The winner of October Giveaway #4 is...... Karen V. She wrote:
"Kristin, I have been reading your blog for quite awhile and feel especially compelled to comment, not only for the great giveaway, but to say that your Gram and my Dad share the same birthday, he would have been 92 today. He was a great inspiration to me and will always be a hero in my book! I am a novice knitter, so my experience is limited, but most of the free patterns I have tried have been accurate. I rely on magazines, blogs and Ravelry for obtaining most of my patterns. With so much available on the Internet now, I don't visit my LYS as much as I used to. Thanks for keeping me inspired with your blog, photographs and beautiful knitting!"
I want to thank you all for entering and writing so eloquently about how, why, and where you purchase knitting patterns and books. It has given me insight into how my readers think, purchase and feel about patterns. I hope to use it to continue to develop new products.
I've got one more incredibly awesome giveaway coming up in a few days. Check back. You won't want to miss this one!
Wow, it looks fabulous!
Love the space, I wish I had space like that, too. I bet your creative juices are flowing fast. Have a wonderful day, Meredith
What a lovely room of your own.....with heat!
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