The Farmer is doing a wonderful job with all his animal baby-rearing. In another month he is going to be plum exhausted. He came home the other night after a late night lamb-check looking a bit weary. Quick to bed to say the least. You see - it is all about food for the sheep and lambs now. It's a delicate balance - feeding hay at the right time and the right amount so the sheep don't waste it. Having enough hay to make it through the winter until the grass starts growing again. Starting to supplement the hay with some kind of grain so the ewes will milk better. But if he supplements too early, he'll have lots of big single lambs that sometimes can't be born easily and end up not making it. It's all a delicate balance but he does a great job! Here are some scenes of lunch at the barn.

that little lamby face is just too precious. so cute.
I love the photo of the lamb drinking/eating from the bottle! I want to snuggle it!
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