Tarnished yellow apples against grey bark

Changing sumac leaves against the gray forest

Leftover leaves before the wind blows

Rusty colored leaves against evergreens

An abandoned sugar shack blending into the gray and brown landscape

The abandoned house high up on top of the hill

From the field by the above house, the sky and landscape was so colorful

And finally, a sunset that was spectacular

Hope to see some of you tomorrow evening at Webs from 6 to 7:30!
Did you know that those beautiful red clusters on the sumac make a great fruity tea? steep them in hot water(3 clusters/gallon), add a little sugar and yum! also the little seeds inside make a great pepper-like seasoning.
See you tomorrow night!! ;)
Each season has its own beauty. I can imagine a November colorway for Julia yarn.
Beautiful photos, Kristin. But, I've been dying to know...did you get all the burrs out of Eeyore's coat? What about the sheep? Do their burrs end up going with their fleece when they're sheared?
I'm a country girl who's never raised anything but hunting dogs. Of course, we always brushed out their burrs, but with regard to the sheep and donkeys I don't know these things and have to ask.
Love hearing about your farm, the sheep, and of course Julia. The pictures of your knitting are inspiring - I have done some embellishing on my knitting, but I've never done steeks. Too scary! Your patterns may inspire me to try though.
Such beauty. Thank you for sharing all of this. We have had loveliness here...but so much rain this fall and more tomorrow. The Fall Handkerchiefs of beauty just fall and fade away so quickly when the rain comes. I am going to truly miss the beauty of our Liquid Ambers. Is that not such a gorgeous name for a tree?
Beautiful! My family and I lived in the Berkshires for about 12 years. Wonderful country.
Warm wishes.
Kristin, I have never done a steek, am still working on memorizing how to knit a sock. After seeing some of your projects, I definitely want to try some steeking. I have embroidered on my crocheting-in high school I made a friend a scarf and embroidered his name on it-at the time I thought I was being very inventive. Would it be possible for me to show my 4H Sewing Group some of the embroidery from "Kristin Knits"? I do some hand stitching lessons every year, mixed in with machine sewing. thanks so much for all the "color"!
Your pictures inspire me to spend more time figuring out my digital camera. Still miss the old Argus C-3.
In regards to the contest: thanks for helping to organize it!
1-I have done a steek, my first one. The yarn was llama, slipperier than heck. Too far into the project, no color work, I realized that it would have been much simpler to just knit back and forth.
2-No, I haven't embroidered my knitting. My first thought was that when I'm done, I want to be done. Second, I don't want to interfere with the stretch. Third, gosh it looks nice so maybe I should try it.
Beautiful pictures! Love the doggies!
Wonderful photos! I hope you save some for a photobook. Or a calendar!
Oof...what a sunset...it quite literally took my breath away! I stopped for a second just to contemplate. Thanks for that...
Oh, (says shivering), I've not YET done any steeking. It's been on my mind though and I figure 2010 will be the year.
I haven't done embroidery either, but certainly don't fear that skill. Just needed some inspiration.
I enjoyed your interview last week on Ready, Set and Knit and can't wait to get myself a copy of your book.
Beautiful photos!
Ooooh, I love that yellow apples pic! Any chance you'd add it to your card collection?
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