One of the bottle lambs from last year was named Cora and she was always a little different. She was very friendly and would run up to us whenever we arrived at the barn - feeding time or not. This isn't unusual for a bottle lamb since they count on their person for their food and "motherly" interactions. She would hang around, even after her bottle was finished. She especially liked Julia and any other small children who came to visit. As she grew, she became a sheep and grazed with the flock and did all that a sheep is supposed to do.
Sunday, during our extended stay at the barn, Cora started hanging around us again. She remembered Julia. It was so incredibly cute. I took these photos of the two of them - happy as any re-united friends.

Thanks for all the astute observations about the lamb in the house number! You guys are actually reading this thing! As some of you surmised, the little lamb from last week wasn't claimed by anyone. He came up here and had two rough days where he was very weak. The Farmer didn't think he would make it - but he did pull through. He figured out how to suck on a bottle and after a few more days of TLC, he was looking sprite. I woke up a few times in the night to hear the little pitter-patter or clumpety-clump (depending on how you hear it) of his hooves running around the living room.
This morning, on his way back to the farm to become a real sheep, I took the bottle lamb to school to share with the kids. I do what I can to spread the farming word. Julia is the only child in the entire school who has farm animals and lives on a bonafide farm. I feel it is my duty to teach the kids that their food doesn't come from plastic wrapped packages. It's a tough battle but some of them get it and are interested. Others could care less.
Lamb Count - 49 (it was a very busy day at the barn but at least it was warm!)
Lambs in the House - 0
Glad the little guy made it through.
How do sheep know how to smile. Cora looks like she's grinning, if a bit cross-eyed in that last photo.
What a nice photo of Julia and Cora! And I think it is great that you brought the bottle lamb to school!
Does your sheep normally get two lambs each? If so, you should have nearly 150 more?
I so enjoy reading your posts. Your world is so different from our urban Phoenix one. We have a dog that looks like a sheep. She's lounging in the courtyard near the lemon trees now. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
I'm so glad the lamb pulled through! I thought that was probably who you meant. So he'll live in the barn now, but you'll still have to bottle feed him?
And I remember last year with the sheep in the house. Sheep, guinea hens, cats... quite interesting house guests you have!
I love the pictures of Julia and Cora. They really do appear to be good friends! Also, I think it's great that you took the bottle lamb to school. I'm a city girl, but when I was growing up, every year we went to a family reunion held at my great-grandmother's farm. I saw pigs, cows, chickens, and bee hives (at a distance). I remember feeding a bottle lamb there once. I learned a lot from my farm relatives about how the animals and crops to feed them were raised. And they served the best fried chicken I have ever eaten.
What a good idea to take the lamb to school - the kids must have loved him!
These are such sweet pictures, filled with warmth and wooly goodness, both Cora in her own coat and Julia in her handknits.
Those are the CUTEST pictures! And I love Julia's knits.
I raised a turkey in the house for a week once...
I was just thinking about how cool it would be to have sheep just walking into my house all willy-nilly.
I wish that I had a farm, or at least acres of land so that my doggie could run and be free.
I do believe that Cora is smiling in that last picture!
Thanks for the wonderful posts! What great photos of Julia and the lambs!
-- Grace in MA
The sheep is smiling in the last photo, what a great photo!
I am happy to hear the lamb is doing better.
i love your posts too. and your little girl with the sheep cora is incredibly cute.
The picture of Julia and Cora nose to nose is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
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