We've gotten so many great ideas for names for our rooster. I don't have room (well let's say, I'm running out of time) to post them all but read through the comments from last post if you want a chuckle. We had a little family meeting and we picked out our favorites. Now it's up to you.
Vote for your favorite in the comments section. By the time I come back from Detroit, your votes will have spoken!
1. Lewis N. Cluck (Julia likes this one because they are learning about the famous explorers at school this spring)
2. Russell Crowe
3. E.B. White
4. Whitey (Bulger who's been "on the lamb")
5. Reginald (several of you suggested this regal name)
6. John Quincy Adams (evidently our rooster looks a bit like the man)
Voting ends April 18th! And thanks a lot!
I'm with Julia! Lewis N. Cluck gets my vote.
Russell Crowe - definitely!
I like Russell Crowe, too!
i loe the lewis and cluck but have to say my vote goes to Russel Crowe! Too funny!
I vote for what made me laugh: Russell Crowe.
Thanks for letting us all play!
so many good names to choose from. somehow, i think that Russel Crowe is dead on for your white rooster.
Whitey (Bulger) since the rooster is MA, borne and bred!!
Julia called it...Lewis N. Cluck, definitely!
Lewis N. Cluck is good, but Russel Crowe is the best.
Well, since I live in Brooklin, Maine I have to vote for E.B. White!
Russell Crowe for me!
I am biased, but since it wasn't mine really I feel ok saying Lewis N. Cluck!! Jules will be thrilled that Julia liked her name.
Lewis N. Cluck, of course!
Lewis N Cluck, or EB White, I would say.
I vote for Lewis N. Cluck
Russel Crowe. No contest.
I loved Lewis N. Cluck...until I saw Russel Croww, Which to choose, which to choose. I know !! Eeny meeny meiny moe. I think I have to stick w Lewis N Cluck. Do you think Russel will understand?
Russell Crowe, and when he does crow you can throw a phone at him..
I vote for Lewis N. Cluck. Most definitely.
I'm biased, too. I love E.B. White
Russell Crowe...too funny!!
Lewis N. Cluck! Norwegian hens say "cluck-cluck"...
I love E.B. White!
Russell Crowe! Definately.
What great choices!!! But we definitely agree with Miss Julia...it's gotta be Lewis N. Cluck!!
Although as fellow Massatonians (?) we agree that Whitey is pretty funny too!!
Larissa,Shelby and Bruce
I had a hard time choosing between the first three choices. Russell Crowe would be a lot of fun, but I think I like E.B. White best.
Good luck!
Russell Crowe!
Lewis N. Cluck for me! Russell Crowe wouldn't leave the comb in his hair.
E.B. White for sure.
They are all very cute and clever, but I laughed out loud at Russell Crowe! So that is my vote!
Lewis N. Cluck
Russell Crowe is the best! Tanja
April 18th is my birthday.....I vote for Russell Crowe and a close second choice is Lewis N Cluck....Michele
I vote for Lewis N. Cluck. Julia should have her favorite!!
Oh, E.B. White. He was such a lover of animals and a realist, too. He understood farm life. Plus, E.B. is an easy nickname.
Lewis N. Cluck. Julia should most definitely have her favorite.
to paraphrase E. B: any little girl that gets up before dawn (to rid the world of injustice....or, because a rooster is crowing) should get to name that rooster
Russell Crowe!
John Quincy Adams! None other.
He is a majestic guy.
Kristin, thank you for your lovely blog.
Regards, Anna
It's got to be Russell Crowe!
Absolutely Lewis N. Cluck!!! I have no idea who Russell Crowe is, but checked our JQA picture and .. by gum!!! Yes! but in profile only, I think.
All names are great by I still go for Lewis N. Cluck...
Thanks for the fun! Elizabeth
Oh, it MUST be Russell Crowe! It's just too perfect!
But really, Julia should have the final say.
Russell Crowe!!!
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
John Quincy Adams. It's hilarious.
Whitey's my personal favorite, but I think Lewis 'n Cluck would be an excellent alternative :)
Any besides, my word verification is culky
If you want your rooster to strut his stuff I think you have to go with Russell Crowe.All others seem too academian for the honor.
John Quincy Adams!
My friend's dog is named Quincy after this amazing, but seldom remembered, president.
I'm sticking with Reginald! :)
John Quincy Adams
I'm with Julia, too. I like Lewis N. Cluck best.
Russell Crowe
Makes me smile!
Lewis N. Cluck is my choice. I can just picture a rooster named Lewis walkin' around the farm.
OMG. Russell Crowe. Hands down. It gives me the giggles.
I'm going with Russell Crowe. It's very easy to say and remember. Your rooster is very beautiful.
I vote for Russel Crowe. (Saw him with his kids at the movies this weekend in LA so he gets my vote!)
Lewis N Cluck because I'd love to say "cluck" often.
Gerrie in St Paul
Love the name Russell Crowe!
Please, you MUST name him Russell Crowe. For me.
Lewis N. Cluck.
Love that one.
But of course he will be
Sir Lewis N. Cluck
Russell Crowe.
Sorry Lewis & Cluck!
Lewis N. Cluck hands down for me. Imagine, you can call him Lewis on formal occasions and Cluck in more light hearted moments.
Russell Crowe gets my vote
I have just cackled all over myself...
Russell Crowe...that's PERFECT!
I love Russell Crowe, but I vote for Lewis N Cluck. Our young man is a great explorer and always leads the way for his girls.
Well, Russell Crowe, of course . . .
I've gotta' go with Russell Crowe, for sure! They are all adlorable, and my second pick (pun intended) would be Lewis n/ Cluck, not that a second choice matters, LOL.
Lewis N. Cluck--how clever! Gets my vote.
Russell Crowe!!! Especially since it is rumored that he knits. hmmmm
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