Julia had a blast (as did I). Mary Brenner, a very talented local knitter who made the lovely "Coleus Scarf" for the book, came and asked Julia and I to sign her book. Here's a cute photo of Julia so proud of being involved and included. She put a lot of thought into what she wrote and actually left me a little room to sign too.

The signing was well attended and lots of fun. Many enthusiastic knitters - including two men! Wow - how fun! I try to stay well-hidden in the hills here and don't frequent yarn shops very often. I was glad people were excited about the book and my yarn Julia which Northern Woolies is now carrying.
We (that means Northern Woolies and I) are thinking about having a party in a couple months. The reason for the party is to celebrate finished objects from Kristin Knits - or objects inspired by my new book. Anyone local interested? Look for more about it right here on my blog and on the Northern Woolies site.
I'm doing a book signing this Saturday at The National Needlework Association's semi-annual trade show in Long Beach, California. Attendees are all shop-owners. It should be fun to meet a lot of new shop-owners and re-acquaint myself with old friends. And of course, to spread the word about my book. I'm also hoping to talk with lots of designers and authors including Susan B. Anderson who did that wonderful review of my book on her blog!
I'll be back early next week. If you are having "farm withdrawl" (I know I will be - it pains me to leave this wonderful place and my family and be faced with the hustle and bustle of airports, buses, hotels, and trade shows), check out this blog, written by Jon Katz, which I stumbled upon and have been enjoying lately.
If you need a book sent out, don't worry - I'll ship it next week! And thanks to all of you who have ordered from me recently- we all sincerely appreciate it!
Lamb Count - 60
Lambs in the House - 0
Party!! Me, me, me!!!! (raises hand enthusiastically)
I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the signing. All three of us (baby included) had the flu and I just couldn't see to leave her at home nor to take her out in the cold air.
Psyched that NW is now carrying Julia yarn!
I love the pictures of Cora and Julia, by the way...
Thanks for the link to the Bedlam Farm blog. I've enjoyed his books in the past.
Hey! Your house is lamb-free! Pretty fast work :) The book signing sounds like a blast, and Julia looks quite official there. I can't tell you how tempted I am to go to TNNA, even though I don't own a shop...
I loved the picture of Julia and Cora too. But seeing her in the bookstore is sheer joy. What a sweet girl!
(Sigh) I'm kicking myself for not being able to go. :( I would have loved to meet the inspiration behind the lady!
Bunny hugs,
You're going to be in Long Beach!! Flying in to Long Beach airport??
I'll be in Whittier on Saturday for my daughter's baby shower.
Oh, I'd love to run down to Long Beach and meet you!
Your book was THE Christmas gift this year. I had told my partner that this was the year I would knit gloves and he saw the pair in your book and wrapped it up for me. I'm so happy you are back to publishing patterns, Kristin. It was a black and white world without you. Good luck with the new book. I'll think of you and Julia and the Farmer as I knit up my first fingers.
Oh, I will have farm withdrawal! I'll miss the sheep while you are gone. I've been so enjoying lambing season through your blog.
julia is so cute! i only wish she had been at rhinebeck so that she could have signed my copy.
She'll always remember being part your book adventure :)
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