These twins were born this morning. One is a little small but so far, so good.

This morning, Jeremy our guard llama ran towards me when I called his name. After a few days of feeding him apples, he now thinks it is a regular affair. This morning I cut them up small so they were easier for him to eat. One more thing to do every morning!

The other day it snowed. Sheep don't mind snow. They have those lovely wooly coats on. As long as the snow is light, they prefer to be outside in the weather. I thought these two ewes looked particularly cute - just like a pair of bookends.

Eeyore is an opportunist. Here he is trying to sneak some hay away from this ewe's pile in her nursery pen.

This little lamb is so cute and so NOISY! She baaaaahs constantly even when her mother is close by. Just like kids - some chat a lot and some don't.

Enjoy your day!
Kristen - I just love to read your blog. I originally came to read about knitting but it is sooooo interesting to read about the farm and sheep especially during lambing season. Thanks so much for sharing your world with all of us.
I love the lambs! It makes my day every time I come on your blog and see new pix.
And the bookends thing... my 4 year old all of a sudden decided the other day that "bookend" is a bad word, and that we shouldn't say it. Which is, I might say, HILARIOUS. So now I giggle every time I see the word bookend. Heh.
Also, congratuations on being featured in the new Knit Picks catalog! You're front and center. (at least, I hope this is a congrats worthy thing).
Your pictures of the lambs are just making my day. Lovely.
Oh that last little one is so cute and happy its just made my day. I'm happy to hear that overall things are going well. :)
Thank you so much for sharing your lamb pictures. We do not begin lambing until April. It is really nice to visit your blog for our 'winter fix' of lovely little lambs.
oh, they do lift one's heart don't they?
That last photo is fantastic! Can't say I miss living next to that sheep farm though. I remember those noisy lambs...
I am enjoying your blog. I come from farmer stock and grew up way out in the country, but now live way too close to Detroit. I can almost smell the pungent farmy air when I visit here. And I LIKE it.
I love the blog and reading about the little lambs being born. Aren't the twins just so sweet to see. Keep us up to date on what's happening 'cause I love to read it.
Oh I love reading all about the sweet lambs but I know it has to be such hard work for you all. I am glad your business is going well and sure wish we lived close enough to buy lamb!
How do you survive all that cute? I love your blog, but especially during lambing season.
Oh my gosh that last lamb is beyond cute! And the ewes in the snow would make a great card. What wonderful photo opportunities you have!
I too enjoy lambing season. It comes with its blessings and heartaches each year. I can't imagine lambing 200 plus sheep! Wow! I thought I had bitten off more than I could chew this year lambing 30 plus. We started with just four, then eight last year and 3 something this year. So I am almost half through and we have had our fair share of blessings and too much sorrow to spare rgith now. Lost one ewe who left behind her baby, lost three babies who left behing sad mommas, and one momma has an aunt who keeps steeling her baby. ( I wish she would have her own soon!). Anyway just love seeing what is in your neck of the woods wach day. I also love your farmers hat. I need one of those for the morning chores. Dark 30 is not my favorite time of the day when the temperature is in the teens and I have to hurry and get the water out and feed and put hay in the bunk, check for newbies and back to the house to get ready for my real day job, school teacher.
We have llamas also and they come running hoping for apples every day does the camel, which I admit is not nearly as cute! That last little lamb is darling, Kim
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