Three this morning. This set of twins belong to a young Border Leicester cross. She wasn't so sure about coming in the barn. The twins are tiny but tough.

Another new lamb being carried into the barn with Mama close behind. The Farmer is wearing his Quarters Cap made by The Farmer's Wife (that would be moi).

Taking photos of sheep in the snow is fabulous fun. They all look so lovely lying in the snow, not moving and letting it snow down on them. Peaceful is the word I am looking for. They could care less about the snow, unlike humans who let the media get them all tensed up about an upcoming storm. I'd say I am closer to the sheep's view of snow - take it as it comes and don't make a fuss. Something I have learned by watching them. Animals are smarter than humans in many ways.

Twin lambs frequently nap glued to each other. Often they are intertwined, both asleep. This little guy is snoozing on his brother. Who needs a pillow?

Good day everyone. I've got to much to do and don't know how I am going to fit it all in. Taking a lesson from the sheep - don't worry - do what I can and the rest will fall in line.

I love my daily lamb-fix! The twins are so adorable!
My sister is very laid back, doesn't push herself hard but still gets things done. When I find myself over-filling my plate, I sometimes stop myself and say "What would ___ do? She would (pick one) not drive in the storm, not make such a complicated dinner, not set so many impossible deadlines" etc. etc.! Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy! Now I can remind myself to think like a sheep!
Good luck with your day!
I absolutely LOVE your sheep/lamb photos!
I love that last picture, of the black lamb with the white mama. So sweet.
They are so sweet! I love the twins resting together.
I agree with you and the sheep about the weather. People can be so strange about snow. I can't lie though I spend all summer looking forward to that first snow when they show people on the news lined up to buy a shovel. I always wonder what happened to the one from last year. like maybe I am missing out on some underground summer snow shovel fight club.
I know your day must be chock full with lambing and everyday chores and I envy your wonderful lifestyle!
The little lambs asleep are so sweet. Mama's proud of her little black lamb.
I agree about snow. I like snow and cold--I can wear sweaters!
I'm with you on the snow attitudes! And i love that little dark colored lamb...
Do you often get a black lamb? I think that is the first one I have seen on your blog, but I am relatively new reader. I always love your pictures and the stories of life with the sheep.
Just found your blog today. The lambs are adorable. I'll be checking out your patterns, too. What a lucky woman, surrounded by sheep!
As I look out my window at the snow falling in eastern Massachusetts I don't see any sheep. Thanks for sharing your sheep. The photos are beautiful and the sheep just adorable.
In the last photo, are the black lamb and the white one both from the same mom?
Love your photos!
OK - I love the last picture - the little black lamb is so cute.
Your post was just what I needed to read today. Thank you...
You all are hardcore. And here we moan about the 40s here in San Francisco. The lambs sure are cute; I guess their wool is thick enough to withstand such cold temperatures? I know you have the guarding llama and donkey? How do they let you know there's an intruder or a predator around? Do you have to worry about those?
Oh man, they are so sweet! You should do a calendar -- the animals and some patterns. I'd totally buy it and give them as gifts. (Like you don't have enough going on with the books, teaching, farm, and family! I just love your photos so much!)
Thanks for your perspective on snow! I too live in western Massachusetts and have been grumbling about today's mini-snowstorm but you're right--it's just snow.
I hope the flock is in a cosy barn tonight out of this brutal weather.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. The photos are beautiful! I love the little black lamb with his mama.
Those lamb pictures totally made my day. Thank you!!!
Love the pictures! I'm going to remember that taking it easy like the sheep. They do lead a pretty stress free life, don't they? :D
Are those numbers spray painted on the wool? Now I know where varigated yarn comes from ! Hee, Hee.
But seriously? why is the wool painted/dyed?
I'm having lamb envy because my first ones aren't due until March 22. We joke about the television weather forecasters & have decided they have to make themselves look useful by scaring us to death everytime there are a few flakes of snow. We may get snow tonight (or maybe not), but the grocery store has been over-run with frantic people buying bread & milk!
What a beautiful post-thank you! Someday I'm going to have to get sheep.
Thank you for sharing your pictures. That precious baby sleeping on his brother is my favorite. Thank you for sharing all that you do. I love watching your flock grow and how you and your family love and care for them. As a cityslicker, it makes me envy your farm and I agree, we should all just let things come as they will. God Bless you and yours, keep up your great blog, I just love it!
I love your sheep photos! Makes me dream of the day when we can have more than three sheep...
I miss seeing large groups of lambs bouncing in the sunshine.
All I can say is I just adore these sheep! Fabulous photos; they melt my heart!
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