Color by Kristin had been in the works for way over a year before the photo shoot happened. I knew I wanted to include two sweaters for kids in the book - one zippered cardigan and one pullover. They were both modeled on drop shouldered colorful designs that I have been knitting for Julia since she was an infant. I designed a striped pullover and had it knit up to fit Julia in shades of Geranium, Rock Henna, Chartreuse, Golden Honey, and Espresso. It was the first design I did for this new book. I figured Julia could model it. And then she grew..... it was over a year later and of course that happened - what was I thinking?. A month before the shoot, I designed a second pullover variation and had it knit big enough so it would fit Julia. And it was - then. Sadly she has grown some more and now it doesn't fit anymore. I sent it off on the Color by Kristin Trunk Show and it may be coming to a store near you.
As the photo shoot drew near, I knew I had to find a second model to show off the other little sweaterl Luckily, Julia's little friend Bridget fit into the first sweater and so I had two - slightly willing - models. Bridget and Julia are the best of pals so I kept my fingers crossed that magic would happen. I picked the kids up at school, brought them home and helped them change into the clothes Julie The Stylist had left for them. This was dicey to say the least - they weren't much into changing out of their own clothes into clothes that they couldn't keep. Somehow I talked them into it.
Out the door they went. And then they promptly refused to have their photos taken. I must admit, it must be a little scary - two strange men holding big black cameras and enormous white scrims, one nervous mother, and an Art Director dressed all in black from NYC.

The girls were warming up and becoming comfortable in front of all the equipment. Next we tempted them with kittens.

Aren't they just the cutest little girls? And the sweaters are quite nice too....
I'm going to Stitches in Hartford tonight and am teaching classes on Friday and Saturday. I don't have any book signings set up but if you want me to sign a book, just ask. I should be hanging around the Westminster Fibers Booth in between classes or looking around the market. The last few times I have done signings at Stitches they were pretty poorly attended. It's quite embarassing to sit in someone's booth and have noone come - bad for the booth and no fun for me! I think there is just too much stimulation there for knitters to even think about having a book signed.
If you aren't going to Stitches, you can order a signed book from my website here.
Oh Kristin - these pictures are just precious. Thanks so much for sharing the behind-the-scenes pics with us. Looks like the girls had fun.
Of all the beautiful pictures in the book that one especially stood out to me - so sweet.
Thanks for that lovely story. The final photo reminds me of my favourite Rowan book, edition no. 2. The light and composition is perfect. And as you say, the sweaters are quite nice!
I love the names you give your Julia wool: Rock Henna – fantastic!
With very best wishes, Jane.
Kristin, the girls and the book are lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Photo shoots with kids are dicey! You got some wonderful shots. Great job, girls! Beautiful work.
I have a 5 yr old in my life who is a natural ham. She LOVES having her photo taken, but sometimes I want a natural photo and she poses with a huge grin. I get one candid photo each time before she sees the camera. Could be worse.
You did a great job making that magic photo possible. I hope the ice cream was good!
Wish I could go to Stitches but it's not happening this time. And I've traveled enough this summer to not be as disappointed as I might have been otherwise. Have a good time.
I'm carrying your book around with me, showing it to folks at guild and at Rae's shop, and anyone else who will sit still long enough to peek. Love the book. Love.
yes, it is discouraging to knit to fit a moving target like that. But what wonderful sweaters!! Have fun at Stitches!
Kristin, received my book. Thank you, it is lovely.
Great story!!! And it is a great photo!!!
Awww, best friends! Beautiful sweaters and girls. You must have had so much fun on that shoot.
That is my favorite shot in the book, too! I guessed the girls were best friends. They look too natural for anything different! :-)
Back stories are the best! thanks :)
Love the new book and blogged about it: http:?/
I've been a fan for more than a decade.
I haven't been here in over a year, due to me quilting and not knitting but I still find your site so very interesting.
Goodness Cora! She looks great!
A lovely blog and your photos as usual are awesome!
Kristen, You are coloring our world with beautiful inspiration!
Can't wait to see all the pages in your NEW book. I wish I would have had one of your books when my two girls were the ages of your sweet little models. But instead, I will be working on your projects WITH my daughters for THEIR children.
And we will be doing our first steeking together!
Now it couldn't get much better than that!
I did embroider once when I made the Boot Toppers out of your "Kristen Knits" book.
I really enjoyed kniting,(and wearing) them!
Tempting with kittens would always work for me! :)
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