Saturday, June 14, 2008

Oh My My My

They are getting sweeter by the minute. Gretchen (the tabby stripe) leaves next week. Awwww. I'm hoping I'll find good homes for the other two shortly. It will be lonely without them here.


Renna said...

Aww, that is just precious. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, goodie. I was hoping to see the fuzzy trio again today! Wish I could scoop one up and take it home. It was great to meet you at TNNA.

Barbara from Nova Scotia said...

Too cute! Thanks for the kitty p0rn.

Anonymous said...

Love this trio!! They made my day. I just want to squeeze them all.

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! They are precious! I would have a really hard time letting those little cuties go too. Wish I could scoop up the little black one with the blue eyes...

SNOWBIRD said...

What a trio! Too cute! Cuddly togetherness! I hope they all go to wonderful homes!

Anonymous said...


Lynn said...

Oh, I so wish I had room for another kitty! I have two already and alas, that is my limit. I'll keep yours in mind in case anybody I know needs a kitten.

Unknown said...

awwww...they are adorable. I appreciated your peony photo; it made me remember my grandfather's outside his small-town doctor office. The kittens are a perfect follow up "bunch." I have two wonderful cats and am rather glad I don't live closer or I'd be in line to get one of your kittens.

Ahava Hopps Brooke said...

thank you, thank you. what a sweet bunch. it only feeds my "compulsive kitten fever" even though i have my new kitten purring on my lap right now!

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