For the record, there are two red striped tigers (one with white and one without), one black, and one grey tabby with quite a bit of white on it.

Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...
Has Julia decided on names yet or will she beholding a contest?
My security word is herlaush -- are you saying I'm a lush or should the "s" be a "g" for herlaugh?? ;P
So cute! I cannot wait to read their names and to see them grow. Will these cuties be staying on the farm?
I was invited by your SiL Deb to help milk the cows on Sunday and I can't wait! :)
Oh, I love "kitten farmer." What a good job to have. Is there nothing cuter than a new kitty?
julia looks so happy!!!! Those are very lucky kittens.
After seeing those pictures, I want to be a kitten farmer too! How adorable.
I'm curious as to whether you'll be keeping them all too? We're moving back to Western Mass (Shutesbury) in 3 weeks and are keen to get a ginger kitty!
What cute kittens. Julia has a great job.
Adorable...the kitties and the kitty farmer.
love the kittens and I'm glad their eyes opened. Did I ever tell you that when I had my daughter I asked the Dr. when her eyes would open. Needless to say he couldn't stop laughing. see you soon.
Thank God! More kitty photos! I was having withdrawals!
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