Monday, October 02, 2017

More Sunflowers

The beauty doesn't stop down in my garden that lies just south of our farmhouse. These photos were taken in the peak of "Sunflower Season" on September 22nd. 

The benefit of not putting in sunflower seeds all at once is that the blooms will be staggered. I mix staggered planting (otherwise known as not getting it done because other things took priority) with varieties that all bloom over different amounts of days and you will be guaranteed with at least a month of gorgeous blooms. Here is the scene from the garden the day before my last Creative Retreat of 2017. 

Stella Gold with long thin petals

Butterflies abound in the sunflower garden

A Stella Gold growing large with seed

Orange Ruffles - a dainty frilly edged variety

Maturing blooms

The Joker

Overall scene with amaranth in the front

The season isn't quite over yet but it is getting there. All of the seeds were purchased from Sunflower Selections. You can find their website here

1 comment:

Auntie Shan said...

Every time I see anything "SUNFLOWER" or "SHEEP", I automatically THINK of YOU!

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