes. I save the sweaters for birthdays. I knit all year long and this year I decided to crochet myself a hexagonal granny square afghan for Christmas. After carpul tunnel surgery crochet was easier than knitting. Had lots of fun. Your bright colorwork inispired me to use colors that I wouldn't have previously. Thanks!

green23 said...

No holiday knitting here because we don't celebrate xmas in our family. However, I want to start knitting small items as gifts. Lovely giveaway! Love your blog and I have both of your books and hope to get started on some projects shortly :-)

Dana said...

I love knitting for holidays, especially since my family really, truly seems to appreciate their gifts. I have a few scarfs, socks and mittens on the list, but the big gift this year is going to be a sweater for my grandmother who turns 80 right before Christmas. I just can't decide on an pattern!

I never win anything, but just in case:
ddejongboots AT hotmail DOT com

JFibers said...

I love holiday knitting. Last year I made ALL of these for my knitting buddies: http://www.berroco.com/exclusives/minutia/minutia.html
and this year, I'm hoping to make these for my knitting buddies:

It's the best knitting for other knitters. They are super appreciative of your efforts and hardly ever get knitting of their own to wear.

Anonymous said...

I do knit gifts, but not generally for a specific holiday. I make them when I feel like it, and give them when they're done.

Lynn said...

Yes, I knit gifts for Christmas! I try to take turns with the ladies on each side of the family. This year it will be French Press Knit Slippers!


Marian said...

Hi Kristin - I'm knitting hats. Some for charity & some for family.

I love reading your blog.

billicummings said...

Yes, I have made a few Christmas gifts over the years. I'm a very modest knitter so most often the gift is for my grown children. This year I'd like to make my husband something for Christmas. Maybe a hat. I'm not sure yet. Thanks for the contest.

Love your stuff! Billi

christine said...

I just got back from a visit to Ireland and went to the oldest -still in production woolen mill - cushendale(started in1204) and purchased some lovely yarn to make scarves for two special friends .
I have just discovered your blog and love the pictures -especially the sheep .Thank you.

Bonnie said...

I do knit for Christmas. This year, I plan on socks for my Mom (she requests that they're wild on the leg and toe and tame on the ankle and portion of foot where they'll be seen--I love that), knee highs for a friend, a sweater for another friend, and.... well, now I'm freaking out a bit.

Trish R said...

This year I have already started a throw for my daughter. I'm also making felted slippers for her and then sewing pj's ( one of her most favorite things) to match the slippers

Flowerknitter said...

I do knit for the holiday's. For the people I work with I am knitting them little sheep that wear sweaters. And in my family we draw names so I usually knit for that person. This year it is my brother and I am knitting him a hat and fingerless gloves. Happy holiday's and knitting.

Mary said...

I always knit for the holidays. I'm making new stockings this year for the mantle.


K Butler said...

I love fall. And I will definitely be doing a lot of knitting for Christmas presents and the holidays. My kids are getting sweaters and hats. I'm knitting shawls and scarves and cowls. Just about anything you can think of. I love this time of year. You are definitely an inspiration to my knitting. I can be reached at: crimsonandcreamknits@cox.net

nancy blanchong said...

After several years of 'failed' gift giving attempts (items not appreciated, used or rejected in some form) I don't PLAN to knit or crochet gifts this year! BUT, I think that every year and always end up making something for someone at the last minute! And the funny thing is, since I've changed my way of thinking (aka: not going to do it, but find a loved one that needs a special gift!), what I do end up gifting is usually much more appreciated! So, in a nutshell, as of right now, I am just sticking to my charity knitting and not PLANNING any gift knitting!

Julie said...

I usually knit socks for my mum, hubby, and daughter for the holidays. They truly appreciate them and are not shy to hint at another pair! My mother-in-law knits, but doesn't like it when I knit for her. I think she views it as competition. My other family thinks that handmade gifts are NOT as good as store bought ones...I'm completely baffled by their views on gift giving. It's weird, I tell ya!!
My email is:

Madame duFarge said...

I often knit and crochet gifts-- a sweater, a vest, a felted handbag, hats, scarves and mitts. Usually for my children and other relatives, or charity. But this year the recipient will be me!

grammynan said...

OK, three daughter-in-laws...3 pr of wristlets or fingerless gloves.

grammynan said...

grammynan is nurnanc@gmail.com

k2travel said...

I am making shawls and hats-all knitting. Family and friends are the lucking recipients.

Jean said...

I knit. I am planning to do some holiday gifting.
I found some cowl patterns and doing some shawls.
The lucky recipient will be family and friends.

Mary Anne F. said...

I do knit gifts for the holidays. Usually socks or scarves. This year someone may receive a shawl.

Unknown said...

I do minimal, if any, celebration of "the holidays". This year, however, I have knitted cowls for some friends a for whom I think they would be handy.

Anonymous said...

I normally knit for my mother. Over the years she has been the receipient of scarves and needlepoint pillows. All things that doen't require a perfect fit.
Sadly, she has dementia and is in a nursing home this year.

Karey said...

Yes, I typically knit holiday gifts, this year I hopefully will knit shrugs for my sisters and mom. You can contact me at karclockATgmail.com. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Carolyn McClain said...

I always knit goodies for my grandchildren and children. This year I have knitted four flap hats, three cowls, mitts, scarves and sackboys from the computer game. Have done four of them and have one left to go!!!

Anonymous said...

I am knitting faire isle mittens for our boys(4), their wives(3) and our 3 yr old grandson. So far I have the little ones done! A pair for his mom, half a pair for his dad and a pair minus a thumb for another son. One pink/blue pair is a bit small so I don't know who will get that one. I may be wrapping pictures if I don't get moving soon!I have started spinning so that has interferred with my knitting time. If I just didn't work, but then I couldn't buy yarn! I grew up in upstate NY so I love , and miss, the fall colors and smells. Remember when we could burn the leaves in the street, great smaell.

Dawn said...

One year when I was a beginner knitter, I knitted 17 scarves as Christmas gifts. This year, I will no doubt gift a couple of scarves, just because they are so easy to knit while watching tv with the family. What I really enjoy making and gifting, are fingerless mittens. The teenage girls really love them too!

Debbie W said...

I am a knitter with a new granddaughter SO she will be receiving the majority (if and when I get tired of knitting for her-not going to happen) of knitted items this Christmas...sweaters, hats, and a few toys so far...
I can be reached at Jimzu2@hotmail.com

LT said...

Oh yes, the holiday knitting has begun. I have already completed a scarf for my niece, I'm planning a knit toy dog for my nephew and a scarf for my grandmother. I also want to do a hair scarf for my sister, and a lace bookmark for my mother and other grandmother. And a hat for my husband too. And then there's another sister...

I think I should have started all these projects in June if I want to get them done in time, because I'm also working on socks and a shawl for myself. What am I doing reading blogs? I need to get back to knitting!! :)

Tracey said...

I do knit/crochet holiday gifts for everyone that cares for my kids. I will be knitting three scarves for the teacher and her helpers for my son, my sitter will get a new scarf and hat, and the two swim instructors will get cowls. Thanks for another great giveaway. I hope I win!

Renna said...

I'm not a fast knitter, so I stick to small projects for holiday gift giving.

I have a niece who teaches cane travel to the blind in DC. Each year, I make her some dark colored fingerless mitts (she says the cane gets your hands dirty, so she prefers dark colors). I also knit her hats and scarves to keep her warm, since she is outdoors a lot teaching the students to navigate alone outside.

I'm knitting socks for my mom, whose diabetes is resulting in poor circulation of her feet. She wears the socks to bed.

I knit scarves for my daughter, who lives in a cold climate.

I love giving handknit gifts!

Grammajude said...

I, too, am in the grip of trying to get things knitted for Christmas. I have 9 grandchildren - 8 girls and 1 boy - and hats and mittens are the order of the day. I'm doing fingerless mitts for most of the girls so they can "text" much easier (I have no clue how to do such things!) If time allows, I'll be doing a few scarves as well.

Unknown said...

i'm knitting my husband a sweater that may turn out to be a Christmas present. I made a wonderful pair of fingerless mitts with a spiral cuff and may have to make another pair or two for some dear folks who I know will appreciate them. And then for my New England nieces, some wool hats...other than that, it's yet to be determined. I always like to make something for my daughters. Not sure what this year will bring.

caroline said...

I usually knit a few things for folks who will really appreciate it. Mostly shawlettes that take only one skein of good sock yarn.
I'm FiberTribe on Ravelry & in the blogosphere. thanks for doing these giveaways!

evie said...

I usually knit scarves or hats for the nieces and nephews, something for my mom and and afghan or shawl for my family "white elephant" gift where we send hours opening and stealing gifts from each other. I need to get moving and working on the big project soon.Luckily I'm going to take 2 weeks off around Thanksgiving so I'll have some good knitting time.

Anonymous said...

I pick on person to knit something simple for (usually socks!)-and only immediate family.

Carla said...

I am hoping to knit some matching hats for my little ones and their cousins. I think I better look for a bulky knit pattern!

Acadia said...

I tend to knit smaller items during the summer heat to tuck away for gift giving. My knitting time is all about relaxing, as I don't do well with deadlines!

jennifer said...

Great question! And the prize looks wonderful.
My xmas knitting this year is either worsted weight socks or basic fingerless mitts. I have a small family, so I've got all the parents (6 total), one set of grandparents, one aunt and uncle, and a chosen few friends. Next year I'll come to my senses and realize some of these people might not want another pair of socks!

Ruby Bundy said...

Love your blog as much as al your patterns and work! I feel like I'm a part of your life at the farm and I am a farm woman!!
I'm making a beautiful pink sweater from cotton yarn for my 3 yr. old granddaughter who is adopted from Korea and has beautiful dark skin. She will be so adorable wearing it. Also, some cowls for nieces and a market bag for friends, Hope I get it done. Would love your give away. Your books are my favorite.
Ruby can be reached at gbundy@windstream.net

Anonymous said...

I do start knitting for people in the fall: hats, scarves and wristwarmers. But, I can never seem to wait to give the gifts to people, so they get them as soon as they are finished. I did make a special scarf for my daughter-in-law that I want to save for a Christmeas present. We'll see if I can hold out. My email is edatrium at aol dot com. My name is Debbieamy, but I am posted as anonymous because I don't know how to do it any other way.

Gerri said...

I have the same flower clippers-love them.

On to the question: I do knit for christmas but it is waaaayyy too early for me to decide. So, you can then guess that i'm not knitting fair isle cardigans for the whole set of sibs. I may bet a purse done for my sister or a cowl. I can count on her to use things I make!

Gerri at greenboatgb@netscape.net

Amanda said...

I'm definitely a holiday-gift crafter, even though I often don't have time to complete my extravagant plans. This year, I'll like to knit a few scarves and make amigurumi Star Wars characters for my son.
(zhinkadinkadoo on ravelry)

Anonymous said...

Knitting is an all year process for me. So I have plenty of gifts to share with friends and family. I also teach knitting classes through community ed, so I am helping my students with their projects for the holidays.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am knitting and crocheting gifts for my mom, daughter, sister, and niece. I've just learned how to make fingerless gloves and am whipping them up in flirty colours for the girls: cherry pink, lilac, turquoise, lime, purples. Four pair so far. I have to hide them from my daughter--she already confiscated a felted hat I made for Christmas.It's hard for me to save her gifts--I especially love making stuff for her!

Shelby said...

What a great giveaway! Yes, I do lots of holiday knitting. In past years, I have knit for my nieces and in laws (we draw names) because I was big on time but short on money. This year, I am focusing my handmades on my own children, who have missed out on their own wooly goodness! Hats, amigurumi, and perhaps a sweater or two!
shelbypowers at gmail dot com

Hallie said...

I still consider myself to be a new knitter but am loving the thrill of trying something new. Yes I am working on knit items for Christmas...last year it was hats...this year it is baby doll clothes to match the dresses I am making my girls! What a great giveaway!!

Jani said...

My immediate family has agreed to a 'handmade holiday' for the last few years - such fun! I'll be knitting accessories for six - a mix of hats, fingerless gloves, and cowls this year. Thanks for the contest!

Mars said...

This year my family (dh, dd and I) have declared a handmade only holiday. So far I've knitted a lace sweater for my almost 12 yr daughter. It's a pattern called Liesl by Ysolda Teague. For my husband I'm knitting a steampunk inspired scarf called Clockwork by Stephen West. I'm also going to knit and felt a water bottle carrier for my daughter with the initials of her swim team on the side. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm the Anonymous signed Gretchen (at 12:59 above) who forgot to leave you an email address. Sorry-- it's gfgreene at msn dot com.

Sorry sorry sorry!
-- gretchen

Julie said...

I knit a lot of gifts for the holidays. So far I'm working on rainbow scarves for my daughters. Not sure what else I'll be doing yet.

Anonymous said...

I have loved reading all the comments! I already have a copy of the new knitting mag - spotted it at BN & couldn't resist buying it. I have knitted Christmas gifts in the past - felted oven mitts for all the nieces & nephews one year. But generally, I avoid the pressure of holiday knitting. I've knit sweaters for my 2 grandsons (1 gifted "just because" in July & the other one given as part of his birthday present in Sept) & birthday socks for them & their little sister. I may knit a cute little sun hat for her using the leftover yarn from her socks. We are visiting them over Halloween (I always provide their costumes - usually sewn but this year purchased costumes for characters from Harry Potter) & will give the oldest & youngest their birthday presents (both have Nov BDs). In general, I only knit for kids because they seem to instinctively "get" tge emotional significance of hand knit presents. I knit hats for my niece's sons one year & they ran around the family party excitedly saying "look what Aunt Donna made for us!". And my grands love hand knit socks.

Denise said...

All of my family's birthdays fall into this season, along with costume-designing and the course I teach for college freshmen. So I don't start any knitting for the holidays in the fall.

But I DO weave scarves. Weaving is super-fast, super-efficient with a special skein of yarn, and I love how the fabric drapes.

I will try to weave in the ends of socks I knit earlier in the year, and I will try that Afterthought Heel on the pair of unfinished socks.

I'll give you more address if you need it, but you can link through to my blog.

Denise said...

While not-knitting for the holidays, I do hope to sell lots of spindles and wool at my kids' school holiday fair, along with quick spinning demos.

I would use those BEAUTIFUL hand-dyed skeins for warp, and weave into it with matching specialty yarns in chenille or a nubby blend.

Crystal said...

I found soft suede slipper bottoms at my LYS, so I'm busy knitting everyone's winter slippers... and my usual hats and scarves and mittens. Love fall knitting!!!

Anonymous said...

I've only been knitting for a couple of years and am not very fast. I just finished a pair of socks, very simple, that took me 4 months. I'd be giving my gifts at Easter!

Jamie @ j.dixonk9@sbcglobal.net

dottykatz said...

I am making a few requests for Christmas mostly crocheted hats. But I also have an idea for a bread warmer basket combo.

Anonymous said...

I have family who just moved to Oregon from Arizona so I think I will make something warm for them like scarves or hats. They are not used to their new climate yet Lol! And maybe some fingerless gloves.

kim said...

this will be my first year of knitting gifts...well, i'm aiming for at least one....a scarf for my son. but i'd love to make a felted bag for my friend as well.

Beth Wiesner said...

I am a relatively new knitter and so far all I've made is scarves or squarish things like dishcloths. I design quilt patterns and use my knitting to relax from my quilting. This year I will be attempting to knit something for holiday giving. My family has a fun tradition. Each year we pick a "theme" and the name of one family member. This year's theme is hats so I will be attempting to make one for one of my brothers. He works for the gas company and is outside all day in all kinds of weather. So I will be trying to make a really warm hat. He is a great brother so I hope I do a good job!

Priscilla said...

I have just been teaching myself how to crochet and am very excited to make gifts for the holidays. I plan to make a baby blanket for my niece and a little hat that has kitten ears... =)

~*Priscilla Aguilar*~

Maggie said...

I hope to get some Christmas Stockings knit in time for Christmas. I was going to last year, but ran out of time! It seems every year the holidays come faster and faster!

Olivia said...

I do not know what I will be making this year for gifts yet, or if they will be knit or crochet (I enjoy both!) but I will definitely be making them! I will be making gifts for my parents and grandparents.


sharon themadknitter said...

Yes, every year I try to knit xmas gifts for women in my life. This year I have a shawlette for an aunt, an infinity scarf for a sister, a lace scarf for mom, and working on pedicure socks for another sister. themadknitter1@hotmail.com

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