Sunday, November 05, 2017

Movie Mad

When I was a kid, I never wanted to go to the movies. Truth of the matter was I would rather stay home and sew and create than "waste my time" in a dark theatre. It wasn't until I got older that I started to enjoy escaping to a dark theatre and becoming consumed by the big screen, the colors, the costumes and a different world that is brought to life by directors, story tellers, actors, and all the other talented people it takes to make a movie. 

Over the past few months, I have had the chance to see some lovely films at The Amherst Cinema. It is a long ride to get there but they seem to have the films that are never in Greenfield or Brattleboro. I thought it would be fun to share the trailers of three films I have really enjoyed recently here on my blog. If you can't see them on the big screen, they will probably be on Netflix soon. 

They are: 

MAUDIE - the story of folk artist Maud Lewis. I have written about her before. 

LOVING VINCENT - an amazing "animated" film made from oil paintings in the style of Vincent Van Gogh painted by 165 artists throughout the world. The whole thing blew me away. 

GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN - It wasn't until I had Julia that I read the Winnie The Pooh books by AA Milne. This is the story. A bit sad but beautifully done. 

Here are the trailers for you to watch. Enjoy.


susan hemann said...

thank you for sharing the movies, I have been starved for a good film!

Anonymous said...

I love movie trailers -- what a great idea for a blog post! Thanks for sharing. --Nancy in NC

Geri said...

I highly recommend :"The Big Sick".

Colleen Sharpe said...

About "Maudie" - I haven't seen the movie yet (though I'd like to), but if you ever have reason to come up to Halifax NS (I live in the region), you MUST go see her house in person!! It is set up in our local art museum, and it is a feast for the eyes. Also, did you hear about one of her paintings having been recently discovered in a thrift shop donation box and then sold for its value once someone realized what it was?

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Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...