Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Susan B. Anderson's New Book Spud + Chloe At The Farm + a Giveaway

A few years ago I stumbled upon a beautifully designed book called "Itty Bitty Hats." The concept and design of the spiral bound book was sweet, colorful and very well done. My interest was peaked because I hadn't ever heard of the author - Susan B. Anderson. I had been in the yarn biz for years. How could there be someone out there who was so super talented and who I didn't know? And then the next year, there was another Itty Bitty Book - this one on toys. I was dying to meet the author and as fate would have it, one evening at a TNNA show, Susan and I were seated next to each other at a publisher sponsored dinner with some book wholesalers. We hit it off and have become friends since that dinner, running into each other at different functions and keeping in touch by phone and email.

Photo Jim Mueller
Susan writes an incredibly cheerful and popular blog full of wonderful knitting, spinning, crafting and family. She also curates the Spud and Chloe Blog for Blue Sky Alpacas. She is Mom to four beautiful kids and lives with her husband and family in Madison, Wisconsin (knitting country for sure!). In person, Susan is exactly as you would hope - kind, smart, funny, pretty and a fabulous knitter/designer. I feel honored to count her as my friend. When Susan asked me if I would like to be part of her blog book tour for her next book, I was so happy to help her spread the word. Today I present to all of you Susan B. Anderson's uber-cute Spud and Chloe at the Farm.


To say Susan has done it again would be an understatement. The book is based on the adventures of two knitted toys - Spud (a knitted sheep) and his friend Chloe (a little girl with red hair and Mary Jane shoes). Along the way, they meet different knitted farm animals including Mother Hen and Chicks.....


and many more super cute knitted farm inhabitants. The instructions are clearly written, gorgeously photographed by Liz Banfield, and a story weaves its way throughout the entire book. I really think this is the kind of book that many knitters will knit their way through, building an entire farmyard for a special little friend or even to keep for themselves. I think it would be a great project for a group of knitters to make for an expectant friend and to base a baby shower on! I want to point out that these toys are simply shaped and very straight forward. If you are new to toy knitting, Spud and Chloe at the Farm is the place to start. The most difficult thing to me looks to be Spud's wool but even that isn't hard.

Watch the incredibly cute 30 second Spud and Chloe at the Farm book trailer here!

And now for the good news.... I have a copy of Spud and Chloe at the Farm to give to one lucky winner courtesy of Susan's publisher Artisan Books. To enter the contest, answer the following question.....

If you could be any farm animal, what would you choose to be and why?
Make sure you leave an easy way to get a hold of you. 
Deadline is Friday April 22nd at 11:59 p.m. Good luck! 

Contest is over. The winner is Jennifer who wrote: First I thought sheep...because well they are probably my favorite. But then I realized I'd rather be a sheepdog, any variety. They have the fun job and they get to sleep in the house ;) Thanks for yet another awesome giveaway!


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Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...

Not entering, but:
Must. Knit. Tiny. Chickens.

Joan and Kevin said...

I would be a lamb they are sooo cute.
Thanks for the giveaway!

beth said...

I'd be a barn cat. Does that count? Those little chickens are sooo cute! Thanks for the giveaway.

DebbyJ said...

A farm dog. You get to run around herding the sheep but still get to sleep inside next to your master's slippers at night. Plus, if you're a really cool farm dog, you might get someone to knit you a sweater.

Molly said...

I'm going with the barn cat. I love dogs but I'm betting the cats get to do what they want all day and have tons of cozy nooks to curl up in and sleep. Not a bad life :)

phaedra96 said...

I thought I would love to be our Corgi-mix farm dog. Bark at all things that go bump in the night, play, chase horses out and in, play chase with the frisbie, splash in the pond, baths so he can go into the house after the pond. He is such a happy, happy little dog. Who would not want his life?

Becky said...

I think the puppy dog would be my choice. I could work, wag my tail, make folks happy and get occassional pets!

Gina Power said...

I would be a sheep, not the kind for Easter dinner, the kind that only has to have a haircut once a year :)

Sunflower Days said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunflower Days said...

I would be a baby lamb, taking care of by my Mommy and just playing and running around with my friends all day not even thinking or worrying about a thing or even growing up!

Thanks! Pamie G.

Anonymous said...

I'd be a sheep. Or a goat. or a horse. This is too hard of a question. I just want to be the farmer so I can enjoy all of the animals ;)

Anonymous said...

~ I would like to be a Mama goat, milk goat, angora goat, any kind of goat. They're frisky, sweet & always seem to be having so much fun. Best part for me would be getting to be outside most of the time.~
Can't wait to see Susan's book.
Thanks for posting,
Shell ~

Joyce said...

I have to agree with everyone else who said the dog. They have an important job, are loved and appreciated, and are intelligent - most of the time ;)

I have loved all of Susan's books. She has some clever construction techniques. I made a whole family of mice from her Itty Bitty nursery.

Debbie said...

I would be a Momma sheep. I would definitely have twins (as I did as a human!). I just think they have a great life, a good haircut every now and then, someone making sure they stay healthy, dry, fed and if I lived on your farm, a really cool coat!

barb chio said...

I would like to be the farm dog because they have jobs to do to feel important and get lots of attention and appreciation from the farm family. Our farm dogs were always a huge part of the family.

Barb Chio

barb chio said...

I would like to be the farm dog because they have jobs to do to feel important and get lots of attention and appreciation from the farm family. Our farm dogs were always a huge part of the family.

Barb Chio

JackieLemon said...

Okay, I want to be a farm dog, too. They always look happy to be doing their job, busy, needed, valued by their owners.

Martha said...

I really like those little pigs!

Anne P said...

All the animals are important...but like many who've posted here I think to be the farm cat or dog would be the best...I mean, I like the chickens. I like the sheep, cows, goats, llama, alpaca, pigs, etc...But to be a well loved farm dog or kitty would be most rewarding. annegp on ravelry

Lapdog Creations said...

I'd be the guard alpaca who sees over the flock of sheep... protecting and basking in the glow...

Anonymous said...

A milking cow. I like the way they move at their own pace and those faces .. adorable. Most have a nice quiet disposition.

Gayle said...

Wow, that is a hard one. I probably would be a hen. Laying eggs is such am important responsibility. :)

OzKnitter said...

I think I'd be a dog. I'd get to run around outside and enjoy the sunshine, then get to come inside and sleep by the warm fire.

ozknitter AT gmail DOt com

Kathy said...

I'd like to be a cat, but one of the house cats, not a barn cat. The ultimate life of freedom and being taken cre of.

Anonymous said...

I would be a sheep, so that I could supply all of the wonderful fiber lovers with my wool!!! :)

Mommy said...

I'll go for mama duck. My little ones already follow me around like ducklings. klogemann at gmail dot com.

thewalshfam said...

I'd definitely be a dairy cow! I am a nursing mother of a 16 month old. Enough said! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Meri said...

Hmmmm...I think I would be a sheep. They are so cute and fuzzy and useful :)

Kristin said...

I would be the barn mouse...but I would be friends with the cat :-)

Michelle said...

I would be a sheep....then I could knit from myself! lol

What a great giveaway! I LOVE Susan's toys! Every knitter I come across, I show them my copy of Itty Bitty Toys and make them fall in love, too. :0)

michellesstitchwitchery at gmail dot com

Patricia said...

I would say the sheep! To be happily plump all winter and then get quickly trim in the spring would be a great life! Not to mention all of the happy people who would use my wool! Susan is amazing and I love the book!

DogBlog said...

Of course, I would be a chicken! We raised them for 4-H in the summer when I was younger and they are so funny and sweet. NOTE: We did not eat them. They were show chickens, and after an entire summer, who can eat a friend? :)

Anonymous said...

A llama, I love the wool!

jodi said...

All incredibly adorable, hard to decide, love them all; but I think it would have to be "EWE"!! <3

Susie said...

I think I'd be a goat. My granddaughter loves goats, because her daddy loves them, so I know I would be tremendously loved if I were a goat. ;-)

lee said...

i would be a hen. my hens are so cute & spoiled. i love watching them roaming the yard... and every day is like Easter. we have to hunt for the hidden eggs :)

Unknown said...

I'd be a border collie! What a hoot! Sure they work hard, but it's got to be fun, too, right?
Love Susan B. Anderson's stuff!!

Unknown said...

All the sweet little calves around this spring, I saw twins yesterday being so loving cared for by their mama. That's what I want to be that mama cow so regal and important on that farm. Proud to be a mama just like the cow and proud to be a grandmother of twins!

Sheri Karobonik said...

I would like to be a farm dog.

skaro964 at comcast dot net

Theresa said...

Definitely a farm cat, sleeping in the sun all day! Thanks for the great giveaway!

jessica kuntz said...

A pig-- laying out in the sun all day, having spa mud baths!

Margo said...

I just came over from Susan's blog. I love your photos of the lamb and kittens! I would be a barn cat because I hopefully would get a chance to snooze in the sunshine. Thanks for the giveaway. RavID: sewknittystar

Montymoo said...

If I could be a farm animal it would be a cow. I would have those big, soulful eyes, and fabulous lashes. And it would be expected that I have a big butt. :-)

D said...

There are some compelling arguments for being the barn cat, but I think I would choose to be a duck! Quack quack!

whyeatcrayons03 at

Tammy♥ said...

I think I would choose being a farm dog, the freedom..and being taken care of...

Bianca said...

I'd be a sheep. :-) I can provide knitters with wool

glongley said...

I think I would like to be the family dag or cat. They have a the job to give love to everyone and they don't even know what a great grift they give us.

mjknits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyG said...

i would be a sheep! then my lovely wool would be sheared and processed to give knitters yarn.

love the book, hope i win!

pookie said...

i would love to be the lamb.

mjknits said...

I would be a "fiber" animal-sheep, alpaca, llama-for all the spinners out there:)

danaj said...

I think I would be a sheep... it just seems to go with knitting.

Anonymous said...

I too would be a puppy dog because they are sooooo cute!

The Chabot Family said...

Its not my first choice for an animal, but since I'm breastfeeding right now, I think I'd be a cow!

Love the book!

Ann K. said...

I would love to be a horse.. as they are strong, regal and confident.. not to mention beautiful.

Jane said...

I would be a sheep. They provide us with beautiful wool to spin, knit and weave. When I care for my small flock of sheep, I always get a sense of peacefulness. They are a simple and gentle animal. Maybe that is why they are mentioned in the bible so often.

The book looks wonderful. I would enjoy telling the story with the animals to my grandchildren.

Jane Kettlewell

remmy said...

I would be a pig... why a pig one might ask? Because they seem to not have a care in the world of what anyone else thinks of them.

Unknown said...

I think I would be a farm dog. Do some work, have some fun, and be loved.

rav ID kristinfitzgerald

Anonymous said...

I would definitely be a pig! Pigs have always been my favorite farm animal.

Anonymous said...

I would be a sheep. I'd love to know my wool was being spun & knitted and keeping others warm.
Love Susan's books and your books too, Kristin.
griffinknits @ ravelry

Anonymous said...

I would be a herd dog so I could be the boss of the sheep. Plus, outside of the cats, you are the only farm animal that doesn't end up in the stew pot. (!) said...

i would like to be a pig, eating and laying around all day ;) thanks for the awesome giveaway!

trish v said...

I would be a barn cat.... Can't wait to get a copy of this book in my hands! :) If I enter enough of these drawings maybe I'll be lucky enough to win one.

rav ID knitgirl72

Chppie said...

A duck, so I could check out things on the farm from the ground and the air!

This was a hard one. I've never thought about what kind of animal I'd be.

Thanks for hosting the tour and the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would TOTALLY be a chicken! I've been trying to convince my hubby to let me get chickens for years. Maybe I should knit them and leave them around the house.

Geri said...

I'd like to be a common house cat with an attentive owner.

You can reach me at inglisg (at) sympatico (dot) ca

Bonnie said...

Tricky. I'd definitely want to be something that wasn't eaten by the omnivores... How about a sheep with a rare, lovely fleece?

tothfamily25 said...

I love the barn cat
and all the other characters for that matter :^)

Anne1962 said...

I would be a sheepdog- beautiful, playful and smart with it!

Anonymous said...

I really need this book.

Lucy said...

If I could be as cute as Spud, I'd be a sheep! I love his face! Great giveaway!

kates said...

I think I would want to be a cow, they have just the prettiest eyes!
What a great book!

Lacey said...

I would be a barn cat. They seem to have the most freedom. I would loooove this book. I'm a huge SBA fan!

ohdessa said...

I'd totally be a farm cat, mostly because I like to hide and nap.

Erin said...

I would be the barn cat - freedom, loafing around, pouncing every once in a carefree!

Sarah said...

I think I'd be a sheep so I could make some knitter very happy, just like this giveaway!

Ashley H said...

I would be the barnyard cat. Get to laze around all day, catch a few mice, then go inside and be all lazy next to the fire!!

nelia said...

The sheep for sure! He just looks so happy and cuddly!

billicummings said...

Well, I believe it would be wonderful being a barn dog! Work and play all day!

Debbie1085 said...

I think I would have to be a mouse so I can be the little creature going all over the barn making friends with the sheep, cat, dog and eat all the cheese I want!!

Lynn Cohen said...

I would be a pig because then I could eat what ever I want and rolling in the mud looks like such fun!
Lynn Cohen

And I can imagine knitting these animals for my new grandbaby coming in August.

Unknown said...

I think I would want to be a goat on a farm. Goats are so adorable, and (as long as I was a dairy goat) I could just frolic all day with my buddies and eat whatever I wanted.

Thanks so much for the giveaway! The book looks adorable.

Leticia said...

A little black sheep. Because there's a bit of the rebel and "ugly duckling" waiting to be discovered in all of us.

Gramma Phyllis said...

I would want to be a border collie like the one we had when I was younger. Bum worked hard with both the sheep and geese, but he loved to play just as much as work. The crazy dog liked to go fishing and crabbing with us kids. Maybe because we would throw things for him to retrieve.

I have several little people who would love for me to make Spud and Chloe's farm.

Sara said...

I think I'd like to be a sheep, they seem to have a good temperament and can be sooo soft. Thanks for this terrific giveaway chance.

Kate 'n Ben said...

Hmmm..I think I would be a sheep or a cat. Both animals I love.

katherinelynn_04 said...

I would definitely be a sheep. Then I could make lovely wool!
katherinelynn_04 (at)

Abbie Lynn Samuels said...

I'd be a i could eat and moo all day long!!

Anonymous said...

I'd be a pig. Smart laid back knows how to stay cool and the biggest smile of all the barnyard gang.

Colleen said...

I asked my husband this question and he said a rooster because they are not raised to be eaten. Haha!
I love Susan's work!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Karey said...

I would be the sheep, so cuddly :) Thanks for the giveaway.

sumo said...

Oh I don't about a pig and roll around in some mud. It's suppose to be good for the complexion. :)~

Suzanne said...

Lucky you to have met Susan in person. Lucky us to have a chance to win a copy of the book.

I'd be a chicken. Lately I've felt like a proud mama chicken doing a lot of clucking over my boys and their accomplishments.

Raising Awareness said...

I would be an Angora rabbit. I would provide the finest wool for knitting and I'd be the best and friendliest pet on the farm. I'd provide you with lots and lots of baby angoras to make sure you have enough wool for your projects. My best friends would be the goats and the sheep to provide some of the highest quality wools your heart could desire.

Kristen said...

If I could be any farm animal I would be a horse because I could run around all day in the field with my friends (the cows, the sheep, and the chickens) and I would get lots of love from the farmers kids. :)

Valery said...

Oh I so would love the book, if I don't win it guess I have to buy it... hmmmm I think I would be a pig, I know sounds weird but I could eat all day long, and do the mud bath thing, oh my skin would love me!! So you can pick me I wouldn't mind... oink oink

Missy said...

A sheep herding dog!

Unknown said...

Lets say I would be a barn cat. I remember many of them at the back door of my grandmother's home a long time ago. They get to go and do just about anything they choose, and still get loved on and fed by the humans on the farm. (and they aren't likely to become dinner for the humans) :)

barb said...

If I lived on Kristin's farm, I would be a lamb. I am thinking those little lambs are well cared for. And lets face it, who doesn't love a lamb's face?

Thank you for this great giveaway. I have 5 1/2 grandchildren under the age of 7. This book would be wonderful for years of memories.


yerkeb at rav

karenmoran said...

I'd be a sheep to keep all the knitters in yarn :)

alaskaknitter said...

I would be the farm alpaca, but I would be the farm diva, like Polka Spot (on the Beekman Boy's farm). :-)

Missy said...

I would be a horse. They're so beautiful :)

knitalatte said...

Animal on the farm? Hmm, A goose or duck, something that could fly into the trees and look down at the farm.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd want to be a horse! Don't know why, they're just beautiful to see!

What a great gift item!

Yarnorgy on Ravelry

nicole Ryan said...

ooo - black sheep! she's in a fashionable way already, a good coat to blend in with the night. and if caught on an adventure, can get away with the typical excuse 'black sheep'.

what a great book!

Dagny said...

I would be a pig...wallowing around in cool mud, eating what ever I wanted, snorting, napping...what could be better?

kanani said...

Definiately I would be a miniture goat. Love their eyes! Love this book!

lynnfredd said...

I would want to be a piggie and get to play in the mud. Thanks for the review!

Linda said...

If I could be any farm animal I would be a rooster. I like to get up early - I could wake everyone else with a nice cock-a-doodle-doo!

ljgreenlaw on raverly

Mackenzie Crawford said...

I think I would like to be a lamb. They are just so cute and little kids would love to come and visit you as opposed to a cow or something like that.

ravelry id - mommytofive

laurie said...

Barn cat is who I want to be. thanks for the giveaway.

Sue said...

I would be a sheep because knitters would love me!


woolies said...

I would be a horse. How can I not say that? I have 2 of them just outside, in fact they are whinnying to me. :)
Thanks for the chance!

Linda said...

I'm going to go with the cat. Everything else on the farm could be eaten if the farmers aren't vegetarians. :)
Thanks, looks like a great book!
cokelush at gmail

Jessica said...

I would be a chicken because ever since I was little I have loved the chickens on my grandparents' and uncle's farms.

Melissa said...

I would be a barn cat. I would be lazy, sleep all day, get fed milk, and not have to worry about ending up on the dinner table. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'd be a horse. Good, long life, hopefully, and lots of utility.

Marilyn said...

I think I'd like to be a dog. I could run around the farm and get to see the other animals and I could get plenty of petting from the humans. Thanks for the giveaway!

Geraldine said...

A cow... grew up on a dairy with lots and lots of them...

Jody said...

I'd like to be a border collie-full of energy!

Anonymous said...

I'd be a lamb! Ooh, just love their fluffy cuteness AND the fact that so much of they yarns that run through my fingers are from sheep AND the fact that I'm pretty stubborn, dumb, and need guidance from a higher source! Ha! Would love to win Susan's book!

Dena said...

I would be a goat. So very independent and adventurous.

But I MUST knit the hen and chicks.

Bel said...

I would be a pig, because it is the most magical of animals. *insert ray of sunshine here* Bacon my friend.. Bacon. I would bring so much joy to many people through the gift of bacon.

Laurelena said...

Oh I'd love to be a horse! I'd run free when I could and jump and play.

Francie said...

I was going to say I would want to be one of your adorable little lambs but then I thought of the life expectancy. So I will definitely go with a farm cat!

Thanks for the chance to win. I love Susan's books and patterns!

Suzanne said...

When I was younger, I had relatives that had a dairy farm in VT. I'd want to be one of the barn cats. I even ended up taking one back to CT with me one year.

Kathie said...

A sheep. Other sheep to hang out with, lots of time outside, yummy grass, and about as close to wool as I can possibly get.

cupcakegirl said...

If I could be any animal I would be a duck. I always loved the ducks on our farm. They were always amusing and funny to watch waddle around the yard. I can only imagine the fun they were really having each day.

Unknown said...

I would be a little chick because I love being around all of my family all the time and being with my mom.

RAV ID:stileslea

Patty C said...

I would be an angora rabbit. Just think of all the hugs from kids, and I would not be eaten,just combed!

Gina said...

I would be an Australian shepherd because they get to be the boss and herd all of the other animals and keep them in line.

sricker said...

I would like to be a farm dog, I could sleep in the house by the warm fire. It's cold here in Maine.

Artifax said...

I'd be the barnyard cat. Get to happily roam during the day and sleep inside next the nice fire during the night.

Judi said...

I would have to choose to be a horse. They are such a beautiful animal!

Zowmom on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I agree with a previous post - being a lamb that grows up to be a fiber sheep would be perfect!

Lynn G. said...

I'd be an alpaca. I just love their intelligent but comical faces, and their fiber is fabulous. And they're tall, which I'm not.
--flowerdancer on Ravelry

Tina said...

I would want to be a donkey, they know how to live in the moment, can adapt to anthing, are intelligent, cautious and curious. And absolutely cute!

Zenitude said...

I would be the black sheep.

judy said...

I would love to be a sheep so we all could have more yarn!

Anonymous said...

I would be a Piggy, made from the Spud @ Chloe on the farm book and I would be given to my daughter who would hug me day and night!!
Thanks Melanie (

Kris said...

I would be a milk cow. Not a whole lot of work to do and little chance of becoming dinner.

JFibers said...

I'd be an alpaca and pet my lovely locks all day long!!!

Unknown said...

I would choose to be the cat. I love cats!

Robin Allen said...

I would be Elsie the Cow. One day, when I was working at a coffee house, I made a comment about Elsie to the Borden delivery guy. She's a real cow that makes appearances and has a special pasture and groomers and handlers. He said they spend about $200K/year on her. So I would be a rock star farm animal.

Marilyn said...

I would be a horse...eating my oats...nothing to for no one...just loved.

Emma said...

I would be a barn cat. I am just desperate to get a copy of that book. I adore Susan B Anderson's other books, and I've been looking forward to this one for months! My email is

owlette said...

I'd be a sheep dog
my email is carej1994(at)gmail(dot)com

txjan said...

I would be a cat, and I would be nice to the mice...they're so cute! Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

I would be a farm dog. I'd have the luxury of a bed in the house, but the fun of hanging out with the farmer all day, riding in the back of a truck, and napping in the sun whenever I felt like it.

Unknown said...

This is tough. A sheep so I'd never run out of wool. Or a pig because they have such cute expressions and I love pink. Thanks for the giveaway!

Peggity said...

If I could be any farm animal, I would choose to be a piglet. I would want to be like Wilber in Charlotte's Web. Full of wonder, amazement and joy each and every day, delighted to have a beautiful, spinning friend.

Susan said...

I would be a little pink pig! Thanks for the giveaway!

marylouc said...

The mother hen, of course. All those cute little chicks to boss around, all the while making a clucking nuisance of myself!

Tara said...

I'd knit Chloe first :) My daughter would just love her!

Ally Jay said...

I'd be the barn cat but I'd spend my days lying in the sun and doing a lazy check on any mice.

Unknown said...

I would be a big, colorful rooster! I absolutely love to hear a crowing rooster, and their feathers are so beautiful. I'm a bird nerd. Thank you for the opportunity. (Gmaggie on Ravelry)

tjf said...

I think I would be a horse - to be strong and beautiful and able to run like the wind. Thanks for the giveaway!


Emily Eckel said...

Barn cat would be fun, sleeping in the sun, finding nooks to sleep in, come and go as you like, and ohhh those

dendiane said...

I would like to be the sheepdog or farm dog. They have important jobs at the farm!

Jenny said...

While I love my SHEEP, I think I would like to be a dairy goat...sweet, friendly and packed with personality. Always looking for attention. Next to a dog, I think they're man's best friend. And, I love their milk!

Jenny at

annemarie said...

Would love to be a sweet little baby lamb.

Countrysunrise said...

Today's farms have changed, and after seeing one for the first time last year, I would have to choose an alpaca. Not only are they cute, but their fur are useful, of course!! They add a bit of character as well. My other choice would be a Rooster. He's a regal, take charge kind of bird, yet has a bit of quirkiness to him that you can't help but fall in love with him!! Probe211@aol

MRW said...

I think I'd like to be a pig, rolling around in the mud and eating everything in sight.

Unknown said...

I would be a burro. They are so cute with their long ears. They are not ridden much and they enjoy a good scratch now and again. They move along slowly and seem to just enjoy being in the moment.

Flowermouse Design ❀ Lone said...

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

I would love to be a horse. It must be fantastic to roll around in the grass and running through meadows and long trails in the woods!!!

Jackie said...

I would be a donkey. They are stubborn and like to get their own way, but they are great for protecting the sheep from marauding animals.

Lisa said...

I'd choose to be a piglet. Just imagine laying around in the sun covered in mud. Eating whatever my little pitlet heart desires and not having to worry about my girlish figure. Sounds like a piece of heaven to me.

Lisa -

Helene Godin said...

I would be a chicken... My grand-daughter's name is Chloe and she got 3 real chicken for her 4th birthday last week!

Cranberry Morning said...

This is a fabulous book! If I could be any animal on the farm, I would be a dog, for I could live in the house with the people, instead of the barn. But I'd keep my eye on that Spud for sure!

Cate said...

I think I'd be a sheep and grow my own warm coat each winter. And, I'd love to knit a sheep! -- Cate

Anonymous said...

I would knit Spud. It was "love at first sight".
VCR on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I'd be a bunny as my girls (now grown up) and their children loved Margaret Wise Brown's book, The Runaway Bunny when they were little.
Thank you for the give away!

Teri Flatley said...

I would love to be a horse. To be able to run that fast, wow!

witknitter said...

I'd the horse. I've never lost my childhood love for them, they aren't the Einstein's of the farmyard, but they are beautiful, and usually good tempered.

Robin said...

I would say the sheep. Then I would be the supplier of the wool.

Monica de Moss said...

I'd love to be a range horse. I get to go out and enjoy the scenery, get exercise and then someone will rub me down and brush my hair, and fix my meals. :-)

Love those adorable knits by Susan and I would really love a copy of her new book. I have two granddaughters and I would enjoy making them each Spud and Chloe and all the farm friends.

karen said...

I would love to be the barn kitty! coming and going at my leisure... with nary a care...

Chris said...

I guess it would be a know I was contributing to the spinning of beautiful yarns would be lovely, and I'd get regular haircuts to boot!! said...

HI, I really would like to knit all the cute critters in your book, Susie. I have 8 grand children and I love to knit for them. They are all so cute that I can't choose which one I love the best.

mellenknits said...

Hmmm - a tough question. I think I would like to be a dairy cow - they seem to lead such a placid life.

Suzanne said...

I'd be a pig! I could eat all day and then lie around in cool mud, watching the blue skies.
CraftyTxGrrl on Ravelry

Denise P. said...

I'll be the barn cat, spending my life drinking milk and chasing critters and lolling in the sun.

flgirl1987 AT yahoo DOT com

darcy said...

I'd be a sheep that grew beautiful wool.
darcytx on Ravelry

Patti said...

I would be the guard dog to protect all the sheep on the farm. Probably a Maremma or Great Pyrenees! Love your art, and thank you for this opportunity.

Alicia said...

I would be Chloe... while I realize she is not an animal, she has adorable red mary janes and red hair. My son is a red-head, so if I were to look like Chloe, I wouldn't get the daily question of "Where did he get that gorgeous red hair?!"

Pam's Oils said...

My initial response was the obvious choice of bring a fluffy sheep that provides wool for all the knitters, but since do many others have already mentioned that, I'd be a barn cat: independent, wandering about at will to see all my animal friends & stopping by the farm house for milk, vittles & love from my people. Pammigliore on ravelry.

Picknitter said...

I would want to be an alpaca because no one would eat me and I could help them with their knitting.

Jodi said...

What a cute book! I'd love to be an alpaca -- so fuzzy and sweet.

Michelle said...

I would like to be a lamb, they're so cute and so is Spud! I can't wait to get the book and learn how to knit his wooly coat.

Susan R. said...

I would be a sheep! I LOVE sheep.....ever since I read "Bellwether" (Connie Willis) years ago. Of course I'm an avid Shaun the Sheep fan.......guess I'd have to be Shirley, but I'm a Shaun at heart! My house is full of sheep thingies and I MUST have a whirl at knitting Susan's wonderful sheep! Thanks for chance at the giveaway. Oh, and I absolutely adore your sheep pics!!!!

deb said...

On the farm I would like to be a pig cuz you can eat all you want and get dirty. off the farm I'd like to be a skunk and if I didn't like someone I could spray them and make them stink! LOL

Ontario Dunlops said...

I would be the dog...such a life!

Unknown said...

I'd be a sheep. They are cute, but the big plus would be my own supply of wool!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is excellent, I just made the Giraffe from Itty Bitty Toys for my niece and the free Oink pattern she recently released. I'm on a roll with animals.

My first inclination was to say I'd be a sheep too, but actually I think I'd be a horse. You get to be strong and powerful, and run like the wind. But there's also a good chance you'll make a wonderful friend in whomever cares for and rides you.

Jeannie D said...

I would be a mouse; small enough to hear all the "farmy gossip" and sneak some good grub all without getting caught!

Anonymous said...

I would be the farm cat. Freedom, naps in the warm haymow, all the mice I can eat, squirts of milk if I act cute enough and a little pat now and then when I'm feeling social!

Kim said...

I would have to be the baby chicks. LOVE THEM! SO cute. Thanks for this giveaway.

kimmorrow @

bitten78 said...

this is hard! I think I would have to be a cat- because they have it made being able to sleep all day, no responsibility at all but to roam around. on the other hand I wouldn't mind being a mouse, they get to sleep all day and party all nite and being so small I would imagine everything they do is a great big adventure!

Catalina said...

I think it would be a cow for me :) they are just such wonderful animals!

theyarnkat on Rav.

Anonymous said...

I would be a barn owl. They have the important job of keeping the farm free of mice:-)

Thanks for the give-away!

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