The mature ewes are way up at the top of the hill. They are reclaiming a field that our neighbors used to keep their dairy cows on. It has been several years since there have been animals on this site. It was so overgrown with wild roses, goldenrod, brambles and small trees. The Farmer went in with his tractor and brush-hog and cleared a way so that he could set up the fence. The sheep have been grazing this spot for over a week now. They are covered with burrs and not too photogenic at the moment.

As the sheep graze and pick away at whatever vegetative matter is there, they fertilize the land with their manure. By next spring, this field will start to look better - certainly more fertile and green. Grazing sheep are amazing! As are Border Collies....

When I got the photo below onto my computer it was almost black. I took the photo very late in the day when the sun was gone. I did a little fiddling with Photoshop (I love the highlight/shadow command) and was amazed that the colors below were lurking amongst all the black.

The house at the top of the hill has been abandoned for decades. It stands as a reminder of what once was. I don't know anything about who built it or lived in it. I must look into that. Although there are power lines going to the old house, there is no power available. Every year more of the house rots away. Kind of sad but nice to photograph.

By the time I got done taking these photos, the sun was almost gone. I think the colors and the eery look to the sky pretty much sums up November.

It is really difficult to get used to the sun being gone by 4:30 in the afternoon. This first week after Daylight Savings Time is such an adjustment.

I agree. The first week of darkness settling in earlier and earlier, in fact just after I get home from school, is difficult! However, the extra sunshine in the morning hours has been kind of a sweet payoff! I guess it all evens out and the seasons just keep doing their thing and we humans eventually adjust and enjoy. LOVE your pictures, your comments, your blog, your books,and your way of expressing yourself. Thanks. Happy Knitting!
Is that old house on your land? If so, and is old enough, I'd be out "rescuing" any good "wide"-board flooring, ornate mill-work and other hardware! I hate seeing old craftsmanship being left to The Elements, especially when they can be given a new life...
I do like waking up with sunlight again though. It almost makes up for the sun setting so early...
lovely photos!
With teh time change, now it's light when I drive into work but give it a couple weeks. I don't like coming to work in the dark and leaving in the dark.
These photos are lovely in a quiet way, reminding me of Andrew Wyeth's paintings, which I have always loved despite my crazy need for the creative excitement of color. Perhaps I need the soft greys and tans to renew and rest my spirit. Thanks for sharing them!
I saw bittersweet for the first time years ago on a visit to Connecticut. I thought it was so beautiful with those lovely orange berries. I didn't realize it was invasive. We have Scotch broom here on Vancouver Island, also invasive but very pretty when it is in bloom alongside purple lupins in the spring.
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