This heart pillow is a project from my book Colorful Stitchery.

I made these hearts for Julia's teachers one Christmas. I stuffed them with lavender and put a little tie on them to hang them on their Christmas trees.

My Mom, sisters and I made these lavender filled sachets for my sister Jenn's weddiing shower guests last fall.

I made my sister Jenn and her husband linen pillowcases with embroidered hearts on the edge. Here's a close-up of the heart.

I made Julia this heart pillow out of recycled blankets. The heart shapes were cut out of different color wool fabrics and then stitched onto the green background. The vertical lines are done in feather stitch.

Make a heart today.
I had to share a project that Deborah from Minnesotat is making. She teaches a class at All About Yarn. The class project is my "Very Long Scarf" from Color by Kristin. The class is so popular, they have added a second one. Here's Deborah's version of my scarf. Isn't it beautiful? You can check out their website for a different view. It is so much fun to see what people do with my patterns - especially exciting when they mix up the colors. Nice job Deborah!

Lynn H from ColorJoy in Minnesotat is doing a great job on The Mother/Daughter Mittens. She is changing them into fingerless gloves. Check that out here.
I also want to thank Carol S. from Go Knit in Your Hat for the thorough and wonderful "no bull" book review of Color by Kristin. You can check that out here.
Doesn't all this knitting and stitching with color get you through the winter? For all you wondering, we didn't get an inch of snow this past weekend. Hoping for a bit of the white stuff tomorrow. Our ground is bare and brown and quite ugly looking.
p.s. You can buy signed copies of my books Colorful Stitchery and Color by Kristin on my website here.
Thank you for your nice comments! Roxanne finished her scarf and it now graces the Einstein coat at the shop. I wore mine home after work last night. I'm excited to see all the lovely colors as they bloom into scarves--it will be a welcome sight during the rest of winter.
I got my copy of your Color by Kristin and have already ordered yarn (Julia, of course!) for a bolster to build our bedroom decorating around! I think it will be my Olympics project. I love the book, as I knew I would. Thank you!
At my blog,, I have a felt embroidered heart project you might like to see. I know I would love for you to see it!
We are getting a bunch of snow today, time to get the knitting out! :)
best - Annri
I'm not sure whether the LYS checked with you or not but I find it very refreshing to see a designer flattered that a store is teaching a class based on one of her patterns. There's been a lot of blog posts last year with kvetching and moaning, esp. when free patterns are used. I think the LYS gives added value when they 'teach' the class and like that there's opportunity for knitters to explore new patterns and techniques. I wish there was one near me for your wrap. I LOVE that pattern and have huge reservations about picking a new color scheme without help. One day...
Who could resist beautiful hearts? What a fantastic scarf design!
I also enjoy embroidery. Your hearts look beautiful.
Warm wishes,
I love the hearts! They're so wonderful. I've been thinking about making a project tomorrow during the snow storm. Maybe some felt hearts will be nice. I think my daughter would love making them!
Your post brightened up my dreary snowy day today with all of the colorful hearts! Thank you for sharing your talents with us over and over and over again...
A Big Heartfelt Hug to you!
Thanks for the shout-out! Such pretty hearts up there! I always love checking out your blog b/c I know there'll be something lovely to look at...
beautiful projects !
Love the heart idea! Deborah is a great knitter and teacher. I loved seeing her scarf on your blog.
I use to do this with my mother and know I do it alone on the university because I spend almost all day there and the job I'm kind of unsociable haha so you can see I don't like to talk to much, but I spend my free time weaving and reading, I already made a scarf, gloves and hat in black and pink.
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