When The Farmer asked them if he could put the sheep on their land, they relished the chance of having the sheep mow and fertilize the fields. Every day, The Farmer heads way up the hill to check to see that the sheep made it through the night and that no incidences occurred. Incidences around here mean sheep jumping the fence, coyotes getting over or under the electronet fence. About a month back, we lost one adult sheep and two lambs to the coyotes. It is never an easy day when one of the sheep is killed.

I'm sure the coyotes will get in again and have a tasty dinner but for the time being, things are working. Eeyore, our guard donkey, does his job somewhat although stuff still happens. I got a first hand lesson in Eeyore's coyote techniques the other night when I was taking these photos. Julia and I were just about to leave the field. The sun was really going down quickly. We had to walk a wood road and get back to the truck. Wildlife starts coming out when the sun goes down. I know there has been a big bear in the vicinity and I really didn't want to run into him in the dark. I had the two dogs with me so I felt pretty safe.

So there's a little farm update for you all. It is all in a day's work.
Thanks to everyone who came out to Webs. What a great bunch of people you all are. It was fun to meet everyone and show you all the projects from both Kristin Knits and Color by Kristin. The comment I liked best was - "Wow, the projects look so beautiful in the book but they are so much prettier and more amazing in person." And yes, I do agree with that, everything is always better in person! Being on this hill the other night taking photos of the sunset and the sheep - it was all even prettier and amazing in person.
Have a good weekend everyone.

(The house in the photos is a long ago abandoned house which is slowly decaying into the ground. I love to take photos of it - it has such a Andrew Wyeth quality to it, doesn't it?)

{hugs} I'm not upset because of the cycle of life and the need to eat even though i know these coyotes aren't paying as they should and taking money from your family. I'm more upset by how where i grew up (and many other places) housing developments have taken over the farms and the life that was there ... well, it's not been pretty.
sending good thoughts for the electric fence.
This sounds like an amazing life. I'm sorry you lost some of your animals. I live in Pawtucket and the coyotes are here, too. I love your designs and it's interesting to see the behind the scenes.
We've got coyotes in JP as well. Saw one a few weeks ago when I was out walking the dog in the wee hours of the morning.
Good to know Eeyore is up to the task.
Thanks for the update! I really enjoy hearing about your farmlife(as well as your knitting!).We have fox here that might take newborn lambs, and the raven too. It's part of life, but it sucks!
Beautiful house and photography.
I love the photos, especially the last one, very atmospheric!
ah, donkeys.
we have an old aussie shepherd mix that has always loved donkeys, even before we got one. & we got one & somehow he does not seem to think she is a dog (also the chihuahua is not a dog, go figure). The other shepherd, the mystery mix, the GSP/PB, even the mini-dachshund: they are dogs & he would love to get his paws...uhm...hooves on them.
Even though our dogs and donkeys know one another, we keep them separated by a fence at all times, so there is never any "confusion".
We've had tremendous good luck with Premier's eNets - we use solar chargers, and they work well for us even through the late-Fall months, and even into winter if we stamp down the snow (tho' usually we take them out by then since there's no need for rotational grazing). They are easy to move and set up, and the charger works great.
How is Eeyore for his hoof trims? Judging by his back hooves, not good! ;)
We had a great horned owl take some of our pastured poultry this summer (more eNets prevented any terrestrial predators from getting them) and I had to admit, I was thrilled to be visited by such a beautiful being. I was glad to give up some poultry so s/he could raise a family.
Thank you for running the contest with your new book!
Hi Kristin,
I love your book and the designs. I am also so happy Webs is carrying your designs in kits! That was a brilliant move. Lu
I love your designs! And reading about your farm. Glad Phoebe was ok!
merci pour ces superbes photos de moutons!
boy would i like to come and live in that house and restore it... (what a dream)
Yikes! Poor Phoebe. I hope she is okay.
Coyotes are adaptive, I see them sometimes even in this Denver, CO suburb. Have you thought about adding to your farm one of the big gorgeous dogs that guard llamas, alpacas and sheep exceptionally well?
Take a look here (NAAY) for great info:
Okay, here's a tiny version of the link on 'dogs that guard sheep' as it seems it got cut off:
I just found you blog via Youtube. I went to youtube to learn how to make a flower and found your tutorial.Just wanna say thank U for it and I now have a pic of my first crochet flower in my blog. It's not perfect... but it's a flower ;)
Yes, there is something Wyeth about that last photo. Very nice.
It would be a good thing if more people found out where their food comes from. Sometimes I get students who say, "Ewww, yuck. You mean carrots grow in DIRT?"
The place is really beautiful. It feels like paradise. You have a large number of herd it's wonderful.
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