The big news continues! To celebrate the Book Launch of Color by Kristin, the fine folks at Webs and I are having a contest all this week ending on Friday. Kathy Elkins and I will draw a random winner on Friday. The winner gets a fabulous prize - a signed copy of Color by Kristin, the yarn for a project of their choice in the quantity for their size (if applicable) and the necessary needles, notions, etc. Pretty cool, huh?
Here's what you have to do to enter.
1. You have to read through this post over on the Webs blog and leave a comment.
2. Then you have to answer the following two questions leaving the answer in my comments section.
Question # 1: Have you ever done a steek and cut your knitting?
Question # 2: Have you ever added embroidery stitches onto your knitting or crochet?
Any more fun tid-bits you'd like leave are also welcome.
Remember, you must comment on both The Webs Blog and my "Getting Stitched on the Farm" blog.
Good luck! And as Kathy wrote, "let the commenting begin!"
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Kristin Is Now Writing Over on Substack
Hi All! A quick note to let you all know that I'm now writing a Newsletter over on Substack: Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter f...
Jane Brocket is an internet crush of mine. Her Yarnstorm was the first blog I stumbled upon many years ago. I didn't know what a blog...
I'm in a bit of a knitting funk...... How bout you? The weather should be warm, the garden should be planted, but the rain hampered ever...
The book is so beautiful and I know that I will be buying it soon. I am scared to death of stranded colorwork and the idea of steeks is leaving me weak in the knees. One of these days, however, I am just going to dive in and overcome my fear!
Love your work and I love the blog.
Yes, I've cut a steek. It was painless.
No, I haven't added embroidery to my knitting, but it's time!!!
NO steek here but I have embroidered for years.. even when embroidery wasn't cool and when it was (I was a big clothing embroider -er during the 1970's !!!
Never steeked, since sewing machines and I don't get along. I have added embroidery to knitting. Most recently, I knit a solid-color child's cardigan for my co-worker's daughter. I added lazy daisies and french knots to the cuffs and bottom of it (using the tutorial in Kristin Knits, incidentally).
I cut through steeking once, years ago, and I don't remember being horrified by it--but for some reason I've become scared by it! Some things are easier when you're young and fearless!
Embroidery on knit or crocheted fabric I haven't tried...but that should be much less frightening ;)
I have never steeked, but only because it hasn't come up. My mom does it all the time, so I know it's not going to kill me. (At least, probably not.) And I did once embroider on a knitted hat.
--Elizabeth D
I have both of your new books and the one from classic elite. I enjoy reading for inspiration from all of the books. I learned to knit in Norway when I lived there over several years growing up. I knit everything in the round and cut my skeets. I didn't knit flat until I was in my 20's.
for many years I made art quilts for competitions and I hand stitched on. So your ideas of stitching on knitting is a natural progression.
Love your books
Yes, I have cut a steek. I love the principle of steeking and what it allows you to do in your knitting.
I have only added embroidery once to a knitted garment. But I'm always inspired to try when I read your blog!
So far I've not been brave enough to do the steeking thing. Friends have said once you do it, then no fear.
I have embroidered on knitted items before - lazy daisies and french knots.
I love the color combinations you use in this book, I can't wait to own it. In answer to your questions, 1. I have never cut a steek but I would like to try. 2. I have embroidered on my knitting.
Jessica Kaufman
I've cut a steak. It was medium rare and delish. I thought you misspelled "mistake" and wondered, but now I am better educated to answer the question. No, I've never cut a steek and I've never embroidered onto my knit or crochet. I had my aunt come and do the embroidering. :S I love your book! It is so inspiring!
I've never steeked but willing to try someday. I have done embroidery - a Louisa Harding bag with daisy flowers. It really made the difference in wow factor.
I have used a steek and plan to use them again!
I love to embellish my projects with embroidery!
I can't wait to get my copy of your new book, Kristin!!
No, I have 1. never cut a steek nor 2. embroidered my knitting. I have lusted after your beautiful color combinations and I am delighted to see that WEBS will carry the Julia yarn. And, oh how I would love to be chosen for this giveaway!
I love every bit of your colorwork. However, if I remember correctly (and I may not; I'm coming down with Something), the only project of yours I've done was a sweater from an early Classic Elite book. I never finished it as a sweater, but a year or two ago, I turned the body of it into a felted bag, which is simply wonderful.
As for answers: Yes, I have steeked (a Dale of Norway sort of sweater) and no, I don't think I've embroidered my knitting. That I remember. I've been knitting waaay too long, though, and I don't remember everything any more.
I have cut many steeks in my time, but almost never embroidered on knitting. I would like to try.
The book looks fabulous! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
As for the questions, yes I have done a steek and cut my knitting. Several times, in fact, always involving a glass of wine, some deep breathing and darkened room - before and after! And yes, I've added embroidery stitches to my knitting. Its not really my forte but I do love the effects it adds.
I have not (yet) steeked my knitting. That is all about to change though. I am prepping for a Fair Isle sweater :D Embroidery on knitting is such a wonderful embellishment. I've embellished knits for my daughter with simple stars, flowers and duplicate stitch. I look forward to your new book, Congratulations!
I've never steeked...too scary for me. And yet, I've been making my clothes since I was 10...cutting cloth doesn't bother me, why yarn? I just need to sit down, knit a swatch & steek. That should take the fear out....should.
I've only embroidered on a sweater once & very minimally.
#1 yes, but years and years ago. Time to try again
#2 yes, fun tea cozies for Christmas one year.
Glad to have Julia yarn locally.
your designs are always lovely K!! Steeking scares the bugga out of me though! lol, being a self taught knitter i think i took a bit longer to get outside the box on some techniques. That may be one of the few i have yet to try. As for embellishing, yes i have added embroidery onto knit items afterwards. I so have wanted to see your new book and have really been wanting to play with the bright volors of julia yarns!
(left my comment on webs as well)
I adore your color use and designs. I have NOT ever done a steek but keep going back to the pattern in Kristin Knits for the navajo-inspried afgan. And Yes, I have done embroidery on my knitting and love the effect. Thank you for sharing you talent.
Never done a steek and never added embroidery. But, I am inspired to start! Your colors and designs are amazing!!
I've never done a steek, mainly because i'm running behind in my knitting. i was going to knit a lovely baby blanket w monkeys using steeks - but then i lost the pattern before i even got the yarn...
i've never embroidered on knitting - but i have done free hand embroidery on clothes, with excellent results, so i should probably combine it. maybe. some day. :)
I have your book already and love it. Am plotting several projects.
But to answer the questions, no I have not cut steeks yet. And Yes I have added embroidery to my knitting.
Thanks Kristin.
I lov your book and hopefully to get lucky.
The answers to the questions:
No, I have never cut steeks.
Yes, I have added embroidery to my knitting.
This is great!
I have never done a steek. When the day comes, it will probably be on a child's sweater pattern so when I screw it up I won't cry quite so hard at the ruin of perfectly good yarn! Wah!
I HAVE embroidered onto my knitting! I was completely inspired by your book "Colorful Stitchery" which I have a well-thumbed copy of right here on the bookshelf over my Mac. I love adding embroidery to my knitted projects!
Yes, I have done a steek and cut my knitting. It was only scary the first time. Fair Isle is my favorite type of knitting.
Yes, I have added embroidery stitches to my knitting, but only in a class. I need to start thinking of doing it more regularly.
All of the projects are brilliant! I will definitely be buying the book soon. Great Job!
Jackie Z.,
Hello! Yes, I've cut a steek in my knitting and yes, I've embroidered on knitting before. The steek was a leap of faith but I survived:)
Wow! I adore your colorful patterns - always an inspiration!
I have not tried steeking, but there has been a few dismal attempts at adding embroidery and crochet. I would love to be more proficient in all of the above.
Thank you again for your sharing your resplendent patterns.
I have not cut/steeked my knitting. I have added embroidery stitches to my knitting and crocheting.
I really like the colors and functionality of the projects/kits! Nice!
Yes I have steeked...want to do more.
Yes, I have added emroidery stiches to my knitting, mostly felted bags.
I have your first book and look forward to buying your latest, assuming I don't win one, of course :)
I've never steeked, but I've recommended it to someone else and said many encouraging thoughts (she was successful, by the way). And I haven't used embroidery with my knitting (yet), but I took a class with you and learned some new stitches I'd love to try!
Yaaaa! Your yarn is at Webs! Now I can order me some!
I have never steeked my own knitting yet . . . but I did cut up and re-make a hand me down sweater with great success!
I have embroidered on my knitting and plan to do more after being inspired by the pictures Kristin has posted here!
So glad to hear your yarn is now available at Webs, I looked but they didn't have it at my LYS. I have never steeked but maybe that will be my personal challenge for 2010! I embroider and knit but have never really mixed the two but it seems about time!
Yes - I have stteked - my first was the Scandinavian Cardigan by Cottage Creations - but then have worked some Dales and such. It is amazing - and no biggie - unless the yarn is mohair - eek!
And yes - I have embroidered - after seeing the I See Spots cardigan, I added dots to the otherwise plain sleeves of a striped sweater. So cute and easy. And lots of duplicate stitch - no way I would have finished those arglyes without duplicate stitch!
Your book is beautiful! I have done one steek in my knitting life and I thought I was going to pass out when I began the cutting. Then, I think I stopped breathing until I reinforced the stitches! Embroidery stitches were definitely less stressful. By the way, the steek came out perfect.
Your work is just amazing!
I absolutely love the Julia colors!!! I have never steeked but then I am new to knitting so maybe I eventually will. A long time ago I did do a bit of embroidery on some crochet but the photos of your work, Kristin, make me want to do some right now! By the way your books are beautiful!
I have never cut a steek--I keep reading about it and how scary it is.
I have done embroidery, but never on my knitting!
Kristin, your book is AMAZING. I am conservative with my color because I just can't imagine how such great colors would go together. Your book gives me hope that I'll break out of my blue/gray/brown rut and make something that is full of color! Thanks so much for the contest. Ordering the kits on the Webs site is a stroke of brilliance!
Kristin, NO, I haven't done any steeking. It just makes me cringe to think about it. YES, I've done quite a bit of embroidery on my fiber work. I keep asking my lys to carry your Julia yarn. I'll ask again.
Yes, i have cut a steek and lived to tell about it and no, I have never embroidered my knitting but it is on my short list to learn
No, I have never cut a steek or cut my knitting or crocheting at all. I also haven't embroidered my knitting, but I'm getting ready to! I've done lots and lots of embroidery and crewel work, so it shouldn't be too hard. I don't know why I didn't do that before.
#1 Yes, I've done steeks once. The sweater turned out really well, so I'm not sure why I haven't knit more sweaters with this technique.
#2 No, unless duplicate stitch counts.
Yes, I have steeked before. It was a bit scary to make the first snip.
And have added embroidery to my knitting. Duplicate stitch.
I am really excited about the Best Friends Sweater. I love the colors and am looking forward to knitting a version for each of my girls.
Love the previews from your book on your blog. No steeks for me yet but it's on my list of things to try. Embroidery- I've done that but am looking for more professional finishing techniques. Thanks for the giveaway.
Haven't tried steeks yet, but I'm not afraid! Embroidering is fun and the Julia yarn colors are inspiring!
Yes, I cut a steek last week after I rec'd your newest book. I haven't embroidered my knitting yet, but I have several projects picked out, so I'm sure I will soon.
I forgot to comment about the kits on the other blog, but I love, love, love the idea. I've been hoping someone would offer it.
I have NEVER cut my work-- but I'm willing to try it! I have added embroidery. I knit/felted/embroidered an absolutely beautiful (if I do say so myself! ; ) tea cozy for my mom for Christmas a few years ago and I really want one for myself too... but I'm sort of stuck in the SSS; except it's "2nd tea cozy syndrom" !!! Love your pattersn, your book & your yarn!
I have not done a steek... yet! I have embellished knitting with embroidery on one project ( - and I want to do more. Thanks for your inspirational book! And thanks also for your lovely yarn. I've only used Julia on one project so far but I can't wait to use it again. A wonderful blend.
I love the colors in these projects. Steeks ... not me. It does seem like a good time to try though. Embroidery ... I have a project in progress that will have some details embroidered.
I have done steeks and once I got over the first cut it wasn't so scary and it really makes for beautiful work.
I've done several of your mittens, hats and a tea cosy with embroidery and it is always fun to see the piece take on added dimension.
No to both the questions, frankly I am afraid of the commitment of colorwork because I always worry about not liking something when I am finally finished. I know that is totally irrational.
Kristin, I love your blog and seeing how your color inspiration comes from your farm. I also think your realistic descriptions of an agricultural life is refreshing.
#1 I have made one steek in my knitting career. It was on the Liberty afghan from Kay and Ann's second book. I was really tempted to just leave the afghan as a tube, it was large enough to slide into, like a sleeping bag. LOL But I manned up and did cut the steek. It was exciting and opened up so many possibilities for my future knitting.
#2 I haven't yet added embroidery stitches to my knitting or crochet. I haven't made a project that called for them yet. I can see that your new book definitely can expand my repertoire on that one. :)
And my fun tidbit is that I recently read that the average cloud weighs as much as 100 elephants. Pretty cool.
Congratulations on another beautiful book!
No steeking, but I have done some embroidery, thanks to your last book (Kristin Knits). Thanks for the contest!
I am working on a sweater right now that will require steeking. This will be my first time and I have called my LYS and have tentatively set up an appointment to learn how to do it with her guidance. I knit and crochet and have embroidered many times, some of your patterns are my absolute favorites!
I have just recently discoverd you through your blog and your work interest me a lot. I would love to buy your books and get to know your work better. And I can say yes to both questions. I have though done more of Q#1 than Q#2 :-) but hopefully I will be able to do more of the embroidery part.
I haven't steeked, yet but I will. I haven't added embroidery either but would if the project called for it.
SharonD, NH
Since I am a beginner I have not added anything to my knitting, too nervous like it is! I need to loosen up! I loved the book launch, so beautiful and inspirational. Thank you for sharing your gift to the world!
Just checked out the WEBS kits. They look great!
1. I haven't yet done a steek but am working on two projects now that will be steeked.
2. I often add embellishments to my projects and have embroidered on knitted garments.
Wow - how beautiful! Thanks for your generosity in sharing it all with us! I've not steeked a project yet and have done very few color-stranded things to begin with. I have embroidered on several projects, and it just MAKES them sing. Thanks again!
Thank you for offering all of us a chance to learn new things and to win something exciting and challenging! I confess that I have never steeked and am intrigued to give it a try. Years ago I did add embroidery to a vest I made for a friend because it was in the pattern. Having seen what Kristin does with embroidery, I've been thinking about adding embroidery without a pattern!
1. Yes I have cut my knitting and although it is scary at first it is the only way to go!!
2. I have added some duplicate stitch but not actual embroidery.
The shawl is my favourite so far. How much fun would that be to knit!! Oh my, can't wait..
I am only a basic knitter...sigh so of course I haven't done a steek. But the book, oh my I am so inspired Kristin. I have not added embrodiery to my knitting but often do to quilts...does that count! LOL
wow such brilliant color sequences! i have steekd a 8ft long tablerunner and have never used embrodiery stitching on top of an item, looks interesting tho.
I have steeked a sweater. I was scared out of my wits, but it went just fine, and now I wouldn't hesitate to do a steeked project. Knitting in the round would more than make up for any residual nerves. And I have embroidered on knitting--I learned from you, Kristin, at a class you taught at Colorful Stitches, and have since done it on a few more projects. It is so much fun, and attracts lots of praise!
I love the projects in this book! I especially love the pictures of Julia! I am the mom of a special needs child and I can see how wonderful she is.
I have never done a steek and cut my knitting, but I have embroidered on my knitting.
No...I've never done a steek, ever ever ever. Like shaving my head! And I've never added embroidery to my knitting, though I want to.
Thanks for your lovely blog and projects!
I know tht I am not a very brave knitter - but if it counts I really want to be. I have only steeked 1 time - on a teeny weeny sweater for a teddy bear. Everything when fine but when I think of doing it on a sweater I have put all my time into it scares the bejebees out of me. As for embroidery on knits/crochet - nope I haven't - but I know I will try it one day - I love the looks of it on all your work. I think all I need is time and confidence!! Best of luck on your book launch.
Kristin - I've never cut a steek and coincidentally have been reading Kristin Knits and want to make the embroidered fair isle cardigan. I'm into cardigan mode at this point since those hot flashes make it necessary to layer and remove quickly (gah!). Steeks are in my near future.
I have just recently added embroidery to my knitting thanks to a tea cozy that I saw of yours which inspired me.
Hope I win the signed book and yarn for a project - I am a huge fan of yours. Thanks for your wonderful blog which I look forward to reading.
I have steeked and embroidered on hand knits. I really like the combination of embroidery on hand knits.
Your new book looks so interesting and I really enjoy reading your blog. For the questions, I have not attempted either a steek or embroidery stitches, unless stitching a name on a stocking counts :) Thanks for offering this giveaway.
I have never done a steek but I have watched a friend do one!
I have embroidered my nephew's initials on his red felted fireman's hat.
Love your new book!
yayyyyyyyyyyyy! kristin nicholas no i have never steeked, but yes toembroidery on my finished work of knit. i love it and im waiting for some of the julia toarrive at my house so i can feel it for myself. kristin you rock!
I'm already working on my first pair of mittens from the book, and I love them.
I've never done a steek...I've watched one once, does that count.
and yes I attempted some duplicate stitch on a miniature sock I made for Yarn Harlot at Sock was just awful. Three attempts made it only slightly more recognizable as a maple leaf.
1. Too afraid to do a steek :/
2. One time I embroidered a face on a knitted cat. It turned out pretty cute!
I love your use of color and patterns, but I have never done embroidery although I have cut a steek a number of times. Big fan of color work and fair isles.
Three steeked projects so far, but only one garment with embroidered embellishment (French knots). Now I'm off to the Webs blog.
-- Gretchen
I have done steeks before, but still get a bit nervous every time! I took your class on embellishments at Webs, and loved it. I must admit, I don't do a lot of embellishing, but it is so nice to know how for the few times I want to add something bright and cheery to a child's sweater!
Steeks are on my "to do" list! I've conquered knitting in the round and lace. Now I'm working on stranded knitting carrying yarn in both hands on a pair of mitts in preparation for a fair isle cardigan.
I think embroidering on something would be way less stressful!
I have NEVER steeked and it scares me
I have done embroidery on my knitting much less scarier
I've only done a test swatch steek, so I guess that doesn't count. I have done some embroidery and duplicate stitching on knitted items. Mostly, just want to say how much I love your "Julia" yarn and I'm so happy that Webs will be carrying it.
The book looks amazing, Kristin! I've never done a steek but I figure it will come someday. I do like to add embroidery (and beads!)to my knitting occasionally - sometimes more is just enough!
I've never done a steek. I'm fairly new to knitting!
And I haven't embroidered on knitting, but I do sometimes full my knitting work and then felt on it!
I've knitted and steeked several sweaters/cardigans- when I started knitting 30-40 years ago, steeking was used on almost every garment! (Ï'm Norwegian, and knitted fair isle/norwegian patterns all the time...) I've also embroidered on a sweater I once made...but that was no big success...I've done some needlefelting and crochet on a couple of tea cozies though!I have a tea cozy with a bee on it...needlefelted, with fluffy white wings-LOL!
I really enjoy your blog, and I think it's the mixture between your sheep and farmlife, and your colours and knitting that makes it so special to me.
I've done some embroidery, but the colorwork knitting I've done so far has been pretty simple, so I've never cut a steek... Thanks for some inspiring projects - maybe I'll give it a try!
Hi Kristin,
Love your blog! I am so excited about the contest!
1. No, I've never steeked a sweater before
2. No, I've never embroidered on my knitting before.
I've been knitting for several years (uhhh...maybe 20 now?) so I think it's time to try. Your beautiful designs would be fun to learn both techniques with!
No, I have never steeked but I want to learn. Yes, I have added a little embroidery to my knitting. But I have to tell you that the projects in this book have changed my mind about bold use of color! I definitely want to break out of my comfort zone.
i have steeked but it was in the distant past. with these great new patterns, i may just try it again.
i have embroidered on knits occasionally.
i wish i lived closer to webs, but glad i can now order julia online. thanks
i have never done steek, and until you mentioned it on your blog, I had never even heard of it.
embroidery stitches I have added to both my knitting or crocheting, but never to the level you do.
i love to read your blog, I find the stories about your life on the farm very interesting.
Actually, yes, I did do a steek once. It was on a pattern from Dalegarn and it turned out just beautifully and wasn't half as scary as I thought it would be!
And yes, I have added embroidery stitches to both my crochet and knitted projects! I have your book Kristin Knits and it was very inspiring!
What a fantastic prize giveaway! I hope you get lots of comments and thank you!
Terri G in Medford, Oregon
rtgeroux at
I have no fear of steeks and have yet to do embroidery on my knitting. I'm not scared at all, I am just trying to find time to do all my knitting!
I love all of the projects shown on the Webs site especially the on-the-go knitters tote. The answer to question is no I have not done any steeks or cut my knitting. The answer to question 2 I have never done any embrodiery on my knitting.
I'm making a cardigan with a steek now but I haven't cut it yet!! Yikes!!
I've done embroidery but not ever on knitting. Thanks for the chance to win, I'm looking forward to seeing your book.
Hi, Kristin! Love the new book, I'm entering even though I already have it. No, I've never done a steek, but I have done some embroidery on a hat I knit for my grandson some years ago--it was fun!
Looking forward to knitting something from Color by Kristin soon--Carol Perecman
yes, I have cut a steek. I screamed through the whole thing - my mom stood over my shoulder providing moral support because she couldn't believe I was actually doing it - and then, as Elizabeth Zimmermann always said, I did actually have to lie down in a darkened room with a cool cloth on my forehead to recover. ;~)
I haven't added embroidery stitches to my knitting and frankly, even tho I'm an old embroidery-pro, I'd be scared to. I can't get over the idea that I would somehow distort the knitted fabric, or it would be too bulky and wouldn't lay right. Sounds like I'm ripe for one of your workshops for some "hands-on," eh, Kristin? ;~D
~ hb33 ~
No, I have not cut a steek but I've read plenty about it and look forward to trying one day. (but I am scared- the idea is intimidating!)
I've never embroidered on my knitting but I do know how and I'm open to it.
I love your book Kristin Knits and cannot wait to see your new one. Watched your french knot tutorial and am pleased with how they are turning out on my projects. Thank you for your colorful inspiration. I have never steeked.
looking forward to seeing your book!
I've never cut my knitting, but then again I've only been knitting for several years and am not "hard -core" yet.
I have done some embroidery on knitted items, but I'm thinking it was mainly on a felted purse. The design was totally inspired from one of your books and I had a lot of fun with it.
Wow, looking at these designs is like eating really good antipasto--such intense flavors/colors, so juicy and satisfying... To answer the questions: I have never cut a steek, and thinking about it I realize it's not so much that I'm afraid of the steek coming unravelled, but rather that I'm afraid I will find I've made a mistake somewhere else (e.g. in the sizing or shaping) and having cut the yarn, I won't be able to undo it. I really like the fact that in most knitting you can try over again. I have used embroidery stitches in my knitting: I made a bag with an embroidered insect on it once (and learned that when embroidering on something that will be felted, you have to be careful about whether the embroidery will shrink at the same rate and in the same direction as the background knitting...). Looking at these patterns is definitely giving me ideas of other ways to use this technique.
I haven't steeked yet but have embroidered knitting. I love your colours and how you use them!
Q #1 I have never done a steek, but am trying to get up the nerve to do one -- you are inspiring me!
Q #2 - I have used embroidery on knitting - especially on your fingerless gloves from "Kristin Knits.
No, I've never steeked. Yes, I have added embroidery to my crochet. Years ago I made a baby blanket of Tunisian (afgan) stitch blocks that were embroidered w/ roses. Tunisian stitch just begs for embroidery -- all those squares!
I never steeked, I usually add embroidery stitches and beads to my crochet and knitting, it looks real cute, I commented on the webs blog as well, thank you for the chance
Yes, I've done and cut a steek in my knitting but no, have never added embroidery stitches to my knitting.
Your choice and combinations of colors are inspiring always.
Congratulations - seeing the book in final form must be like raising a child. So much love and good work! I haven't steeked; it scares me, but I think one day I'll try it! I have embroidered my knitting (a clothes line with clothes flapping in a breeze and a flying kite on kids' sweaters) years ago. Must do it again soon!
Wow, you are like my hero... I am trying to get stuff together to publish... eventually... in this decade... we hope...
Anyway the wquestons:
Never ever steeked... not because I am scared to, but because I have never found the pattern that made it worth it.
Embroidery... yes. On woven, crochet and knit. I have books and books on it... love it. It is so easy to make baby clothing look like it is for a little boy and then embroider a little and suddenly no baby boy will be wearing it.
Wow, such colors and happy thought. Makes me smile looking at all the photos.
Well, I've never steeked or cut my knitting - but I have plan of a cardigan and to try the technique there.
I have added embroidery stitches onto both knitted and crochet things - mostly on small bags or purses - and love the look.
Good luck with the book. It looks absolutely beautiful.
years ago I did some embroidery on an australian sweater and I loved doing it.
I must try again.
I have two Starmore sweaters 'waiting' for me to muster up the courage to cut!!! And I love the embroidery that I am seeing here - I do little bits of knots and so forth, but you are an impossible act to follow, so I just drool! Have never won anything, but would LOVE to get my hands on your delicious book!
I have never done a steek, but I have added embroidery stitches. The pictures from the book look wonderful!
No, I have not done a steek and cut it, and yes, I have just finished a pair of felted slippers and used some embroidery ideas from Kristin Knits.
I have not been brave enough to try steeks... the thought of putting my knitting through the sewing machine and/or cutting it still freaks me out!
As for embroidery on knitting - definitely done that - how else would mouse mittens get their eyes and nose and mouth? ;-)
Congrats on a fantastic book!
Question # 1: Have you ever done a steek and cut your knitting?
No, I haven't. I'm such a newbie that the cutting I do it to just cut the yarn from the mess that's on my needle and start over again. At least I'm getting good at the Long Tail Cast-on!
Question # 2: Have you ever added embroidery stitches onto your knitting or crochet? Not yet but it is on my list of knitting goals. I'm so impressed by the lovely items that people create with a combination of techniques that embroidery is definitely high on my list.
I have not steeked, though I recently bought my first sewing machine. (I suspect my first steek will be on a project like the Over the Top Shawl, where you are supposed to unravel the knitting anyway--less frightening.) As for embroidery, I have duplicate stitched lots of motifs on sweaters, including a full clipper ship (with rigging) on the front of a sweater for my son. It was a Pingouin pattern and it really ought to have been intarsia, but somehow I managed to do it. I think your designs would be a pleasure to embroider--I have all your books, and I love them, so it's just a question of which project to start first!
I have steeked and embroidered, sometimes on the same garment. n adorable Dale of Norway cardi I made for my daughter when she was small. Still one of my favorite ever things that I have knit. Most recently on the cute fair-isle cardi in Color Style. That was a little too much embroidery for me -- it took days. But it did add a lot to the finished garment.
#1: I have never steeked, but am curious to try (little nervous too, but more curious!)
#2: I have done some embroidery on mittens and hats but nothing extensive.
Maybe both of these are good choices for new years resolutions!
Thanks for having such a great contest! And for getting your yarns out there. I have been reading your blog for quite awhile now and love all the pictures.
Thanks for the contest! Yes I have steeked sweaters and they are among my favorites. Nothing ever disintegrated as I might have feared. I can't recall doing much embroidery though. I have done cross-stitch on a crocheted afghan and I did a design on a Rowan sweater that came out really well. Your new book is on my Christmas wish list this year.
Here is my answers
Question # 1: Have you ever done a steek and cut your knitting? No, but I'dloveto try. Some day I will do that :)
Question # 2: Have you ever added embroidery stitches onto your knitting or crochet? Yes, two or three times
I've never used a steek on a garment, but I have steeked a practice swatch. Cutting the steek wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. I've embroidered quite a bit over the years, but never on knitted fabric. Clearly, it is time to try.
Hi Kristin! What a wonderful giveaway! I have steeked a sweater. And I really liked it. I would definitely do it again. And I've embroidered on knitting. That's entirely thanks to you. I made a little sweater for a friend's baby last week, and I embroidered a little flower on it. I thought of you the whole time. Thanks for the inspiration!
I've never done a steek and cut - though I've read about it and have Eunny Jang's tutorial saved....
I have added embroidery to both knitting and crochet...I love the detail it adds!!
I have steeked, but have never added emboidery stitches. I'm in a hat-making mood, though, so perhaps it's time to give it a whirl. . .
I've never done a steek on a project, but I did knit a practice peice to follow a tutorial on crochet steeks.
I've nver embroidered on my knitting - but will on the project I'm currently working on. Some of the details need more detailing.
I'm still a pretty new knitter so I have never done a steek or embroidered over my knitting.
My answers for the two questions is no and no. I do love your choice of colors, their crispness, and the delightful projects you design. I'll try steeking and embroidery if you say so!
Yes to both questions. I love embroidery on knitting. Much easier on a piece of knitted material than regular cloth.
Question # 1: I have cut my knitting, but only after it has been felted, not for a steek. Yet.
Question # 2: Yes, I made several coin purses as Christmas gifts for the gals I work with once and loved embellishing each of them with a variety of embroidery stitches. Embroidery was the first needle craft I learned as a child; It is so nostalgic for me.
Love the new book! I had a chance to knit a swatch with the yarn recently and really liked how it held stitch definition, while also having a very nice hand.
1. I am currently knitting a sweater with a steek, but haven't gotten to the actual cutting part...gulp.
2. I have not added embroidery on to knitting...yet.
Thanks for sharing your vision with all of us!
Steeks - cutting my knitting? Do I look like the Man of Steel? (NO!) Someday I may belive that a tried and true technique, that hss served knitters well for centuries, will not take an instant disliking to me and unravel months of hard work in a split second. But not yet. I also have not embroidered my knitting, but cowardice is not the main factor there. Thanks for the giveaway, I'm so glad to see color in the spotlight again.
I have never steeked, and i have never embroidered before. But I know that i definitely can (hopefully) and I would love to learn all about it and try it out and experiment with it!
I have never steeked and I have never added embroidery to knitting. Life holds many new adventures :)
Wow. I just read the post over at the Webs site and followed the links to the kits and all I can say is what a cool idea! I loved looking at the pictures of the projects from your book and I'll be adding it to the top of my wishlist. As far as the questions go: 1. no, I have not yet done a steek. I have done a lot of sewing so intellectually, the idea of cutting things apart and sewing them together doesn't upset me, but on a gut level, the idea of scissors and my pretty knitting just makes me think of the destructive capacity of my three year old when he is armed with scissors (you could say he has already investigated steeking). 2. I have added simple embroidery to knits and other items, but I'm not particularly accomplished at it.
No, I've never steeked. Yes, I've added embroidery to my work. Thanks for the opportunity to win such an awesome book.
I haven't done any steeks lately, but years ago I made a fair isle vest using a steek with good results. I just haven't done any projects lately that require a steek. I dont' think I have ever used embroidery on knitting. I am just getting back into knitting after a several year hiatus, but have been doing a lot of quilting, mostly designs of Sue Spargo. She incorporates lots of embellishments into her designs- embroidery, beads, ribbons-and these add so much interest to the projects. Kristin's designs remind me of Sue's, and I'd like to start embellishing my knitting
I have not done a steek--- the idea of taking scissors to my hard work scares me to death! What if I do it wrong?!!!
I did recently add a tad of embroidery to a baby gift I made for a friend of mine in Ireland. Looking forward to the feedback and pictures (since I forgot to take any of the finished product).
I've said this plenty of times I'm sure, but I love this blog... brings me back home a little (I grew up in Greenfield). All the colors, so cheerful and inspiring.
I've never done the terrifying steek, but I'm tempted to try it with The Over-The-Top Shawl!
I've never added embroidery stitches to my knitting, although I do know how to embroider. It really does add a wonderful finishing touch!
Chrissy at knittoday(at)hotmail(dot)com
Heya. Wanted to say that I really love the bold color statements that you make, and I especially love the household items-- the pillows and the ottoman in particular. I've never steeked, though, so that would be something of an adventure.
As far as your questions go, I've never steeked my knitting, but I have embroidered a bit onto it.
Great contest! Yes, I've cut a steek before. It only LOOKS scary, but your project will not disintegrate before your eyes. I don't think I've embroidered my knitting, but I'd like to give it a go at some point. I used to do more embroidery and a lot of other needlework before knitting took over. (sorry for the multiple comments-I was having some issues getting unsubscribed to posts and had to get that sorted out. I deleted the others so as not to have more than one entry for the contest)
Steek...oh no scary
Embroidery ... yes a toy monster fangs!
I have done a steek for armholes on a reindeer sweater. Love knitting in the round, especially with colorwork.
Embroidery has been done on toy faces and for details on a train sweater made for my son.
Sally Howard
The color are so great! I loved Kathy's blog about your book.
1: No steeks yet! I have a great friend who has this experience and she will hold my hand through it!
2: I am constantly adding embellishments of one sort or another! Embroidery is the best!
I love the colors that you use -- just so happy!
No, I have not cut my knitting yet, but I have added embroidery to my knitting.
I am a newbie to the world of colorwork, but by the looks of your beautiful patterns, I dare say I am inspired to dive in! Thank you! :)
1- yes! Just this fall I cut my first steek and did a double pickup for a lovely finished edge. Why did I wait so long?
2- Only at one of your classes! Again what am I waiting for?
Sorry to miss last night. Loved seeing the samples in the store the other day. The happy colors always make me smile. Congratulations Kristin!
I haven't steeked yet. And I have a sweater nearly ready for cutttttting. I'm honestly quite nervous about it, but hear it doesn't hurt a bit.
I haven't added embroidery stitches either. Quite the all-round knitting virgin, here, but that's okay because I love having all that wonder ahead of me.
I just love the views I've seen of your book and the pics on your blog. Your life seems so rich and full of color-- thanks for sharing.
I've done plenty of embroidery details (I like making stuffed animals & toys) but haven't steeked yet. Actually that shawl looks perfect - I've been wanting to make a cozy, heavy wrap for the couch and the carried-along yarn would add that weight and warmth. Added to the queue...:) Thanks for a great contest!
I've never been brave enough to steek, or embroider on my knitting! I want to try duplicate stitch, though.
Hi Kristin, I'm sorry to say that I have never steeked nor have I ever embroidered on my knitting.
I haven't really work with color like this in my knitting so your book has me very excited. I think I will plunge into my basket of "not enough for a sweater" yarns and go for it. I did cut my knitting once but I assure you it had nothing to do with steeking. It was purely a fit of rage after I couldn't frog 7" of st st fast enough! I promise I had a lifeline in the sweater where it needed to stop or should I say where I needed to be stopped!!! lol
Looking forward to seeing your book in person!
I haven't steeked yet, but I have embroidered stitches onto my knitting. I did some on Chistmas stockings.
My fingers started itching when I looked at the pictures from the new book. I can't wait!
i've never done steeks - but would love to try. i have added embroidery to some of my knitting projects.
I've never done any steeking. It scares the heck out of me! I've done a some embroidery on my projects but not much.
(Btw..I'm glad I found out about this on the WEBS site. I'll be following your blog now. Love it!)
Hi, I have not yet done a steek, in part because I don't have a sewing machine and from what I've seen that makes it easier. I have done duplicate stitch to write my daughter's name across a sweater and "love mommy" with a heart on the back. I learned in part by watching you do this on TV, rewinding over and over.
Jessica M
I'd love to win the book, Color by Kristen, and your Julia yarn!
Hi, Kristin! I'm happy the enthusiasm keeps building for your wonderful book.
I've steeked several times. I'd much rather knit in the round and avoid purling (especially in colorwork). Totally worth it. Then again, I've done a lot of sewing. Maybe that makes it easier.
My first steek, I just got some crummy yarn I didn't care about and I knit a tube with maybe 40 stitches. I like the crochet chain rather than sewing, just because I perceive that it is more flexible. So I tried that and cut, and nothing happened.
Sometimes I cut a swatch without any stitching at all, to show my students how it does not want to unravel sideways. Fun!
I adore embroidery. I've done needlefelting on sweaters and I've done duplicate stitch to make repairs on sweaters, both handknit and storebought. I'm dreaming almost every day about embroidering on knits for embellishment. Haven't allowed myself time to do it yet.
I just found a black mohair sweater at a resale shop. I think that will be my first embroidery-on-knitting project.
hi Kristin,
I have never used the steek technique, but I've learned the most about it from your site.
Yes, I have added embroidery to knitting for many moons. At seven or eight years old I embroidered everything I could, including my knitting.
I taught an Embroidery for Kids club at a school & am now wanting to teach knitting children I've known for years to embroider their knitting. I got your embroidery book from the library, but want to get my own copy as well as your current new books.
love the inspirations ~
shell ~
Beautiful presents! Joli, joli!
Beautiful presents! Joli, joli!
Haven't tried a steek yet but I have added embroidery to my crochet and knitting projects.
1. Have never done a steek and the idea of cutting my knitting gives me heebie jeebies.
2. I did add some embroidery to my knitting - to make regular mittens into spiderman mittens, but that the extent of it.
I have never cut a steek but I'm looking for just the right pattern.
I've embroidered but never on knitting.
monkalicious on Ravelry
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