Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Scrappy Crochet Hexagons - Progress and The Pattern

Here is what I have so far. 

I've been working every evening on my Scrappy Crochet Hexagons. At the beginning of every evening crochet session, I weave in the ends from the night before. I am piling them up each morning. Soon I am going to sew them together so I can get an idea of how many hexagons I will need to make to complete the afghan. I think this will be a multi-year project. 

Here are the directions for the hexagons I am making. 

Kristin's Scrappy Hexagon Crochet Afghan

Use worsted weight yarn and a size H (5.0 mm) crochet needle. I used my Color By Kristin/Julia yarn that has 93 yards for 50 grams. Each of my hexagons weighs approximately 6 grams. I will be able to determine how many hexagons and how much yarn I need once I begin sewing the pieces together. 

To Begin: With Color 1, chain 6. Work slip st to join in a circle. 

Round 1: With Color 1, [Chain 2 (counts as 1 dc), 2 dc, ch 1], 
*(3 dc, ch 1)* - rep bet *'s 5 times,
join with a slip st to complete round. 
Break yarn leaving a 6" tail. 
You will have 6 spaces created by the chain 1 between each set of 3 double crochets. This space is where the pattern will build out. 

Round 2: With Color 2, join yarn in one of the chain 1 spaces, 
[ch 2 (counts as 1 dc), 1 dc, ch2, 2 dc - work these sts into the open space created by the ch1 in first round], 
*(2 dc, 2 ch, 2 dc)* rep bet *'s 5 times, (this sequence is worked in each of the ch1 spaces created in the first round),
join round with a slip stitch to complete round. Break yarn leaving a 6" tail. 
The piece will begin looking like a hexagon.

Round 3: With Color 3, join yarn in one of the open 2 chain spaces. 
[Ch 2 (counts as 1 dc), 1 dc, ch2, 2 dc - (work these sts into the open space created by the ch2 in second round), - then work 2 dc in the next open space], 
*(2 dc, 2 ch, 2 dc) in each ch2 spaces, 2 dc in next open space)* rep bet *'s 5 times around the hexagon,
join round with a slip stitch to complete round. Break yarn leaving 6" tail.
Hexagon is complete. 

My hexagons are 3 rounds. Use this same pattern and keep adding rounds of crochet to enlarge the hexagons to your desired size. Each "corner" will be worked the same but there will have more "2 double crochets" between each corner as the hexagon grows larger. You'll get it once you begin working - trust me. 

I like this pattern because it is easy to memorize. It is also a bit lighter in weight than other hexagon patterns which often place 3 double crochets in the corners and open spaces. This pattern will use less yarn but might not be quite as warm. 

I am using my worsted weight wool/mohair/alpaca yarn which has been produced three times by three different yarn companies. It went by the name of "Julia" when produced the first time by "Goddess Yarns." Next, it was produced by Nashua Handknits and it was again called "Julia." Lastly, it was produced by Classic Elite Yarns and had the name "Color By Kristin." 

Sadly the yarn is no longer available although Webs has 2 colors left at a great price here. You might also be able to find it on eBay and Etsy. I doubt there will ever be another yarn quite like this one and luckily, I have a whole bunch of it that I am hoarding for my own knitting and crochet projects for the next umpteen years. I'm not sure what I will do with it all but crochet seems like a good way to use it. 


Robin said...

I also have hoarded this yarn. It is the best. I said for years that if I could only use one yarn for the rest of my life, this would be it!

Your hexagons are beautiful!

Kate said...

Thanks for posting this pattern and very clear instructions with helpful photos. Hexagons are in! Love seeing your color combinations as well. Are you using any color theme or are you choosing colors randomly?

Leigh said...

Very cute! I love all the colors you have. Have you thought of using this knot to join? It will save you your weaving in ends time.

Adaliza said...

So, so pretty. I just love my Gypsy Rose blanket that was made using Julia yarn and I wish I'd bought more of it! My evenings are full of my 'Vintage Rose' blanket which is coming along nicely. Funny to think that we're both crocheting away on winter evenings - thousands of miles apart! I'm joining as I go so I get to see it grow every day and I'm really looking forward to seeing yours take shape when you sew some of those hexi's together! A

Auntie Shan said...
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Auntie Shan said...

I've noticed that your hexes are cupping..? Be prepared to have a hobnob looking quilt. Which might not be too bad looking, but it will likely happen. Doubtful that any future blocking will help.
Although it's too late in "production" to do so, to correct the problem, ROW 2 should have 1ch in the "space". And subsequently, ROW 3, ought to have 3dc in the space. Or, do 1ch 2dc 1ch.
Either way, the hex should lay flatter at that point than it currently does.
Anyhoo, give it a sample try to see.
Meanwhile, ANY of your JULIA yarn will ALWAYS have a LOVING HOME *HERE*!

Kristin Is Now Writing Over on Substack

Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...